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Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

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  • edin4o
    Senior Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 152

    Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

    OK, so I've been having problems with this dm since i've bought it...
    It appears that it's a bad clone...So, on with my questions:
    1) I've put a new SW on it, works perfectly but why is the transponder time not correct (on the same channel which had the correct time with the previous sw)?

    2) I have a paid cline subscription to a private server, and the image on DigiTV Croatia is freezing a lot often...Like I'm watching something, and for about a minute (maybe less) the image freezes for about a half minute, then it continues, and the same process will repeat over and over again. I just can't watch any channels :\ (BTW - the ECM time after the frozen image have unfrozen is crazy - about 5.001, and then sits around 1.756)
    This is only with DigiTV - while on the other packages the ECM time is very low - like 0.056 or 0.100 (so that's around 10-5 ms, cuz I have a cable internet which is connected with fiber optics)

    Why does it lag so much? Is it because of the DREAMBOX or THE SERVER? I think that he doesn't have the digiTV card, and he's redirecting me to a free server...because when I speedtest.net my internet - a ping with 176 is only from Macedonia to Washington...in germany I have 30-40ms (while playing counter strike)

    3) Which is the best sw for a dreambox clone? Or that depends on the quality of the DM clone?

    Thanks in advance
  • Bazinga
    Experienced Member
    • Aug 2011
    • 418

    Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

    Originally posted by edin4o
    OK, so I've been having problems with this dm since i've bought it...
    It appears that it's a bad clone...So, on with my questions:
    1) I've put a new SW on it, works perfectly but why is the transponder time not correct (on the same channel which had the correct time with the previous sw)?

    2) I have a paid cline subscription to a private server, and the image on DigiTV Croatia is freezing a lot often...Like I'm watching something, and for about a minute (maybe less) the image freezes for about a half minute, then it continues, and the same process will repeat over and over again. I just can't watch any channels :\ (BTW - the ECM time after the frozen image have unfrozen is crazy - about 5.001, and then sits around 1.756)
    This is only with DigiTV - while on the other packages the ECM time is very low - like 0.056 or 0.100 (so that's around 10-5 ms, cuz I have a cable internet which is connected with fiber optics)

    Why does it lag so much? Is it because of the DREAMBOX or THE SERVER? I think that he doesn't have the digiTV card, and he's redirecting me to a free server...because when I speedtest.net my internet - a ping with 176 is only from Macedonia to Washington...in germany I have 30-40ms (while playing counter strike)

    3) Which is the best sw for a dreambox clone? Or that depends on the quality of the DM clone?

    Thanks in advance
    answer to question 1: you may need to change timezone, go to setup>system> timezone

    question2: it could be a bad server or it could be slow internet, in my experience torrent uploads within the network can cause dreambox to freeze.

    question3: not sure, I own dm800 clone. its perfect
    DM800HD Clone Satellite
    VU+ Duo Genuine
    SlingBox Pro HD / Sling Player - Fibrelink

    Oh Enigma2, You're my favourite linux based operating system.


    • edin4o
      Senior Member
      • Aug 2011
      • 152

      Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

      Originally posted by shiplu
      answer to question 1: you may need to change timezone, go to setup>system> timezone

      question2: it could be a bad server or it could be slow internet, in my experience torrent uploads within the network can cause dreambox to freeze.

      question3: not sure, I own dm800 clone. its perfect
      1) Changed the timezone, restarted enigma - same thing... Done it several times too

      2) No way man ...My internet isn't slow... torrents: 4.5mb/s download; 3.5mb/s upload

      Regular sites - 2mb/s download, 1mb/s upload

      I thought that maybe was the solution (the torren uploads) but, with my PC turned off it's still the same prob :\


      • Bazinga
        Experienced Member
        • Aug 2011
        • 418

        Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

        Originally posted by edin4o
        1) Changed the timezone, restarted enigma - same thing... Done it several times too

        2) No way man ...My internet isn't slow... torrents: 4.5mb/s download; 3.5mb/s upload

        Regular sites - 2mb/s download, 1mb/s upload

        I thought that maybe was the solution (the torren uploads) but, with my PC turned off it's still the same prob :\
        wow your internet if faster than mine, I only get 8Meg and I live in the UK.

        EDIT: I would suggest you that you try other server to rule out server problem, just request lots of free test clines.
        DM800HD Clone Satellite
        VU+ Duo Genuine
        SlingBox Pro HD / Sling Player - Fibrelink

        Oh Enigma2, You're my favourite linux based operating system.


        • Bazinga
          Experienced Member
          • Aug 2011
          • 418

          Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

          Originally posted by edin4o
          Thanks Well, Macedonia has improved in internet speeds this year

          How many clines can I put without getting my f-in dreambox burned out ?
          I have one from satlover (the free ones - server three) and one from a other free server, but my dreambox keeps getting the address from my paid one :\

          By request lots of free test clines you mean I should search or I should request (post a request) just for a test?
          I would test one by one, there many premium servers online offering free test cline. use ******. I would have posted link but its against forums rules.
          DM800HD Clone Satellite
          VU+ Duo Genuine
          SlingBox Pro HD / Sling Player - Fibrelink

          Oh Enigma2, You're my favourite linux based operating system.


