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Cant find Sly Sports
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
This is just Astra 19E and 28E from DVBViewer Cheers for looking.
I manage to get movies on Hotbird 13E. and normally do a full scan and get 3458 channels of all transponders but still dont get sports sky 1 ETC.....Attached FilesComment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
I really dont understand where is problem...
I saw what you scaned and that doesnt make any sense.
What size is your dish?
You shuld try to adjust your dish a little bit, and try to scan with Transedit...
Also in Settings->Options->Hardware make everything like on picture...
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
Thankyou zoran89 I tried all these settings and no difference, I even put an old mvision box on to see if that found all channels and it did on Astra 19E, So going to get in touch with the seller and try get a replacement, It must be a fault with PCI card. Thank you for all your help. No one cant say we didnt try, what a team..Comment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
Last suggestion (see also my post 14): is it possible to change the channel list manually (test by adding a missing channel) and load this into the card?
Did you contact the seller for any suggestions?Comment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
I contacted the seller, He said "He just sells them". I put original software back on its called ULive 1.4. When i scanned i noticed the frequency stopping at 11895 and that was on all ones i scanned including 28E and Hotbird, I dont know if this helps. if its not scanning past 11895 then it wont find sky one or sports and many more. The seller is going to replace it but any more suggestions of why this is happening.Comment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
This is wierd, i have left this alone for about 5 days but still installed and thought i should give it another scan. I did this and everything has come up. The only change is the wet horrid weather. Anyway going to back it all up before it starts to dislike me again. Very strange.Comment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
Yes, strange, really no explanation ; so without any replacement if I got you right?
Little suggestion - as you said: first make back-up - you can try: on the 'first' weather condition: do a reset (TP/channels) and then a rescan (so you'll know if the weather really is the problem or not).
On the other hand: if all is ok for now, safiest is perhaps to let it all as it is now.Comment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
would not be the weather leveller, as i see you uk resident, beams very strong, only time i have had with weather for signal is hail/snow on dish, in 8 years of experence.Do not send me iptv/cline requests,
technical or iptv/cline server questions in PM!
I will not answer!Comment
Re: Cant find Sly Sports
hi toby
I agree, honoustly is what I thought also, but to be sure Leveller can check (if he wants of course). I have no explanation why the 'missing' channels/TP's were found in the end, without changing anything
Well, basically problem solved ; thanks @Leveller for the feedback anyway.Comment