There are different codecs that can be used to watch HD channels through DvbDream but I found FFMPEG the best one. After downloading ffdshow from _ and installing it, open the guids.ini file of dvbdream by a text editor and add the following lines to its [H264_CODECS] section:
H264CODEC10=FFDShow, {04FE9017-F873-410E-871E-AB91661A4EF7}
H264CODEC10_DESC=Seems work fine!
Now you can set FFDShow as the H264 video codec of dvbdream from options->video menu.
H264CODEC10=FFDShow, {04FE9017-F873-410E-871E-AB91661A4EF7}
H264CODEC10_DESC=Seems work fine!
Now you can set FFDShow as the H264 video codec of dvbdream from options->video menu.