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105 results in 0.0266 seconds.
Image for DM500HD working properly with oscam emulator ?
Dear friends, which is the best image for DM500HD working properly with oscam emulator ? I am using İCVS but can not configure oscam to work.... -
Info generali
Salve a tutti, da poco mi diletto con un Sunray sr4
Immagine nemesis 2.6 SVN(110r0), del 23/07/2012
Enigma3.2 del 6/7/2012... -
DM500HD plugin location
Hi. Does anyone no how to delete plugins manualy. I have Two plugins I tried to uninstall via the Blue Button but the come up with error not found.... -
More channels on my DM500Hd?
Hi Mates!
I have a dreambox 500 hd, and I have a Skybox M3!
The dreambox is a better box, but the skybox is so worth the... -
dm500hd password?
it is possible to recover the password for access to the decoder without flash it?
(image enigma2 koala edition) -
Dream Elite dm500hd
TDW Dreambox DM500HD
TDW Dreambox DM500HD Enigma2 Image
HTML Code:Date: 2012-06-30 09:12 Enigma2: 3.999git20120616-r7.0 Distro: opendreambox 2.0.0
DM500HD e temperatura mb
Con l'arrivo del gran caldo anche i dec hanno bisogno di fresco?
Qual'è la temperatura max della mb consigliata per non incappare in guai?
... -
DDdemon DM500HD Images
Date: 2012-06-17 11:33
Enigma2: 3.999git20120616-r7.0... -
DM500HD remote problems
I'm having some problems with my remote.
The remote is showing that it is sending signal to the box, but I just... -
Italysat Images for DM500HD
Question to Dreambox DM500HD owners
hi Dreambox is dead wont boot and here in my town no1 can repair it .
There is a IC under the dm500HD tuner that is broken
... -
strano problema con dm500hd
Qualche giorno fa mi è successo che il dm500hd con l'ultima immagine nemesis su alcuni canali di sky mi dava "sintonia fallita", entravo nel... -
tuner sensitivity In Dm500HD DM800HD se DM7020HD
what Is your experience with mentioned original products
all have reported very good tuner sensitivity
but has anyone... -
openAAF Release Image 23.12.2011 DM500HD
openAAF Release Image 23.12.2011 DM500HD