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Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

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  • 5zorionak5
    Board Senior Member
    • May 2011
    • 340

    Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

    BlackHole Vu + UNO 1.6.5 Backup @ isayuksel

    Installation and initial settings::

    First, download the latest version of which is for usb cihazımıza installing the new image: (1) Vu + Duo USB with the image install is

    Needs to be done after the installation, after installation, settings:: (2) Vu + Duo first setup settings


    Seçilidi HDMI.
    1080i is selected.
    Turkish language was chosen.
    DHCP on the network.

    Can I search for channels or channel list at this point we can install ready. If you want to make a call before you need to do is channel tuner settings.

    To search for detailed information about the channel: (4) Vu + Duo-channel search and bookmark create

    We check our config for the network.

    Menu> Setup> System> Network section of the "Network hardware settings," pointing to the kumandamızın "OK" button is pressed.

    Under the section for the current settings to take note of the IP address. (Channel settings will need to install I could enter the value of the rope.)

    If the link I gave about the network setup problem can examine this topic: Vu + wired / wireless network settings and the test is

    Now we can install Settingimizi Channel: 4 Channel List to take with a different method (book).


    VU + Plus in the current channel setting on the HDTV Channel Setting loaded.
    (03 September 2011 4 Satellite: Turksat, Hotbird, Astra 19.2 and EutelsatW3. Hellassat In addition, Eurobird9, EutelsatW2 and Astra (Sirius) 4.8 added to the satellites.)
    @ Galaxy2002

    Be sure to reboot after installing the device to the channel settings.

    Menu> Setup> Satellite Configuration> Settings section came Tuner Tuner configuration.


    Tuner A: (simple) DiSEq A / B / C / D: 42 ° / 13 / ° 7 ° / 19.2 °

    Note: Notice that the first channel after you install the tuner ayarlamızı have made our list. Thus, due to the possible setting names of different satellites, the satellite broadcasts, we have prevented errors that can be taken.

    Extension (plugins) are doing the installation of:

    Menu => Add-ons section of the press to come Kumandamızın Red (Add-ons) is pressed. I updated the software catalog on the screen, a message system for a while after their stay at the plugins will be listed in categories. When you press the OK button on your remote control by pointing to the categories of any plug-ins will be listed in that category. Here you set up off olanalar ekelentilerdir installed. You want to install (or you want to remove), add-ons you can mark (or remove).


    Add-on manager;
    PermanentClock under the System category (not active),
    Setpasswd under the System category (the password is assigned),
    StartUpService under the System category (Channel D),
    TempFanControl under the System category (Channel D),
    VlcPlayer under the Software category,
    SimpleRSS under the Multimedia category (not active),
    VirtualZap under the category of multi-media (press and hold the arrow),
    Multi-media category was established under the Weatheer Plugin.
    Image management under the category has been removed VideoTune

    Install (or uninstall) after the operation you want to restart istemedğimiz tamamalandığı and a window will pop up on the question. "Yes" by pressing the OK button while on the Kumandamızın provide our device from restarting.

    Also in line with our desire to make a simple config for:


    Menu> Setup> System> Audio / Video settings
    4:3 content is as follows: Just Scale
    > 16:9 content is as follows: Just after the green key to making Scale (OK) acknowledge.
    Menu> Setup> System> Time Zone: (GMT +02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk
    After setting up the Green Key (OK) and acknowledge.
    Menu> Setup> System> Customize section, change the user experience as an expert in the Green Key (OK) to acknowledge.

    Initial channel identification:


    Channel List, while the point of the channel you want to begin the startup.

    Press the Menu key.

    The drop-down set of options, press the OK button on your remote control by pointing to service as stratup.

    When you restart your device to open the channel you want.

    If you want to cancel this operation, ie if you want the latest on what channel you turned off the opening of the channel;

    While the Channel List, press the Menu key.

    Service options in the drop-down option on startup, reset, press the OK button on your remote control to come.


    set as the startup service: Channel D

    Panel Addons Manager can install some plugins that are not manager plug-in BiH. To do this;

    Press the green and yellow, respectively Kumandamızın BH Addons Manager panel and select a row come. Here, while the kumandamızın Addons Download Manager by pressing OK on the pop-up is in Chapter Black Hole Image plugins plug-ins can be loaded by pressing the OK button on the kumandamızın reached. For this too we want to build add-on and then the OK button is pressed while the kumandamızın. Brief explanations about the plugin will display the info. Here, the green key (download) to whether we want to do with the download and installation information about the problem buşlunduğu kumandamızın on the screen, yes, carry out the installation by pressing the OK button.


    DreamExplorer 7.3, MediaplayerExtanded 0.1.2, 5.0 WebMedia v3.2 was Sherlock.

    Mangere as described above can install addons v1.0 Apple Trailer. This extension is not Backupta. Must have on your hdd for this extension to work. During the installation, the folders are hdd. This causes the addons panel or the / tmp directory needs to be established.

