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vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

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  • runmo
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 6120

    vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

    All about tools, plugins and add-ons for vu+duo can be posted here
  • mikine56
    • Mar 2010
    • 3258

    Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

    NFI Image Unpacker nfidump


    One of the waste products of the development LowFat yes, the nfidump binary.

    This is a single binary with which you can unpack nfi files easy and simple without additional tools, scripts, python ...

    . / nfidump imagename.nfi target directory name such command: nfidump blackhole-1.4.4-e-bm750.nfi / media / hdd / test /

    In the appendix you find the appropriate IPKs for mipsel and powerpc. Please test, especially the PowerPC version, which is in mipsel LowFat been thoroughly tested.

    A 64-bit Linux binary for the Linux PC I have also packed to the case who wants to test how fast one can unpack nfi image on the PC.

    On the PC, but can take care of you, because if we as a directory / root and typing is also its own Linux then you overwrite and thus kill.

    So always nice normal directories below the best directories where you are now entering a target (and the directory is created equal and must therefore not exist, only if there is already what it will be deleted)

    The IPKs install as normal, the PC simply from the binary tar.gz hole and copy in / usr / sbin.

    gracias a gutemine
    Attached Files


    • sonc
      Experienced Board Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 1568

      Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

      CoolTv Guide Version 2.2.2 by Coolman
      Attached Files


      • mikine56
        • Mar 2010
        • 3258

        Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

        PlanerFS 2.0
        Please follow the instructions found in the next post
        there are two different calendars are displayed (note the next review), eg second for service-readiness plan (Bouquet-key)
        From the Start Screen only events will be displayed in the main file!

        ical further additional files are displayed in the calendar (in the folder 'etc / conff' copy), but they can not be edited

        christl moving. Holidays may differ from PlanerFS (optional greg. or jul.) are calculated and displayed

        iCal files from PlanerFS can be edited externally with ical software

        Download function, easy to upgrade an ical file in the directory PlanerFS
        (eg from the internet, ****** Calendar, Network / file in a same PlanerFS directory is overwritten)

        easier for import / file an appointment of additional

        Language Support (. pot in locale), skinbar (already supported by several mods)

        Backup / Restore iCal files and settings

        My special thanks go to zombies, for the many times has he crashed with my mistakes and confirmed, without him it would have no decent
        Presentation given
        I am also grateful to all those I have detailed descriptions and error logs helps to find errors
        Attached Files


        • sonc
          Experienced Board Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 1568

          Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

          VU+ remote control in web interface

          This is for BlackHole image, tested on BH1.4.3 and BH1.4.4.

          It replaces the picture of the dreambox webremote with the correct Vu+ webremote and the correct key mappings.

          You need to clear the browser cache once the file has been installed to pick up the new image.

          Unzip attachment and copy .tgz file to /tmp, and install from Addons menu.
          Attached Files


          • foriyu
            • Oct 2010
            • 2335

            Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

            New Menu Dreambox VU+ Duo & Solo Enigma2

            File Type: ipk enigma2-greek-sources-blackhole_mipsel.ipk

            File Type: ipk enigma2-greek-sources-crossepg_mipsel.ipk (938 Bytes, Download

            File Type: ipk enigma2-plugin-extensions-greeksub_1.0_mipsel.ipk (45.5 KB, 0

            File Type: ipk enigma2-plugin-extensions-newmenu_2.0_mipsel.ipk (130.7 KB,


            • sonc
              Experienced Board Member
              • Jun 2010
              • 1568

              Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

              SV********** 3.1

              3.1 - Multiple choice on category save (DVBS/S2 and DVBT allowed)
              - Check for DVBT Services before LCN Scan
              Attached Files


              • MIDO2010
                Experienced Board Member
                • Sep 2010
                • 1644

                Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                DMConcinnity-HD SR-MOD

                The DMConcinnity-HD Skin will installed in two versions :
                - The DMConcinnity-HD Skin from Kerni as find on the OoZooN feed
                - My modifications in the subdirectory /SR_mod
                - installed Renderer : "DMCHDCaids.py" and "DMCHDMaxTemp.py"
                - installed Converter : "DMCHDServiceInfo.py", "DMCHDSmartInfo.py", "DMCHDCaidDisplay.py" and "DMCHDCamdInfo.py"
                - LCD / OLED for 800se
                - Second Infobar Support
                - GP3 Support (GP3 Settings on Infobar has no effekt !)
                - Converter DMCHDServiceInfo.py Update !
                - PlanerFS

                Undepended Cryptdisplay & CamdInfo, works on Startscripts of OoZooN, Merlin-2 or GP3 !

                tested on OoZooN, Merlin-2, GP3

                Big Thank's to all authors of skins, converter & renderer !

                work VTI 2.3 Mister-X
                Attached Files


                • lulezim
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 4081

                  Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                  Backup-BKP Pappaalfio SIF 188 SVN "Avatar" con DLNA
                  BKP Pappaalfio SIF 188 SVN "Avatar" con DLNA

