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278 results in 0.0679 seconds.
DM800 PVR (original) Tuner Fail - fix
I would like to share my experience fixing an original old DM800 HD PVR box that for a long time was giving me "Tune Fail" errors. That was... -
dm800 clone morto
salve a tutti.ho un dm 800 clone che funzionava bene per un periodo.poi a cominciato a diffettare quando staccavo la corrente.ho cambiato i quattro condessatori.funzionato... -
pause/rewind DM800
hi all,
can anyone tell me can you pause and rewind on DM800 SE, this does not seem to work on mine?
hi all,... -
DM800 HD Scan transponder from os
Have you tried to scan for channels for a transponder from a telnet session? Is it possible? -
OpenATV 4.0 for DM800 SIM2
This is so far the best image for clone DM800 i have used. It has very modern and cool interface(FLAT GUI) which make your DM800 freshed up. This image... -
OpenPli 4.0 for DM800 SIM2
Here is newly released OpenPli 4.0 for clone DM800 with SIM2 chip. There is really no big diffrence from 3.0 to 4.0 but it has some improvements.
... -
DM800 & DM8000 Settings/Updates
Optimized motor setting E2 for Central Europe - wide (1m -1.2m) dish size, depend of your location.
All known and found changes to 28. Feb. '14... -
Oscam needed for dm800 se hd sunray?
Pls experts i need oscam for my dm800 se hd sunray. Presently i am using ts1.1 sat4fun combo full. Oscam available in addons do not show in emu menu even... -
DM800 SE AND MGbamd.?
Experts pls guide me which are the very basic files which must be in usr/keys (mgcamd) for smooth running of mgcamd, -
List of Pli Based Images for dm800 clone?
Does anyone know all the pli based images for dm800 clone. I know a few but are there more?
Open Pli
Any More... -
stop start script dm800 clone
i need stop start script for oscam dm800 clone so I can install latest oscam, -
dm800 hd clone
scusatemi non trovato niente al riguardo spero di non fare una damanda gia fatta,ho un dm800hd clone con nemenis 2,6 .montato su scr sky quindi scr 1... -
How mgcamd is installed manually in dm800 se?
How mgcamd is installed manually in dreambox 800 hd se. I am getting server error in softcam menu and in add on menus.. So pls guide me to install it... -
Pls suggest good image for dm800 se sunray
Pls friends pls suggest some good images like gp3 or send me link for downloading For my dreambox 800 hd se sunray. Thanks -
DM800 HD Viasat HD Astra 4.9E
I'm wondering if it is possible to watch HD channels from Viasat on Astra 4.9E?
I have sound and sometimes picture aswell, but it's...