    When you want to set up as external plugins. Ipk file via ftp / tmp directory on your remote control before you roll the green, then yellow, then the drop-down menu, press the "Manual Install Ipk packges" on your remote control by pointing to the "OK" button. You will see that you want to install the ipk file. Kumandamızın was selected even though the "OK" button you can install.


    EPG Exporter plugin (7E -> 42E EPG solution for the final transfer!) ... Was the subject of using the EPG Exporter plugin (v3.0) @ exenonline


    EPG was founded Turkish Character Correction plugin. (V3.0) @ exenonline


    EPG Current / Next Fix plugin was established. (V3.0) @ exenonline


    Nstreamplayer plugin was 0.3.


    ShowClock established. Press and hold the exit.


    enigma2-plugin-extensions-subtitleplayer_3.07-r2_mipsel.ipk was downloaded.


    tunisiasat manager_3.0 download-addons-founded.

    After restarting our device;


    Menu => Accessories => tunisiasat manager_3.0 e-addons-come first livefootball (3.2 b), then the plugins tunisiasat "Netradioturk_2.6-b" and finally under the CCcam Info plugin was V1.3c

    Emu are doing the installation of:

    E2_CCcam_2.2.1_bh download file such as / tmp folder, send out the bottom. Black Hole in the Addons Manager (green and yellow kumandamızın key is pressed to come to this section), pointing to the Manual Install Bh packges kumandamızın We press the OK button. While on our file and press OK again kumandamızın uşuna the menu, and select OK on the setup, yes we do.

    CCcam.cfg file / etc folder is located under. Server uses this knowledge to the file server need not to enter.

    CCcam.cfg enter a file server

    Mgcamd_1.37_E2_bh.tgz download file such as / tmp folder, send out the bottom. Black Hole in the Addons Manager (green and yellow kumandamızın key is pressed to come to this section), pointing to the Manual Install Bh packges kumandamızın We press the OK button. While on our file and press OK again kumandamızın uşuna the menu, and select OK on the setup, yes we do.

    key establishment and key update installer we also deal with:

    Hacksat-Keys-downloader-e2_1.1-30102010_mipsel.rar download and update k.ey do.
    To set up Hacksat telnette

    Export MALLOC_CHECK_ = 0
    ipkg install-force-overwrite / tmp / Hacksat *

    give the command.
    If the installation fails again, try to give the following command:

    ipkg update

    Kurulumlarımızı our config and do the other.

    If you want to install the skin on your remote control before you press the green and then yellow. Black Hole Manager Addons> Addons Download Manager> Black Hole E2 Image Skins section can come in different skins.

    I gave the following link if you want to change the threads by taking advantage of funding and radio bootlogo:

    Vu + bootlogo replacement program, use, ready bootlogolar ...


    Bootlogo and radio fund changed, @ avansis, @ isayuksel

    If you want to install picon file. Turksat-W3 current HD Picon (Licher Pils +) Download a copy of the subject picon. Remove the folder or folders that you downloaded zipten / usr/share/enigma2 / picon folder if you have placed in the directory or folder you create called picon into this folder will need to send the file permission after making 755.




  • krimozak
    Experienced Board Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 4336

    Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

    VTI-3.1 VuPlus UNO Backup 09.10.2011-KaYaCaN :

    Backup and these days, one day before the forum was prepared and tested.
    Dated 4-Satellite TV with my own Setting Backupta 08.Ekim.2011 there.
    EutelsatW3 (Digiturk)
    ASTRA 19.2
    Turksat and EutelsatW3 Piconları Backupa installed.
    Plug-ins for the friends sharing CCPrio Plugin Maker has been established.
    Skin is set up as a HD Glass yüklenmiştir.Tüm V 3:51.
    Updated image to this day.
    Current plugins plug-ins installed.
    Use the friends good-bye.

    Download Link :


    If You Like My Post... Press button sigpic to Keep it alive


    • krimozak
      Experienced Board Member
      • Mar 2010
      • 4336

      Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno


      Backup Image VTi V 3.2

      Add :

      CCcam 2.1.4

      CCcam 2.2.1

      MGcamd 1.27

      Download :


      If You Like My Post... Press button sigpic to Keep it alive


      • krimozak
        Experienced Board Member
        • Mar 2010
        • 4336

        Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno


        Official Image Backup 6.0 Uno Vu @ isayuksel

        Installation and initial settings::

        First, download the latest version of the new Image to usb cihazımıza install all USB Uno Vu + how images will be scored? (Directory)

        After the setup wizard after installing the software is encountered. At this stage, I just do the language selection. Other transactions without getting out of the wizard.

        Language Turkish is selected.

        We check the network settings using.

        Menu> Setup> System> Network section of the "Network hardware settings" kumandamızın come on "OK" button is pressed.
        User Interface: yes
        Use DHCP: yes

        We take note of the IP address of the current settings section.

        If the link I gave on the network setup problem can examine this topic: Vu + wired / wireless network setup and test procedure

        I need to do some adjustments in order to install Channel List.

