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problem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

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  • roumen
    • May 2012
    • 4

    problem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

    I cannot make my Dreambox DB500s to work with satlover.com free servers.
    I put the row C: cccam.satlover.com 6559 BB4A9719_BD91FD4B www.satlover.com no { 0:0:3 } in CCcam.cfg file in DB500s, but before this check it in cardsharing.info to be sure it is OK.
    I start the CCcam web interface and on my PC under the address I can see providers and shares I can see the big list. I also start telnet session to my dreambox and run the command cccam -dv but most of the cases I don't see information for added providers, or cards, even the web interface of CCcam is showing it. Only once I was able to see that cards were added through the telnet and cccam -dv command. But even then I see nothing on my TV.
    Where might be the problem? Maybe I am doing something wrong? Shall I remove this "no { 0:0:3 } " at the end of the c line desciption in the CCcam.cfg?
    The version of CCcam that I have on my DB500s is 2.2.1 and the image is Geminy 4.71.
    Any help is highly appreciated!
  • Zmija
    • May 2012
    • 73

    Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

    After configuring your Cccam.cfg (adding the Cline), reboot your GUI.

    The big list with providers is viewable with the file cccam.providers..

    One notice: you could beter test your clines by using this program


    • roumen
      • May 2012
      • 4

      Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

      Thank you Zmija!

      After changing CCcam.cfg file I was only restarting the CCcam, but not the GUI. Now I'll try with restarting the Enigma.
      Thank you and for the link to the program. I'll try with it.

      How is better to put a c line in CCcam.cfg:

      C: cccam.satlover.com 6559 5E0D2A2B_3584000C www.satlover.com no { 0:0:3 }

      or with:

      C: cccam.satlover.com 6559 5E0D2A2B_3584000C www.satlover.com yes

      In CCcam FAQ in this forum I saw the second way is recommended.


      • microchick
        Experienced Board Member
        • Apr 2012
        • 1162

        Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

        You could simply create a notepad file with the extension cfg Just copy the line from the satlover and paste it in that file. Put it on a USB and then update the file on your box from the USB. The new line should be there. Select the line and then restart the box. Its done!!
        If you like my post, please don't hesitate to click on "Thanks"button. Thank you


        • Zmija
          • May 2012
          • 73

          Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

          See this post:

          Post nr 4 or 5 is giving explaination what is recommend. It has to do with the hops and the shares of cards/packages..

          keeping "no 0:0:3 etc. should also work


          • toby69
            Experienced Board Member
            • Oct 2011
            • 4198

            Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

            some more info here also.

            Do not send me iptv/cline requests,

            technical or iptv/cline server questions in PM!

            I will not answer!


            • mirny
              Experienced Board Member
              • Nov 2011
              • 707

              Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

              no and yes means that, if you want to receive emu or not
              HD-BOX FS-9200,SkyStar HD2 USB CI, Skystar2 90Fe Motor, 85Al Multifeed

              If you like my post, or was helpful, don't be shy and press the Thanks Button.


              • roumen
                • May 2012
                • 4

                Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                Thank you guys!
                I tried to find a working server with the program (Line Tester.exe) from Gogoli1 that Zmija pointed to me, but it seems that it is difficult to catch a working server from the Server Three list in satlover.com. I check some servers from this list with the program and it is giving me that these are Good lines, then I put these lines in the CCcam.cfg file of my box, restart it and it is not working. Then when I check again the same c lines with the program it was giving me that they are not working (are Bad lines).
                I couldn't manage to see a decoded channel through card sharing with using c lines from satlover.com.

                I also noticed that when I start CCcam -dv mostly the last line of it says: "no working cam devices, no need to start pmthandler". I suppose this means that the c line is not working? Only once when I started testing I saw with CCcam -dv some more rows, saying that it found irdeto caid and other rows with chid information, but maybe because I didn't know what to watch I didn't see the channels decoded and displayed on my box. You can see it from the two attachments - one is when I saw more rows, and the other is the usual way - when I don't see extra rows in CCcam -dv.
                What can I do more to see where is the problem? Might it be I can not find a good c line form the list of Server Three?
                Your advices are highly appreciated!


                • pan1300
                  Experienced Board Member
                  • Apr 2012
                  • 1663

                  Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com


                  not 100% sure, but right now the clines are already here from I think 15th May, so really overused (and well spread I fear) ; hope we'll get new free clines soon ; I suggest you wait a little bit more, and check with new clines, good possibility it'll work fine then.


                  • toby69
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Oct 2011
                    • 4198

                    Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                    one big reason why lines are over used is they being posted over the web by traitors to this site, if you look on cline theft thread how many get reported, trouble is there is 40,000 members here and only 2 members reporting.
                    Do not send me iptv/cline requests,

                    technical or iptv/cline server questions in PM!

                    I will not answer!


                    • pan1300
                      Experienced Board Member
                      • Apr 2012
                      • 1663

                      Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                      hi toby69

                      there you have a point.

                      For me personally I want to help more here, but insn't so simple (only have a client box, further real newbie on the cccam/DB/VU+ stuff, want to experience and learn more, but time (and the wife!!) is my biggest enemy here).

                      As test, I just gave it a ******, and after a while I found a traitor, then checked on the traitors site, and he/she was already there...


                      • runmo
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 6120

                        Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                        All help is welcome all over the forum, much knowledge or less knowledge we appreciate all usefull well apreciated input from our members. I can only say continue the good work and thank you for the support. About the traitors, whenever you would find name of c-line thief, please report it with as many info as possible (name + not direct link + date of posting). Toby is right the more help for reporting the better for everyone, less overload. The free c-lines should only be used by satlover members.
                        Thank you again all for the help, it sure makes difference. Traitors aren't/won't stay safe!



                        • Zmija
                          • May 2012
                          • 73

                          Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                          Yeah, I'm alsno not really enough into it like cccam.prio and cccam.providers were some new files i just learned over here. But like runmo said. Every little help to build this community further is welcome.

                          I'd like to learn more on this board and most of the things are too complicated for me, but I'm trying to understand it.

                          Ontopic I would say: yes indeed, the free lines are too overloaded, but when you keep active on this board you will get acces to more 'exclusive' lines.. As you can see on 15 usefull posts, 30 posts, 50 posts, 100 posts and so on ..


                          • pan1300
                            Experienced Board Member
                            • Apr 2012
                            • 1663

                            Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                            Originally posted by Zmija
                            Ontopic I would say: yes indeed, the free lines are too overloaded, but when you keep active on this board you will get acces to more 'exclusive' lines.. As you can see on 15 usefull posts, 30 posts, 50 posts, 100 posts and so on ..
                            Theoretically you're right, but - again, only client box -> that could well be the problem - I really didn't see differences between the more exclusive lines of server 4 (eg 15 or 30 posts), nor between the more exclusive lines of server 3 (eg 50 or more), and I did a lot of testing a few weeks ago.


                            • toby69
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Oct 2011
                              • 4198

                              Re: Pproblem with CCcam and C line from satlover.com

                              i only have non-linux box/client only box, i found that some lines are quite good, as mentioned before lines are always better out of peak veiwing times.
                              Do not send me iptv/cline requests,

                              technical or iptv/cline server questions in PM!

                              I will not answer!