                  Network: subnet DNS already configured 
                  (These network parameters are for all my BKP) 
                  No user = root Password 
                  Tuner A: Hotbird-Astra Tuner B: A cascade of tuner 
                  Setting Vhannibal updated on January 22, 2011 
                  AV HDMI - Config Expert 
                  Unplug all USB devices 
                  Before restarting, connect the USB devices including DTT (if compatible with the list) and any reader PCSC. 
                  Network configuration, the DNS are fine .. 
                  Install any internal HardDisk: 
                  TastoBlu> Disks> Partition> Mount> Verification (I left out the formatting that should be done only during the new HD) 
                  Create swap space (useful for backing up): 
                  Swap above option> Activate with red button OK 
                  Now configure the DTT: 
                  Menu '> Configuration> Channel Search> Configuration Tuner 
                  C tuner (if not stated is not supported) 
                  Select OK and the area 
                  The parameter has no effect on the 5V USB sticks 
                  With exit back to the menu and select Manual Search 
                  Select the Tuner C 
                  Search Type All transponder - Research Network is 
                  If you want to use the Plugin SV********** that is already installed for the first time you use an editor Setting (I use DreamBoxEdit) and downloaded from the Vudu dreamedit setting in, pass the list of land, reorder the list Vhannibal (or else you used ) in the terrestrial digital packages and ordered things going through the settings on your Vudu. 
                  Now you can start reading the SV********** VS. configuration, and saved. 
                  Press the yellow button on the site controlled the premium provider setting and if you need to update, press the download button. 
                  There comparirŕ the list and choose your Bouquets DTT; 
                  collegherŕ the plug-in automatically to the site and setting scaricherŕ new digital packages without touching the ground. 
                  At the end of the run command E2 plugin that allows you to avoid restarting E2. (Handy if you consider that the search for terrestrial channels do not do every day). 
                  A note, with the setting of Vhannibal (do not know the others), the channel numbers of DTT starts from 201 so if you want to call on 1 channel DTT (I assume you have cleared up with Rai 1, you can directly enter the channel in a mnemonic ). 
                  I also installed a plugin to Appendix CrossEPG, already installed in the image, which downloads the settings M7Premium than those of heaven that I've already selected in the config. 
                  I hope you might come in handy. 
                  Font Magnifier 
                  Lot Enalotto 
                  OscamInfo (new) 
                  QuickButton (to configure) 
                  SV********** BY Dalraist 
                  TG24 Intercactive 
                  Direct Goal 12Finestre 
                  UPnP - DLNA ClientServer 
                  All plugins installed are working. 
                  I have tested and installed the DVD Player that is fine. 
                  Tested with media player DLNA server connected with music and AVI 
                  I'm already installed the drivers for the PCSC readers. 
                  Original Panel Sif 
                  Skin concinnity HD-numbered channels. 
                  Panel script accessible from Sif panel where you will find all the controls installed to automatically remove the hand and some useful system commands with the addition of more new utilitŕ. 
                  Please note that all scripts are automatically started with the selection and therefore require no further confirmation. Special attention to scripts that begin with "Remove"! 
                  I installed the new plugin that will definitely come back very helpful, you will find particularly useful: Oscam.info. 
                  I translated all the plug-in Italian, read before you start using it (from menu option) "configuration". 
                  Do not perform updates online only if it is installed on a new Rel Repository

                  LINK USB
                  SIZE 55 MB

                  LINK NFI
                  SIZE 55.01 MB


                  • mikine56
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 3258

                    Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                    Schiffe versenken


                    Originally posted by runmo
                    All about tools, plugins and add-ons for vu+duo can be posted here
                    There is some confusion in the post
                    Attached Files


                    • mehdi1981
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 742

                      Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                      SV********** 3.1

                      - Multiple choice on category save (DVBS/S2 and DVBT allowed)
                      - Check for DVBT Services before LCN Scan-
                      Attached Files


                      • gregorii
                        Premium Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 951

                        Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                        Webinterface addon update

                        Here are the suggested minor adjustments, I also made the change in WebTV.

                        As usual, install the add on, clear your browsercache and eventually use ctrl-F5 to reload the page. Also use ctrl-F5 in the screen Web TV if the screen doesn't load correct.

                        Have fun
                        Attached Files


                        • mikine56
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 3258

                          Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons


                          Coole Programme




                          • mikelo
                            Experienced Board Member
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 1680

                            Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                            Rytec EPG providers for Enigma2
                            Extract and FTP to /etc
                            Attached Files


                            • mikine56
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 3258

                              Re: vu+ duo tools, plugins and add-ons

                              multiboot cfe v22
                              goodnight is my first utility in the multiboot-v22-boot-cfe for second flight is utility you will need a USB key is created 10 parity is parity among the 10 fat, fat parity must be made on the first parity, Another will be formatted with the ext3 scrypt be integrated or used my scrypt of paritionnement but is compatible only for usb 1016 cylinder, or should we put the image, and well after formatting the USB key will normally install all alone, he suffice to put an image in / media / hdd / image, has noted that for the image you must download and unzip usb image on the PC and take only the file root_cfe_auto.jffs2 and transferred into / media / hdd / image via ftp, to install the packet must be like her, and at the end reboot your demo
                              cd /
                              tar xzf /tmp/multiboot-v22-cfe.tar.gz
                              sleep 10
                              attention should the USB key is mounted on pearance fat / media/sdb1 if it's not the case must credit the directory manually and installed manually but its depends on the image, I recommend putting off the image in flach, multiboot take only the core that is in parity fat, so the image will have all their independence, except that in this version I have recompiled the kernel for a witch for what is the least possible conflict, j hope that in the next release that the team intégreont the usb drivers in the kernel, as it there will be no need to tinker, I would direct their core if it starts to-day

                              careful when you put an image in multiboot, verified that the image is complete, otherwise the demo will remain on the console boot, and must be removed manually or parity approx flach reboot manually with a null modem cable

                              readme multiboot-cfe-v2.2
                              back to the penultimate nucleus of the team vtie (vti-vu.gz) the image working again with this kernel
                               I suprimé image gigant Percier and they are replaced by the extreme sifteam-and todo-dream