          • vimmers
            Experienced Board Member
            • Jun 2010
            • 1188

            Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

            you can try to add this to your cline no { 0:0:3, 1802:0:2 }
            the last number are hop 2 you can also try with 1
            if there are digitv in hop 1 or 2
            or change 1802 to 1880
            i am not sure which provider you tries to see


            • edin4o
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2011
              • 152

              Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

              Originally posted by vimmers
              you can try to add this to your cline no { 0:0:3, 1802:0:2 }
              the last number are hop 2 you can also try with 1
              if there are digitv in hop 1 or 2
              or change 1802 to 1880
              i am not sure which provider you tries to see
              I can change that? Isn't that what the server gives to me and its interchangeable ?
              My paid cline is {0:0:2}, but in digiTV hops are 1

              Im trying to see digiTV on Thor (0.8W and 1W)


              • vimmers
                Experienced Board Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 1188

                Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                then u write no { 0:0:2, 1802:0:1 }
                cos it can be that there are a card in hop 2 there are unstable
                and if u use more then 1 cline
                like your paid server
                and 1 from here
                cccam vill always try to connect to the 1 with fastest ping time
                also if its unstable


                • edin4o
                  Senior Member
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 152

                  Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                  Originally posted by vimmers
                  then u write no { 0:0:2, 1802:0:1 }
                  cos it can be that there are a card in hop 2 there are unstable
                  and if u use more then 1 cline
                  like your paid server
                  and 1 from here
                  cccam vill always try to connect to the 1 with fastest ping time
                  also if its unstable
                  I have 3 paid clines...And one from satlover's forum
                  But one of the paid clines is always active, others are almost never active...
                  The satlover's forum cline has a big ping time (and as I can see, the server is in Germany, my ping to Germany is somewhere about 30-40-50...but in ECM time shows like I have 160, 270....) and I don't know why is that...

                  OK so I'll try to add that to my cline and write here what i've done...

                  Also, could this be a bad clone of the dreambox because channels freeze?


                  • vimmers
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 1188

                    Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                    i don't think that it has anything to do with the db clone
                    it is server related
                    so if i was u don't use the free cline together whit a paid 1


                    • edin4o
                      Senior Member
                      • Aug 2011
                      • 152

                      Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                      Originally posted by vimmers
                      i don't think that it has anything to do with the db clone
                      it is server related
                      so if i was u don't use the free cline together whit a paid 1
                      Can I add that 1802:0:1 to the free cline of satlover?
                      I've added the 1802:0:1 to the paid server though...


                      • vimmers
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 1188

                        Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                        yes add them to all your lines
                        an u are almost sure u get the best
                        but as a said it can also be 1880
                        u can also write this
                        no { 0:0:3, 1802:0:1 , 1880:0:1}
                        both are digitv


                        • C_S_B
                          • Apr 2010
                          • 54

                          Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                          Originally posted by edin4o
                          OK, so I've been having problems with this dm since i've bought it...
                          It appears that it's a bad clone...So, on with my questions:
                          1) *
                          2) *
                          3) Which is the best sw for a dreambox clone? Or that depends on the quality of the DM clone?

                          Thanks in advance
                          Try an image that has "maxvar" in the title. The majorirty, if not all non original 500's have reduced memory. The maxvar versions of images remove a lot of functions that most users don't use or will never need, and in doing so free up the box.

                          Just search do a search for 500 maxvar and you'll find a few answers


                          • edin4o
                            Senior Member
                            • Aug 2011
                            • 152

                            Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                            Originally posted by C_S_B
                            Try an image that has "maxvar" in the title. The majorirty, if not all non original 500's have reduced memory. The maxvar versions of images remove a lot of functions that most users don't use or will never need, and in doing so free up the box.

                            Just search do a search for 500 maxvar and you'll find a few answers
                            So, nevermind if it's gemini, nabilo or any other?

                            I think my image is maxvar, how can I see that? (btw I have free space in dreambox 50% )

                            Originally posted by vimmers
                            yes add them to all your lines
                            an u are almost sure u get the best
                            but as a said it can also be 1880
                            u can also write this
                            no { 0:0:3, 1802:0:1 , 1880:0:1}
                            both are digitv
                            With the { 0:0:3, 1802:0:2 } I have no lags nor freezes (my paid line is not 0:0:3 but it's 0:0:2...is that better or I should change that?)


                            • C_S_B
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 54

                              Re: Few questions about buggy dreambox 500s

                              Hi edin4o,

                              Re: image installed.

                              Normaly its shown using the remote: Main menu, then (4)information, then about.

                              It will also have a splash screen at boot with the image name

                              Try Open_Pli_maxvar which should be somewhere here:


