Ciao, cerco (se esiste), un'immagine per questo decoder che permette l'utilizzo del seguente modello di DVB-T usb: NotOnlyTv LV5T.
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Immagine per DM800HD PVR clone
Remote control DM800hd very annoying
Hi, my remote control is very annoying. I have to press very hard to hit the button and sometime it's not enought.
Trying an image (not... -
dm800hd very hot
Hi, i noticed that my dm800hd clone is very hot after few time that is working. I have also a hdd inside. Does anyone has the dame problem?
... -
Strano problema DM800HD clone
Mi sta succedento una cosa strana da qualche giorno sul deco in questione, mi spiego meglio. DM800HD con immagine newenigma e cccam 230, collegato alla... -
Need help tools for Cron on DM800HD pvr
Hello to all,
Need help tools for Cron on DM800HD pvr
I have a problem that does not riescho to understand. I have on my... -
small lightest DM800HD Image
Hi all
At the moment I am using openpli and have used in the past newnigma images now I am wondering if there are any images that when are installed... -
Problem booting a DM800HD PVR
I just bought a DM800HD PVR guess it's a clone.
It's running Nemesis, dual enigma.
First time I started it, it booted... -
setting up dm800hd
I've finally brought a dream box but was wondering what image to flash to, my sim is 2.10 and Bootloader SSL84B. also i was wondering should i begin going... -
test resolve a malfunction dm800hd clone
to resolve a malfunction dm800hd clone, I researched and found these interesting patterns in the network for measurements and test operation I prefer... -
Blocco dm800hd dopo il terzo riavvio
Ragà mi succede una cosa stranissima al mio nuovo clone del dm800hd
l'ho comprato da meno di una settimana e già l'ho dovuto fleshare 3 volte...... -
Dm800hd x1 (tuner bcm4505)
I have the receiver in the object. I have trouble to update images because tuner fails. Afetr a search in itnernet i understand that this receiver mount... -
dm800hd se Mtuner
hello every body,i buy mtuner for my dm800se it works well .but i have to turn off and on the dm about 5 times to work.only when i shut it dawn ,when... -
dm800hd pvr
irecenytly installed sat for fun nemisis image I alloed it to update offthe web it now says booting then loading enigma 2 and after a while says turn... -
A / V Settings on DM800HD
Hi everybody
I would ask somebody for some question as i have , i don't know wich settings shall i have on " Display 4:3...