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28 results in 0.0200 seconds.
Please help about script
On the net i've found a script to put my DM500 box on standby (after power outage in my case) and I followed these config but i didn't have any result.... -
Chiarimento su script
In rete ho trovato un noto script che mi permette di mettere in standby il DM500 dopo un riavvio (Nel mio caso utile dopo un blackout).
Ho seguito... -
Script per cambiare frequenza mux
Salve a tutti,
i mux del DTT Rai a Roma sono su diverse frequenze, ed i settings di Vhannibal ne riportano una che per me non va bene. Qualcuno... -
Oscam startup script
Hi mates. I have installed oscam manually on my dm800 clone but i just cant get it to auto start. Oscam is configured and working, but i have to start... -
Test 3c con plugin o script
vi chiedo se esiste un plugin o uno script in Enigma2 che, tenendo acceso il decoder per 24 ore, consenta di monitorare gli ecm time, magari... -
stop start script dm800 clone
i need stop start script for oscam dm800 clone so I can install latest oscam, -
How to made check script for CCcam 64-bit ?
Can someone explaint how to made a check script for a 64-bit CCcam?
This one is for 32-bit:
Executing script on Enigma2
Is there a simple way to execute a script on Enigma2?
The script runs manually, but I need to start it from the box.
I tried ScriptExecuter,... -
salve ragazzi mi chiedevo se fosse possibile creare uno script per cancellare giornalmente il contenuto di una cartella oppure se esiste gia' saluti -
Need check script for NO-IP client
I found out that my NO-IP client sometimes does not update/stopped.
Do some of you have a script that checks if the... -
Need Automated install script for Oscam/CCcam 64-bit
Looking for Automated install script for Oscam & CCcam 64-bit
any advice and links are welcome -
Script per aggiornamento cline.
vorrei proporvi la costruzione di un semplice script che in automatico riesca a prendere l'elenco delle c-line e a aggiornarla sul decoder.... -
Script AutoCCcam Prio. dm800
Script auto update for Dreambox CCcam Prio 800... -
Oscam check script for dm800se
i was trying to set oscam check script for dreambox 800se with newnigma 2 image.. script is as follow:
but 'if' statement doesnot...