        Menu => System => Customize section of the user experience, "expert" as a change. Yet at the same place;
        (Menu => System => Customize section) Enable the use of multi-bouquet "yes" to change. Kumandamızın green button to save the changes (OK) is pressed.

        Again, we can do with the channel setting, install, and the computer for other tasks "Webinterface" plug-in needs to create.

        For this
        Menu => Plugins => Green Key (Attachment Download) A is pressed.
        Extension information indiriliyor.Lütfen wait ... Extensions into categories will be displayed after a period of warning.

        Here, under the extensions section "Webinterface" plug-in point to the OK button is pressed kumandamızın. "Extensions-Webinterface" Do you want to download the plug-in? A message will come in the form. kumandamızın yes option while on the "OK" button is pressed.

        "Practice is over" key to exit kumandamızın are going to see the text.

        Now we can install Settingimizi Channel: 4 different methods to throw the Channel List (Contacts).


        VU + Plus HDTV Channel Setting on the setting of the current channel is loaded.
        (October 12, 2011 4 Satellite: Turksat, Hotbird, Astra 19.2 and EutelsatW3. Hellassat In addition, Eurobird9, EutelsatW2 and Astra (Sirius) 4.8 satellites have been added.)
        @ Galaxy2002

        Menu> Setup> Satellite Configuration> Settings section came Tuner Tuner configuration.


        A tuner: (Simple) DiSEq A / B / C / D: 42 ° / 13 / ° 7 ° / 19.2 °

        Note: You will notice after installing the first channel tuner ayarlamızı have made our list. Thus, because of the possible names of different satellites, satellite broadcasts, which may be taken in setting, we have prevented errors.

        Add-on (plugin) installs are doing:

        We want to use the system of plugins and other add-ons are building the system. But first, "SoftwareManager" (Software Management) plugin from scratch.
        Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "SoftwareManager" kumandamızın come on "OK" button is pressed. "Systemplugins-softwaremanager" Do you want to download the plug-in? A message will come in the form. kumandamızın yes option while on the "OK" button is pressed.

        "Practice is over" key to exit kumandamızın are going to see the text.

        Us to establish this, more add-ons management (remove more options and add-ons) will provide the opportunity. In addition, there are also some of the features. For now I will not discuss them.


        İndirlebilir add-ons => systemplugins under the "SoftwareManager" was established.

        Menu => Add-ons section when we will begin to realize Changeable. Red button (Manage Add-ons) will Changeable first attracted our attention. Add-on with setting up and removing the key from the dropdown menu will no longer red.

        Menu => Add-ons come to the section Kumandamızın Red button (Add-ons) is pressed. Updating the software catalog for a while after their stay at the screen a message that the system will be a list of plugins into categories. When you press the OK button on your remote control, point to the categories of any plug-ins will be listed in that category. Fainter ones installed plugins are installed here. You want to install (or you want to remove), add-ons by checking the set up here (or remove).

        We are under the System category "StartUpService" i, under the direction of the Image "videmode" select plug-ins. With red button (back), she next to red button (Close) are going. "Add-on Management activity information" window, choose plug-in (s) will be seen. In the meantime, we press the OK button kumandamızın installation (or removal) will start. Install (or uninstall) after the end of the process to restart istemedğimiz tamamalandığı and a window will pop up on the question. "Yes" by pressing the OK button on the Kumandamızın while providing our device to restart.

        Because when we started again we set up our device with plug-in power-videomode connection settings will be related to the shape and resolution.


        DVI is selected.
        1080i was chosen

        Image configuration.


        Menu> Setup> System> Audio / Video settings section to come
        4:3 content is as follows: Just Scale
        > 16:9 content is as follows: Just Scale
        changed to. Green Key (OK), with the changes noted.


        CommonInterfaceAssigment under the System category,
        Under the System category, hotplug,
        PositionerSetup under the System category,
        Satfinder under the System category,
        Setpasswd under the System category,
        TempFanControl under the System category,
        VideoEnckancment under the System category,
        VlcPlayer under the Software category,
        Autoresolution under the category of multi-media,
        MyTube under the category of multi-media,
        SimpleRSS under the category of multi-media,
        VirtualZap under the category of multi-media,
        WeatherPlugin under the category of multi-media,
        Multi-media category was established under the YouTubePlayer


        Time zone: (GMT +02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk
        set as the startup service: Channel D

        Whenever you install plugins as external. Ipk file via ftp / tmp directory, take, then give the following command telnet device to restart and finally enough.

        ipkg install / tmp / *. ipk


        Important note: Copy and paste the command can Yıkarıdaki shape. In addition, there is no need to type the name of the plugin. "*. Ipk" refers to all the ipk files with the extension. Tmp folder, the file name without the file extension Dolaysısyla which allows you to install the ipk.


        EPG Exporter plugin (7E -> 42E EPG transmission solution for the final!) Exporter plugin EPG was established by using the subject matter ... (v3.0) @ exenonline


        EPG was founded Turkish Character Correction Plugin. (V3.0) @ exenonline


        EPG Current / Next Fix plugin was established. (V3.0) @ exenonline


        enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamexplorer_7.3_mipsel.ipk established.


        Nstreamplayer was 0.3 plugin.


        enigma2-plugin-extensions-subtitleplayer_3.08_mipsel.ipk established.


        Was MediaPlayerExtended


        Sherlock was 5.0.


        enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_4.0-r0_mipsel.ipk established.


        enigma2-skin-hdglass16_3.51_mipsel.ipk interface was downloaded.


        enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-bouquetsprotection_0.1_all.ipk established


        enigma2-plugin-extensions-pauli_7.1_all.ipk established.


        enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_3.98_mipsel.ipk established ..


        tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0 was downloaded.

        Our device after restarting;


        Menu => Plugins => tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0 E-sport came under the first olarakPlugins livefootball (3.3b) under the Plugins-multimedia "Netradioturk_2.6-b" was founded

        Enigma2 plugin extensions are not included in Backupda appletrailer mipsel.ipk 0.1 plug-in as described above, download and build it. Must have on your hdd for this extension to work. During the installation of the folders is the hdd. This is caused by ftp with the / tmp directory after sending telnette ipkg install / tmp / *. ipk to be established by executing the command.

        Emu are doing the installation:

        Note: Emu setup was easier than the glasssysutil. In this case, you need to do CCcam.cfg file / etc directory under the server by entering the edit information.

        CCcam 2.2.1 Backupda glass was selected as active.

        After pressing the Blue button to change the list of the add-Emu (7) Glass-UnivCam emuları Manager section, select the other active can come.

        CCcam.cfg enter a file server

        key establishment and key update installer we also deal with:

        Hacksat-keys-downloader-e2_1.1-30102010_mipsel.rar download the update, do k.ey.
        To set up Hacksat telnette

        Export MALLOC_CHECK_ = 0
        ipkg install-force-overwrite / tmp / Hacksat *

        give the command.

        Kurulumlarımızı our config and do the other.

        I gave the following link if you want to change the threads by taking advantage of funding bootlogo and radio:

        Vu + bootlogo replacement program, use of ready-bootlogolar ...

        If you want to download picon file. Türksat_Hotbird_Astra19_Eutelsatw3 picon file download, download folder, remove zipten / usr/share/enigma2 / directory should be submitted under. There is no Backupta.[/CODE]

        Download :


        If You Like My Post... Press button sigpic to Keep it alive


        • krimozak
          Experienced Board Member
          • Mar 2010
          • 4336

          Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

          VU+ Uno Black Hole 1.6.6 Backup By AYBERK

          When you install this backup;

          * An existing menu will be in Turkish.
          * All Drivers will be updated as of 16.10.2010.
          * CCcam Serverinizi Yarayan keep track of Latest Version "CCcam Info" will have been installed.
          * Customized as Expert Setup.
          All Plugins Board Required, will not write a single one.

          * Tuner (Simple - fixed);

          1-Turksat 42E
          2-Hotbird 13E
          3-EutelW3 7E
          4-Astra 19.2E

          Regulated in the form of the current channel list, but all other satellites installed.

          Turksat 42E
          39E Hellessat
          Astra 28.2E
          Arabsat 26E
          Astra 23.5E
          Astra 19.2E
          16E EutelW2
          Hotbird 13E
          EuroBird 9E
          7E EutelW3
          Sirius 4.8E
          Thor 1W
          Amos 4W
          Nilesat 7W
          Hispasat 30W

          Sprays, respectively, for the satellites you do not have to delete the key controller Up / Menu / Selected Channel - Bouquet of Non-Satellites Clear Clear saying.

          * Thin and Small Detail Settings Yapıldı.Saat Ayarlandı.Açılış ATV HD set is to be opened.
          * Changed by bootlogo created for yourself.
          * Covering your current channel list I prepared 15 Satellite Channels Added all incoming Yüklendi.Satellites.xml Güncellendi.Yeni.
          * Display Settings Done.
          * FTP Password Belirlendi.Şifre device: "imajteam"
          CCcam 2.2.1 * Installed and adjusted as to be opened automatically.
          * CCcam ECM ECM Times Time Düzeltildi.Bu way to demonstrate not have a problem.

          Stability Test Edildi.Sorunsuz Çalışmaktadır.Gerekli as Final Image Settings Done in different devices.

          NOTE: To Install USB Image; FlashBellek (USB Memory) as it was in the folder, copy into the vuplus. (Uno in that there is a folder) to copy and yapın.Cihaz back after formatting it as FAT32 FlashBelleğinizi FlashBelleğinizi Vu + Uno switch off your device, then takın.Daha Key 1 Time Reduction switch Rear Açın.Kanal Önpanelden.1-2 Dk Bain Bitecektir.Ön the installation begins and the panel, "Finished" Letter of the rear sight of the switch when you open the rear switch off the device and the USB Memory Çıkartın.Tekrar İmagenizi All Ready to Use as a Board.

          Download USB:


          Download NFI :


          If You Like My Post... Press button sigpic to Keep it alive


          • kalpikos
            Experienced Board Member
            • Sep 2011
            • 7663

            Re: BlackHole for Vu+ Uno

            Black Hole 1.6.6-Greek mod-for Vu+ Uno by LSK

            Thanks to all the authors for all the usefull plugins :

            mcelliot_g for
            a)VME v8.0 code full Greek enigma2 mo file


            GSF Team for enigma2 GSF Subtitles Downloader v1.6.0(Latest v1.6.0) for OE 1.6

            kastorasgr for enigma2-plugin-extensions-greeknetradio

            Sat Dream Gr Team for enigma2-plugin-extensions-newmenu_3.0

            LinuxSK for E2 LSK Plugin Free Memory Only VU+ Black Hole and

            E2 LSK VU+ NFI Backup v0.1a

            mfaraj57 for Tspanel and livefootball

            Extra install:

            E2 LSK VU+ NFI Backup v0.1a

            E2 LSK Plugin Free Memory Only VU+ Black Hole


            Download NFI

            Download USB
            If You Like My Post..... Please Press the Thanks Button


            • Eiko
              • Aug 2011
              • 671

              Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

              AAF Enigma2 Summer V2a Image VU+ Uno

              based on org. V6.0

              AAF Enigma2 Summer V2a Image VU+ Uno:

              THX kasimi

              Ver 6.0 Release note

              Open Embedded

              - Add WebBrowser plugin(Duo/Uno, Duo needs a bootloader update)
              - Add UI postion control plugin
              - Add 3D framebuffer control plugin
              - Add remote control system code control plugin

              Driver Update

              - improve DVB-C/T tuning(uno)
              - Fix incorrect display of DVB-C/T SNR/AGC(uno)
              - Fix high-bitrate problem in CI(uno, needs a FPGA update, New Rev 4.2 FPGA image is at
              - Support 3D framebuffer
              - Add interface for UI position setup
              - Add redundant fpga device at /dev (uno)
              - Add ioctl for hdmi_cec(get physical/logical addr.)
              - Fix audo mute in pass-through(uno)
              - Add interface to set the system code of the remote control(uno)
              - Add interface to disable REC VFD icon(uno,duo)
              - Add interface to control global alpha


              + AAF-Panel
              + Volume Adjust with AC3 support
              + BlueKey Action (Default/Softcam/single EPG/multi EPG/graphic EPG/MyTube Player/AAF-Panel/other extension)
              + RedKey Action (Default/AAF-Panel)
              + GreenKey Action (open Plugin Browser when no subchannels)
              + Grab (credits to scope34 Vu+ Team)
              + default skin DMConcinnity-HD (credits to Mister-X)
              + light_3D skin
              + NoGfx skin
              + Addon-Manager V2.20
              + FanControl
              + WirelessLan
              + Upnp
              + Usb-Serial drivers (smargo and others)
              + Backup/Restore Image (credits to scope34 Vu+ Team)
              + webremote VU+ picture
              + Rytec EPG (update rytec.sources.xml to 05/11/2011)
              + Setup Infobar (autohide/epg/servicelist/secondinfobar)
              + YellowKey Action (Audio Selection/Default(Timeshift))
              + Graphicle AAF-Panel
              + CrossEPG V0.62
              + EasyMedia by Vali
              + Enabled MHW EPG
              + OpenVPN
              + AudioSync V1.2
              + Cool TV Guide V5.0.0 by Coolman
              + SundtekControlCenter
              + Updated Wlan support
              + Enhanced Movie Center 2.0.2 by Coolman & Swiss-MAD

              Euer AAF Team

              THX Black_64 und alle Betatester

              AAF Enigma2 Summer V2a Image VU+ uno NFI



              • Eiko
                • Aug 2011
                • 671

                Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                ViX-2.2.100-vuuno-Greek mod by LSK

                Thanks to all the authors for all the usefull plugins :

                1)mcelliot_g for :

                a)VME v8.0 code full Greek enigma2 mo file


                2)GSF Team for enigma2 GSF Subtitles Downloader v1.6.0(Latest v1.6.0) for OE 1.6

                3)kastorasgr for enigma2-plugin-extensions-greeknetradio

                4)Sat Dream Gr Team for enigma2-plugin-extensions-newmenu_3.0

                5) LinuxSK for E2 LSK Free Memory plugin

                6) mfaraj57 for Tspanel and LiveFootball

                Have fun your Team

                Download NFI

                Download USB


                • Eiko
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 671

                  Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                  AAF Enigma2 Image Summer V2A Uno Vu backup @ isayuksel

                  Installation and initial settings::

                  First, download the latest version of the new image to usb cihazımıza install all USB Uno Vu + how images will be scored? (Directory)

                  After installation to be done after the installation settings:: (2) Vu + Duo initial setup settings


                  Seçilidi DVI.
                  1080i is selected.
                  Language Turkish is selected.
                  DHCP on the network.

                  Where You can call this channel channel list or we can install ready.

                  (4) Vu + Duo channel search and bookmark create

                  4 different methods to throw the Channel List (Contacts).


                  VU + Plus HDTV Channel Setting on the setting of the current channel is loaded.
                  (17 October 2011 4 Satellite: Turksat, Hotbird, Astra 19.2 and EutelsatW3. Hellassat In addition, Eurobird9, EutelsatW2 and Astra (Sirius) 4.8 satellites have been added.)
                  @ Galaxy2002

                  Menu> Setup> Satellite Configuration> Settings section came Tuner Tuner configuration.


                  A tuner: (Simple) DiSEq A / B / C / D: 42 ° / 13 / ° 7 ° / 19.2 °


                  Menu> Setup> System> Audio / Video settings:
                  4:3 content is as follows: Just Scale
                  > 16: P content is as follows: Just Scale
                  Green Key (OK) and recorded.

                  Add-on (plugin) installs are doing:

                  Menu => Add-ons section of the press came and Kumandamızın Green (Add-on Download) is pressed. Downloading add-in information ... please wait ... A message on the screen in the form of a period of time after their stay will be a list of system plugins into categories. When you press the OK button on your remote control, point to the categories of any plug-ins will be listed in that category.


                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "Autoresolution",
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "commoninterfaceassigment",
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "hotplug",
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "positionersetup",
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "Satfinder" was established,
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "setpasswd",
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "softwaremanager",
                  Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "startupservice",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "MyTube",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "permanentclock",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "simplerss",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "virtualzap",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "vlcplayer",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "weatherplugin",
                  Downloadable add-ons => extensions under the "youtubeplayer",
                  Downloadable add-ons => emus under the "vuplus-CCcam-2.2.1",
                  Downloadable add-ons => emus under the "vuplus-CCcam-config" is established.

                  CCcam.cfg file / usr / keys are. Here you can edit the server by entering your information.

                  1:38 Mgcamd established manually.

                  CCcam 2.2.1 Backupda glass was selected as active.


                  Menu => Setup => System => Time Zone: (GMT +02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk
                  set as the startup service: Channel D

                  Other add-ons that are not downloadable add-ons iiçin kumandamızın blue key is pressed.
                  Kumandamızın Addon-Manager drop-down menu on the OK button is pressed to come.
                  On the OK button is pressed while the Download Manager kumandamızın drop-down menu.

                  Here, we want to do the installation of plugins.


                  Mediaplayerextended 0.1.3,
                  Sherlock_5.01 (press HELP) was established.

                  Appletrailer_0.1 download and build it in the same menu, there is backupda. Your device needs to be established.

                  Whenever you install plugins as external. Ipk file via ftp / tmp directory after a workout in the Addon-Manager (Addon_managere kumandamızın blue key is pressed to achieve. Addon-Manager, point to the drop-down menu, OK button is pressed kumandamızın.) Install from / tmp to come on the OK button kumandamızın We press. Green key is the drop-down menu (IPK-Files) is pressed. / Tmp folder where the files can see that we took. We press the OK button, point to kumandamızın.


                  EPG was founded Turkish Character Correction Plugin. (V3.0) @ exenonline


                  EPG Current / Next Fix plugin was established. (V3.0) @ exenonline


                  enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamexplorer_7.3_mipsel.ipk established.


                  Nstreamplayer was 0.3 plugin.


                  enigma2-plugin-extensions-subtitleplayer_3.08_mipsel.ipk established.


                  enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_4.0-r0_mipsel.ipk established.


                  enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-bouquetsprotection_0.1_all.ipk established


                  enigma2-plugin-extensions-pauli_7.1_all.ipk established.


                  tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0 was downloaded.

                  Our device after restarting;


                  Menu => Plugins => tunisiasat come first as an e-addons-manager_3.0 livefootball (3.4 b), and then the plugins tunisiasat "Netradioturk_2.6-b" was founded


                  Hacksat-keys-downloader-e2_1.1-30102010_mipsel.rar download the update, do k.ey.
                  To set up Hacksat telnette

                  Export MALLOC_CHECK_ = 0
                  ipkg install-force-overwrite / tmp / Hacksat *

                  Download USB


                  • runmo
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 6120

                    Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                    This is section for backup images, not for open pli nightly builds updates.
                    There are enough good examples in this section as reference.
                    Thank you


                    • krimozak
                      Experienced Board Member
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 4336

                      Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                      CuBiC Experimental 1.0.1

                      1)mcelliot_g for

                      a)VME v8.0 code full Greek enigma2 mo file


                      2)GSF Team for enigma2 GSF Subtitles Downloader v1.6.0(Latest v1.6.0) for OE 1.6

                      3)kastorasgr for enigma2-plugin-extensions-greeknetradio

                      4)Sat Dream Gr Team for enigma2-plugin-extensions-newmenu_3.0

                      5) LinuxSK for E2 LSK Plugin Free Memory Only VU+ Black Hole and

                      E2 LSK VU+ NFI Backup v0.1a

                      6. mfaraj57 for Tspanel and livefootball

                      Extra install:

                      E2 LSK VU+ NFI Backup v0.1a

                      E2 LSK Plugin Free Memory

                      Image NFI :


                      Image USB :


                      If You Like My Post... Press button sigpic to Keep it alive


                      • krimozak
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 4336

                        Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                        DreamboxUK_V2.1_VU UNO

                        Vu Plus UNO

                        Base: OpenPLi 2.1
                        Enigma: 01-11-2011
                        Kernal: 2.6.18
                        Drivers: 06-10-2011


                        CCcam 2.2.1

                        Plugins / Extensions:-
                        CCcamInfo v1.3c
                        CrossEPG SVN 306
                        Graphical Multi-EPG
                        Device Manager
                        Backup Manager
                        File Installer
                        System Tools & Info
                        Bouquet Updater
                        Picon Updater
                        Swap Manager
                        Cron Manager

                        lots of enigma2 updates
                        more uk regions added to bouquet updater, some removed
                        removed licher picons from picon updater
                        dts downmix added
                        ntfs support added
                        smargo drivers added
                        more wireless drivers added
                        Button Mappings removed, install multiquickbutton from the addons panel and setup to how you like it
                        + more...



                        If You Like My Post... Press button sigpic to Keep it alive


                        • kalpikos
                          Experienced Board Member
                          • Sep 2011
                          • 7663

                          Re: BlackHole for Vu+ Uno

                          BlackHole Vu+ Uno 1.6.6 LSK backup

                          Default and active Mmark Carbon HD VU BH 6x

                          LSK plugin
                          for addons downloader and image tools

                          Cccam 2.1.4 / 2.2.1

                          Download NFI

                          Download USB
                          If You Like My Post..... Please Press the Thanks Button


                          • Eiko
                            • Aug 2011
                            • 671

                            Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                            BlackHole Vu+ Uno 1.6.6 LSK backup

                            Download NFI

                            Download USB


                            • aberdojde
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Jun 2011
                              • 886

                              Re: Backup Image for Vu+ Uno

                              Official Image Backup @isayuksel Vu Uno 08.12.2011

                              Installation and initial settings:: First, download the latest version of the new image to usb cihazımıza install all USB Uno Vu + how images will be scored? (Directory) After the setup wizard after installing the software is encountered. At this stage, I just do the language selection. Other transactions without getting out of the wizard. Quote: Language Turkish is selected. We check the network settings using. Menu> Setup> System> Network section of the "Network hardware settings" kumandamızın come on "OK" button is pressed. User Interface: yes Use DHCP: yes We take note of the IP address of the current settings section. If the link I gave on the network setup problem can examine this topic: Vu + wired / wireless network setup and test procedure I need to do some adjustments in order to install Channel List. Menu => System => Customize section of the user experience, "expert" as a change. Yet at the same place; (Menu => System => Customize section) Enable the use of multi-bouquet "yes" to change. Kumandamızın green button to save the changes (OK) is pressed. Again, we can do with the channel setting, install, and the computer for other tasks "Webinterface" plug-in needs to create. For this Menu => Plugins => Green Key (Attachment Download) A is pressed. Extension information indiriliyor.Lütfen wait ... Extensions into categories will be displayed after a period of warning. Here, under the extensions section "Webinterface" plug-in point to the OK button is pressed kumandamızın. "Extensions-Webinterface" Do you want to download the plug-in? A message will come in the form. kumandamızın yes option while on the "OK" button is pressed. "Practice is over" key to exit kumandamızın are going to see the text. Now we can install Settingimizi Channel: 4 different methods to throw the Channel List (Contacts). Quote: VU + Plus HDTV Channel Setting on the setting of the current channel is loaded. (November 14, 2011 4 Satellite: Turksat, Hotbird, Astra EutelsatW3 and 19.2) @ Galaxy2002 Menu> Setup> Satellite Configuration> Settings section came Tuner Tuner configuration. Quote: A tuner: (Simple) DiSEq A / B / C / D: 42 ° / 13 / ° 7 ° / 19.2 ° Note: You will notice after installing the first channel tuner ayarlamızı have made our list. Thus, because of the possible names of different satellites, satellite broadcasts, which may be taken in setting, we have prevented errors. Add-on (plugin) installs are doing: We want to use the system of plugins and other add-ons are building the system. But first, "SoftwareManager" (Software Management) plugin from scratch. Downloadable add-ons => systemplugins under the "SoftwareManager" kumandamızın come on "OK" button is pressed. "Systemplugins-softwaremanager" Do you want to download the plug-in? A message will come in the form. kumandamızın yes option while on the "OK" button is pressed. "Practice is over" key to exit kumandamızın are going to see the text. Us to establish this, more add-ons management (remove more options and add-ons) will provide the opportunity. In addition, there are also some of the features. For now I will not discuss them. Quote: İndirlebilir add-ons => systemplugins under the "SoftwareManager" was established. Menu => Add-ons section when we will begin to realize Changeable. Red button (Manage Add-ons) will Changeable first attracted our attention. Add-on with setting up and removing the key from the dropdown menu will no longer red. Menu => Add-ons come to the section Kumandamızın Red button (Add-ons) is pressed. Updating the software catalog for a while after their stay at the screen a message that the system will be a list of plugins into categories. When you press the OK button on your remote control, point to the categories of any plug-ins will be listed in that category. Fainter ones installed plugins are installed here. You want to install (or you want to remove), add-ons by checking the set up here (or remove). We are under the System category "StartUpService" i, under the direction of the image "videmode" select plug-ins. With red button (back), she next to red button (Close) are going. "Add-on Management activity information" window, choose plug-in (s) will be seen. In the meantime, we press the OK button kumandamızın installation (or removal) will start. Install (or uninstall) after the end of the process to restart istemedğimiz tamamalandığı and a window will pop up on the question. "Yes" by pressing the OK button on the Kumandamızın while providing our device to restart. Because when we started again we set up our device with plug-in power-videomode connection settings will be related to the shape and resolution. Quote: DVI is selected. 1080i was chosen Image configuration. Quote: Menu> Setup> System> Audio / Video settings section to come 4:3 content is as follows: Just Scale > 16:9 content is as follows: Just Scale changed to. Green Key (OK), with the changes noted. Quote: CommonInterfaceAssigment under the System category, Under the System category, hotplug, PositionerSetup under the System category, Satfinder under the System category, Setpasswd under the System category, TempFanControl under the System category, VideoEnckancment under the System category, VlcPlayer under the Software category, Autoresolution under the category of multi-media, MyTube under the category of multi-media, SimpleRSS under the category of multi-media, VirtualZap under the category of multi-media, WeatherPlugin under the category of multi-media, Multi-media category was established under the YouTubePlayer Quote: Time zone: (GMT +02:00) Athens, Istanbul, Minsk set as the startup service: Channel D Whenever you install plugins as external. Ipk file via ftp / tmp directory, take, then give the following command telnet device to restart and finally enough. Code: ipkg install / tmp / *. ipk Quote: Important note: Copy and paste the command can Yıkarıdaki shape. In addition, there is no need to type the name of the plugin. "*. Ipk" refers to all the ipk files with the extension. Tmp folder, the file name without the file extension Dolaysısyla which allows you to install the ipk. Quote: turkuazpanel_0.3.2_mipsel.ipk established. Quote: enigma2-plugin-extensions-dreamexplorer_7.3_mipsel.ipk established. Quote: Nstreamplayer was 0.3 plugin. Quote: enigma2-plugin-extensions-subtitleplayer_3.05_mipsel.ipk established. Quote: enigma2-plugin-extensions-pauli_7.5_all.ipk established. Quote: enigma2-plugin-systemplugins-bouquetsprotection_0.1_all.ipk established Quote: ShowClock established. exit, press the key long-term. Quote: BitrateWiewer established. Quote: Sherlock was 5.0. Quote: enigma2-plugin-extensions-enhancedmoviecenter_3.0.0_all.ipk established. Quote: enigma2-skin-hdglass16_3.91_mipsel.ipk established. Quote: enigma2-plugin-extensions-webmedia_4.0-r0_mipsel.ipk established. Quote: enigma2-plugin-glasssysutil_4.03_mipsel.ipk established. Quote: tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0 was downloaded. Our device after restarting; Quote: Menu => Plugins => tunisiasat-addons-manager_3.0 E-sport came under the first olarakPlugins livefootball (3.3b) under the Plugins-multimedia "Netradioturk_2.6-b" was founded Enigma2 plugin extensions are not included in Backupda appletrailer mipsel.ipk 0.1 plug-in as described above, download and build it. Must have on your hdd for this extension to work. During the installation of the folders is the hdd. This is caused by ftp with the / tmp directory after sending telnette ipkg install / tmp / *. ipk to be established by executing the command. Emu are doing the installation: Note: Emu setup was easier than the glasssysutil. In this case, you need to do CCcam.cfg file / etc directory under the server by entering the edit information. CCcam 2.2.1 Backupda glass was selected as active. After pressing the Blue button to change the list of the add-Emu (7) Glass-UnivCam emuları Manager section, select the other active can come. CCcam.cfg enter a file server key establishment and key update installer we also deal with: Hacksat-keys-downloader-e2_1.1-30102010_mipsel.rar download the update, do k.ey. To set up Hacksat telnette Code: Export MALLOC_CHECK_ = 0 ipkg install-force-overwrite / tmp / Hacksat * give the command. Kurulumlarımızı our config and do the other. I gave the following link if you want to change the threads by taking advantage of funding bootlogo and radio: Vu + bootlogo replacement program, use of ready-bootlogolar ... If you want to download picon file. Türksat_Hotbird_Astra19_Eutelsatw3 picon file download, download folder, remove zipten / usr/share/enigma2 / directory should be submitted under. Quote:Uploaded on Picon set Prepared in accordance with the above description for the backup link I give Vu + Uno. Who want to download and install and inspect:


                              For thanks use button sigpic

