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vu+ solo images
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Re: vu+ solo images
VIX Team Vu+ Solo Image v2.0 - 09/02/2011
New VIX Image - v2.0
07/02/2011 - Open PLi 2.0
From VIX Team
Based on Open PLi 2.0
Yes, you read that correct. We have changed source (hence the long delay in release) to the Open PLi base. Many thanks to them for allowing us to use their base . If they wish to see any of the source code (without ViX specific enhancements of course ), just pm andyblac or Sicilian, and we will gladly send them on to them.
Since this is a completely new base, you will have to do a full fresh flash. Online updates will not work!!! Also, you will not be able to restore your settings from ViX 1.1 to 2.0. You will have to manually configure your box, as in testing, this has proven to cause many problems and instabilities in the box!
Enigma: 08-02-2011.
Enigma Plugins: 08-02-2011.
GCC Version: 4.4.4.
Drivers: 20110208
New Enhancements in v2.0
As already stated, this version of the release has a completely new base. This has required a lot of recoding to get the ViX enchancements working in the new PLi base... Of course, the image has the same enhancements as previous images, apart from some new additions
All new version number - Yup, we've moved on to version 2.0! This has nothing to do with the fact that the PLi version is 2.0... We felt that the addition of the dvb-t (wait for it keep reading ) warranted a brand new version number. This also puts the duo and solo in line number wise!
VIX Duo 2.0 Bootlogos, Radio Logos and Shutdown Logos (thanks again Silver )
Core changes to plugins and code to allow ViX features to work on Open PLi
USB DTT - The one you've all been waiting for! To install dvb-t, you just need to go to the plugin menu, and select the stick you have. This will then install the drivers for your stick*. You will then need to restart your receiver. Once restarted, go to Menu -> Setup -> Service Starting -> Tuner Config, and you should notice Tuner C as your USB DTT...
ViX Quick Event Info - This is the new way to receive the event info on the ViX image. Press OK button once to get the info bar up, press it once more (i.e. a second time) to receive the information about what is currently showing...
New ViX Single EPG (with channel preview) - The is new and unique to vix, after you open the ViX single EPG (short RED) you can view the 7 day epg for that channel, now to see another channels epg, either use the Channel up/down buttons on your remote or just key in the channel number. if you want to preview the channel your currently viewing the EPG for (ie you want to see what the current program is like) just press 'OK' on your remote, this will change to that channel showing you the program in the small video window. if you don't like it, go find another channel to preview by keying in new channel number (or up/down buttons). or if you do like it and want to go fullscreen on it, just press 'OK' again. but if you feel you want to return to the original channel you where watching (whilst still in ViX Single EPG) just press 'EXIT" button, this will return to where you where before you entered ViX Single EPG)
QuickEPG Updated to include channel preview - works as above
Debug Logs - This is to enable a better idea of what's been happening with the image for any crashes ... If your box crashes, check the /home/root/ folder, and look for a file that has the date/time modified as to when the box crashed. This can help find any bugs/issues easier To enable/disable this option, go to the ViX Settings. To clear the debug logs, choose yes. This will just delete the debug logs once. If you want to delete the logs again, just go back in to the menu, and change to yes again...
Bigger skin choice - OK, lots of people wanted a bigger choice of skins ... we've added lots more skins Also, most skins made for PLi 2.0 should work in ViX 2.0 also. If there are certain parts of the skin not edited for the ViX format (such as ViX menu, ViX Devices Manager, etc), then this should still work just fine. These menus have been hard coded to ensure that they will work if nothing included in to the skin...
Added option to disable ViX coloured buttons - This should ensure that if users want to use MultiQuick button plugin, it should work without issue
All of the PLi enhancements - This includes the infamous subtitles requested by many As well as auto audio/subtitle language selection, etc, etc).
Please also note that USB / ESATA devices NEED there mount points setup in Device Manager (green button whilst in Device Manager) in order for them to work correctly.
* Supported USB DVB-T:
Avermedia Volar HD Nano
Sundtek Media TV Pro
WinTV Nova T
Bug Fixes in v2.0
Motor moving image does not display - Fixed by Vu in latest drivers.
Installing other skins may cause the box to get into an infinite loop - Since moving over to the PLi image, changes have been made to the way the image works with skins. Now, most skins created for the PLi image should work on the ViX image.
Button Mappings
Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
Long Red*** - Show current event.
Short Green** & *** - Timers.
Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
Long Yellow*** - IMDB Database.
Short Blue - Extensions.
Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu
Known Bugs
Front VFD display showing the play button at the end of a video unless it is stopped manually - Problem with main driver, reported to VU+.
Few problems with WebIf Remote Control coloured buttons in timeshift/playback mode - E.G. The blue button decides to fast forward, not show the extensions menu.
Network mounts not remounting if the source goes offline - You should be able to go in to the network menu, and choose "Mount Again", but this doesn't seem to be working.
Special thanks to the following members:
rytec - for his continued support.
PLi Team for their great base image and allowing us to use it. for his Picon sets
Coolman and all other developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image and DTT working
NFI Installer: _
USB Installer: _ -
Re: vu+ solo images
BlackHole Vu+ Solo v. 1.4.5 Multiboot
- New Skin Army Brio
- Based on official image 5.6
- Fix HDD Detection problem at boot
- Speed up screen capture
- MediaPlayer related libraries update.
- Update e2 to the latest version.
- Relocate the fb.ko to its original postion.(fb.ko remains for backward compatibility)
Drivers: 20110208
- Support accelerated graphic fill
- Enhance PIP stability(duo)
- Support dvb api ver. 5 at vtuner driver (DVB-S2 support)
- Recording improvement
WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot
Code:The image MUST be installed in the flash. Black Hole can not support images not installed in the flash. This latest version of the Black Hole series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance. Please note that of all images Black Hole now has the best epg system: - Integrated OpenEpg - Rytec dedicated epg.dat - New system epg.dat outside. This last feature gives the possibility to various forums or communities to create their favorite EPG data files and load them into a web space. Community members can then download it from our servers. This feature provides other benefits such as: Increase download speed of EPG Download EPG from any channel Schedule the download of EPG decoder even during standby Users can customize the providers using Add / Remove function Main functions of the buttons on the remote OK button = Skin with simple information OK button x 2 = Extra Info Skin Blue button = Black Hole Blue Panel Blue button and then Red button = Black Hole Epg Panel Blue button and then Yellow button = System Monitor Panel Blue button long press = Extensions Yellow button = Time Shift Green button = Black Hole Green Panel Green button long press = Subservices Green button and then Red button = Fast Plugin Setup Green button x 2 = Fast Plugin Button Red = Start Record Addons Green button and then Yellow button takes you to:- Dedicated server for BlackHole addons Download and install additional packages from the Black Hole server Infobar / OSD Analog Clock Enigma2 Channel orbital location Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec Signal SNR, BER Infobar picons Characteristics of BlackHole Panels Blue Panel Extra Settings Black Hole Cron Manager (Manage schedules) OSD Settings (OSD configuration) Manager Kernel Modules (Kernel module operator) Inadyn Settings (Configure Inadyn) Swap File Settings (Configure File Swap) Hard Disk Settings (Configure Hard Drive) Black Hole Mount Wizard (Mount points) OpenVPN Panel ( OpenVPN Panel) Samba / CIFS Panel ( Samba Panel) NFS Server Panel ( NFS server Panel) Telnet Panel ( Telnet Panel) FTP Panel ( FTP Panel) Usb Tuner Panel Info Panel 1 - E2 Setting (Enigma2 configurations) 2 - Service Information (information system) 3 - About (info) Memory (Memory) Space (capacity) CPU (processor) Process (process) EPG Panel Global settings (global settings EPG) Setting Provider (ISP settings) Green Panel Fast Plugin Setup (Configure quick access to your favourite plugin) Fast Plugin (Access your favourite plugin) Addons (added) Addons Download Manager (Manager for package downloading) Installation manual packages (Manual installation of Black Hole packages) Manual Install IPK packages (Manual installation of IPK packages) Addons Uninstall Panel (Uninstalled packages) Black Hole Statistics (See connections, top downloads and more) Credits Thanks to the group of Beta Testers. Thanks to Rytec for providing us with the server with all epg.dat files. Thanks to MaxZ4 for Integrated EPG loader. Thanks to Lukkino (VDR-Italy) for the source code of OpenTV. Thanks to Reinh@rd for the file satellites.xml. Thanks to bigroma (vuplus-community board) for rt3070 patches. DISCLAIMER THE BLACK HOLE IMAGE IS BASED ON THE OFFICIAL FIRMWARE PULBISHED BY VU+ AND IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW IT CONTAINS ONLY SYSTEM ADDITIONS & GRAPHIC CHANGES. THE BLACK HOLE IMAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY EMULATOR, K E Y S, SOFTCAMS OR OTHER SYSTEM FOR VIEWING PAY - TV WITH OR WITHOUT A PAID SUBSCRIPTION. LASTLY, THE BLACK HOLE IMAGE DOES NOT CONTAIN ANY SYSTEM TO DOWNLOAD PLUGINS OR EMULATORS FROM EXTERNAL SERVERS OR SOFTWARE THAT MAY BE USED FOR IILEGAL PURPOSES SUCH AS CARD SHARING. LICENSE (TERM OF USE) THE BLACK HOLE IMAGE IS ISSUED FOR THE FREE USE FOR ALL USERS PROVIDED THAT IT WILL NOT BE CHANGED IN ANY WAY AND THAT IT WILL ONLY BE USED FOR LAWFUL PURPOSES. ANY CHANGES OR ADDITIONS TO BLACK HOLE IMAGE THAT INVOLVE UNLAWFUL USE OF THE IMAGE SUCH AS CARD-SHARING AND EMULATORS ARE NOT ALLOWED AND CAUSE THE REWOKE OF THIS LICENSE.
Re: vu+ solo images
Neues VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - V 2.4 - 11.02.2011 OE 1.6
Enigma 10.02.2011 (vuplus-experimental)
Treiber 08.02.2011
Plugins 12.02.2011
Skins 10.02.2011
Änderungen im Image:
Eigene Bootlogo's und neues Radiomode Logo.
diverse Anpassungen am Image und Diffs sowie Links von /usr/keys bzw. /var/keys im Image und andere kleinere Sachen.
Vu+ Solo
Code:LED wird rot im standby LNB Strom wird im Standby abgeschaltet Fernbedienung Antwortzeiten verbessert Videoevent Problem behoben Langer Tastendruck Fix Virtual Tuner Problem Fix Unterstützung von PCM Sound in DD Downmix Modus Diseqc Probleme behoben Verschiedene GCC Versionen 4.4.3 - 4.4.1 Schwarzer Bildschirm beim umschalten Tuning Algorithmus verbessert Unterstützung weiterer MKV Formate Teilweise auftretendes "no audio" Problem behoben Behebung des "late audio play" Problems Unterstützung von EOS erkennung im playback treiber Fix des mp3 abspielproblems Unterstützung des FF trick mode während des abspielens Speicherverwaltung verbessert Unterstützung von DTS Passthrough Tuning Problem behoben Vom VTi Team VTi Panel (Blaue Taste) Mehrsprachig: Englisch, Deutsch, Niederländisch kurzer Druck auf die Blaue Taste öffnet direkt das VTi Panel, ein langer Druck hingegen das Pluginmenü Diverse Enigma2 Anpassungen Cronjobs werden vollständig unterstützt Ein Passwortwechsel erzeugt keine zusätzlichen Meldungen mehr Reine Musik-CDs können z. B. per exteren USB Laufwerk wiedergegeben werden Optimerungen des Kernels und Systems Untersützung der aktuellen OE1.6 QT-Webbrowser Zahlreiche Optimierungen im Bereich Netzwerk u.a. für das Netzwerkbrowserplugin (verbesserte Zugriffe auf Freigaben) Untersützung von Windows 7 beim Samba (CIFS)-Server Untersützung der Vu+ Solo beim Imagebackup (USB/NFI)/Restore OE1.6 Fix Neuer Enigma2-Crashlogremover Swapdatei auch auf /media/usb Der IPK-Installer sucht auch unter unter /media/usb/* nach IPK-Dateien und installiert diese automatisch nach der Installation vom internen Flashverzeichnis /tmp installiert. Das Softwaremanger Plugin ist nun fest im Image enthalten Rytec EPG ist nun fest im Image enthalten Diverse WLAN Fixes Unterstützung von USB-Kartenlesern mit FTDI Chipsatz (Smargos,Easymouse2 etc.) Greenscreen Fix, wenn noch kein Softcam installiert ist und Farbtasten bestätigt werden Neue Skin Infobar/Renderdatei Gestartetes Softcam wird in der Infobar angezeigt Verbesserte My****, MetacafeDirect etc. Unterstützung Unterstützung für WLAN Sticks mit RT3070 Chipsatz (802.11b/g/n) Gerätemanager (THX to openee project for code base) Unterstützung für die iptable Firewall Unterstützung für HDD's größer als 2 TB (THX @SolarTom) (experimentell) New VTi "Vu+ Team Image" - V 2.4 11.02.2010 OE 1.6 Enigma 10.02.2011 (vuplus-experimental) Treiber 08.02.2011 Plugins 12.02.2011 Skins 10.02.2011 Changes: VTi Bootlogos and new Radiomode Logo. Multiple fixes at Imagesources and diffs, link from /usr/keys to /var/keys created and different litlle things in the image. Vu+ Solo LED turns red in standby Turn off LNB power at standby Fix video event problem Fix long press key problem Adjust remote control response time a bit more Virtual Tuner Problem Fix Support pcm sound(needs additional kernel modules) in dolby digital downmix mode. Clean up playback driver and fix misc. bugs. Fix some diseqec switch problem. Separate gcc 4.4.3 version and 4.1.1 version Make screen blank when zapping Enhance tuning algorithm Support more mkv file formats. Fix occasional "no audio" problem in playback Fix "late audio play" problem in playback Support EOS detection in playback driver Fix mp3 playback problem Support FF trick mode in playback Adjust memory allocation Support DTS Passthrough Fix tuning problem From VTi Team VTi Panel (Blue Button) supported languages are Englisch, German, Dutch short press on blue button opens VTi Panel, longer press opens Pluginmenu Some Enigma2 fixes Cronjobs full supported No error massages while changeing the password Pure audio disc playback - (USB CD Drive) Kernel and system enhancements OE1.6 QT-Webbrowser support Many enhancements in network and networkbrowserplugin Support for Windows 7 Samba (CIFS-Server) Support for Vu+ Solo Imagebackup (USB/NFI-Restore) OE1.6 Fix New Enigma2 Crashlogremover Swapfile at /media/usb IPK-Installer search at /media/usb/* too Softwaremanager plugin is now build-in into the image Rytec EPG plugin is now build-in into the image Some WLAN fixes Support for FTDI chipset cardreader like smargo and easymouse2 Greenscreen fix when no softcam is installed and any color key will be pressed New Skin Infobar/Renderfile Running Softcam shown in the Infobar Better support for My****, MetacafeDirect and other Support for WLAN Stick with RT3070 chipset (802.11b/g/n) Device Manager (THX to openee project for code base) Support for iptable firewall Support for HDD's > 2TB (THX @SolarTom) (experimental)
Re: vu+ solo images
Power of Dream HD OE 1.6 for Vuo+solo 22/02/2011
What is new:
=> Fixed French CSAT package operation
=> Fixed French TNTSAT package operation
=> Fixed French ORANGE package operation
Re: vu+ solo images
BlackHole Vu+ Solo 1.4.5 Multiboot Backup BLaCkBiRd 25.02.2011
[COLOR="Red"]Kurulu olanlar.
CCam 2.2.1
Ccam info v1.3c
TunisiaSat Addons Manager 3.0
NetRadio Turk v2.5
Subtitle player by DD
Email Client
user: root
password : vuduo
Download NFI:
Re: vu+ solo images
================================================== ==============
Persian HD Project For VuPlus Solo HD By Persian Prince (OE 1.6)
================================================== ==============
What Should You Do ?
1- You Need To Have A VuPlus Solo Image In Your Box (Inside) Flash
You Can Install Black Hole , Then You Need A Plugin For MultiBoot
You Can Use MeoBoot , It's Compatible With Black Hole
And ... You Need To MultiBoot Your VuPlus Solo HD With
Latest DreamBox 800 HD Official Image
09-03-2011 Tested
DM800HD :
2- Install Unleash Official Plugin , Do Restart GUI
You Can Install It Via Menu->Setup->Software management->Install local extension
3- Go To Menu->Plugins Then Select Unleash Official
4- You Should Wait For A While , It Depends On You Internet Speed (8 Stages)
5- At Last You Will See A New Look , Restart
6- Enjoy
Hold Yellow Button For PPanel
Download Link :Comment
Re: vu+ solo images
New official version V5.7
Code:Open Embedded - Fix Vu_HD skin error - Libraries and drivers update - Update e2 to the latest version. - For other details, please take a loot at git log. Duo/Solo Driver update 20110321 - Use linuxtv api dvr device instead of misc/pvr device - Fix incorrect VFD icon display(duo) - Fix tuning problem at channels with low symbol rate(solo) - Fix slow trick play(time shift, ts playback) - Increase the number of demux device
Download 5.7 USB:
Re: vu+ solo images
Vu+ Solo VTi "Vu+ Team Image" V 2.5 - 22.03.2011 OE 1.6 Enigma 21.03.2011 (vuplus-experimental) Treiber 21.03.2011 ( Changelog ) Plugins 21.03.2011 Skins 21.03.2011
Re: vu+ solo images
BlackHole Vu+ Solo v. 1.4.6 Multiboot
- New Skin Army Curve hd
- Drivers 20110321
Based on Official image Ver 5.7
Open Embedded
- Libraries and drivers update
- Update e2 to the latest version.
- For other details, please take a loot at git log.
Duo/Solo Driver update
- Use linuxtv api dvr device instead of misc/pvr device
- Fix incorrect VFD icon display(duo)
- Fix tuning problem at channels with low symbol rate(solo)
- Fix slow trick play(time shift, ts playback)
- Increase the number of demux device
Added WiFi B/G/N USB dongle Realtek 8712 driver (list of supported devices here)
WARNING: This Image has the latest drivers and CAN NOT be installed in multiboot.
The image MUST be installed in the flash.
Black Hole can not support images not installed in the flash.
This latest version of the Black Hole series has been entirely rewritten and improved in the code for maximum stability and performance.
Please note that of all images Black Hole now has the best epg system:
- Integrated OpenEpg
- Rytec dedicated epg.dat
- New system epg.dat outside.
This last feature gives the possibility to various forums or communities to create their favorite EPG data files and load them into a web space.
Community members can then download it from our servers.
This feature provides other benefits such as:
Increase download speed of EPG
Download EPG from any channel
Schedule the download of EPG decoder even during standby
Users can customize the providers using Add / Remove function
Main functions of the buttons on the remote
OK button = Skin with simple information
OK button x 2 = Extra Info Skin
Blue button = Black Hole Blue Panel
Blue button and then Red button = Black Hole Epg Panel
Blue button and then Yellow button = System Monitor Panel
Blue button long press = Extensions
Yellow button = Time Shift
Green button = Black Hole Green Panel
Green button long press = Subservices
Green button and then Red button = Fast Plugin Setup
Green button x 2 = Fast Plugin
Button Red = Start Record
Green button and then Yellow button takes you to:-
Dedicated server for BlackHole addons
Download and install additional packages from the Black Hole server
Infobar / OSD
Analog Clock Enigma2
Channel orbital location
Advanced Tuner Info: Sr Freq Pol Fec
Signal SNR, BER
Infobar picons
Characteristics of BlackHole Panels
Blue Panel
Extra Settings
Black Hole Cron Manager (Manage schedules)
OSD Settings (OSD configuration)
Manager Kernel Modules (Kernel module operator)
Inadyn Settings (Configure Inadyn)
Swap File Settings (Configure File Swap)
Hard Disk Settings (Configure Hard Drive)
Black Hole Mount Wizard (Mount points)
OpenVPN Panel ( OpenVPN Panel)
Samba / CIFS Panel ( Samba Panel)
NFS Server Panel ( NFS server Panel)
Telnet Panel ( Telnet Panel)
FTP Panel ( FTP Panel)
Usb Tuner Panel
Info Panel
1 - E2 Setting (Enigma2 configurations)
2 - Service Information (information system)
3 - About (info)
Memory (Memory)
Space (capacity)
CPU (processor)
Process (process)
EPG Panel
Global settings (global settings EPG)
Setting Provider (ISP settings)
Green Panel
Fast Plugin Setup (Configure quick access to your favourite plugin)
Fast Plugin (Access your favourite plugin)
Addons (added)
Addons Download Manager (Manager for package downloading)
Installation manual packages (Manual installation of Black Hole packages)
Manual Install IPK packages (Manual installation of IPK packages)
Addons Uninstall Panel (Uninstalled packages)
Black Hole Statistics (See connections, top downloads and more)
Thanks to the group of Beta Testers.
Thanks to Rytec for providing us with the server with all epg.dat files.
Thanks to MaxZ4 for Integrated EPG loader.
Thanks to Lukkino (VDR-Italy) for the source code of OpenTV.
Thanks to Reinh@rd for the file satellites.xml.
Thanks to bigroma (vuplus-community board) for rt3070 patches.
Black Hole Vu+ Solo v. 1.4.6 Multiboot_USBComment
Re: vu+ solo images
ViX Team Vu+ Solo Image v2.1 - 24/03/2011
New ViX Image Vu+ Solo - v2.1
24/03/2011 - Open ViX 2.1
Based on Open PLi 2.0
From ViX Team
Enigma: 21-03-2011.
Enigma Plugins: 21-03-2011.
GCC Version: 4.4.4.
Drivers: 20110321.
Team ViX Enchancements
* ViX Bootlogos, Radio Logo and Shut Down Logos.
* ViX Team Spinner.
* ViX Team Vu_HD Skin.
* ViX Team softcam manager (softcams will need to be installed manually).
* ViX Team Cron Manager - Allows you to create cron jobs from scrips in /usr/script/ and set them to run at pre-defined times by you. For more info, look at the screen shots below.
* ViX Team Power Manager - This allows you to enable standby at a specific time, enable deep standby at specific times, do a GUI restart at specific times, or do a full reboot at specific times. If standby is set after deep standby, then it will wake the box up and return the box to the state it was before deepsleep was initiated... For more info, look at the screenshots below.
* ViX Team Device Manager - This enables you to choose where you want to mount USB Sticks, USB HDDs, etc. This can be found in Menu -> Setup -> VIX -> Device Manager. Please also note that USB / ESATA devices NEED there mount points setup in Device Manager (green button whilst in Device Manager) in order for them to work correctly.
* ViX Team Image Manager - This enables you to backup and restore your image (nb, we are talking the whole image, not just settings). This can be found in Menu -> Setup -> ViX -> Image Manager. You can choose where to store your backups to, either HDD or USB. /media/hdd/imagebackups or /media/usb/imagebackups folder (setup by pressing menu, whilst your in Image Manager).
* ViX Team Overscan fix - This is the fix to remedy any overscan people had in the previous release. To use this, go to Menu -> Setup -> VIX -> Skin Settings and alter the "Menu Overscan amount" to suit your display.
* ViX Team Swap Manager - Allows you to create/use swap files on usb/hdd, and also allows you to use swap partitions.
* ViX-EPG - This is a simpler, faster version of CoolTVGuide, modified for the image.
* ViX QuickEPG - This is VIXs' version of QuickZap. You can see the full epg data for the channel, not just now and next. Picons work within QuickEPG. Also includes channel preview.
* ViX Quick Event Info - This is the new way to receive the event info on the ViX image. Press OK button once to get the info bar up, press it once more (i.e. a second time) to receive the information about what is currently showing...
* ViX Single EPG (with channel preview) - The is new and unique to vix, after you open the ViX single EPG (short RED) you can view the 7 day epg for that channel, now to see another channels epg, either use the Channel up/down buttons on your remote or just key in the channel number. if you want to preview the channel your currently viewing the EPG for (ie you want to see what the current program is like) just press 'OK' on your remote, this will change to that channel showing you the program in the small video window. if you don't like it, go find another channel to preview by keying in new channel number (or up/down buttons). or if you do like it and want to go fullscreen on it, just press 'OK' again. but if you feel you want to return to the original channel you where watching (whilst still in ViX Single EPG) just press 'EXIT" button, this will return to where you where before you entered ViX Single EPG)
* ViX Network Manager added to VIX Menu - This allows you to stop and start certain network features. The features you can stop/start are: FTP, NFS, VPN, Samba and Telnet.
* USB DTT - To install dvb-t, you just need to go to the plugins downloads, and select the stick you have. This will then install the drivers for your stick. You will then need to restart your receiver. Once restarted, go to Menu -> Setup -> Service Starting -> Tuner Config, and you should notice Tuner C as your USB DTT...
* IPK Installer - Just copy your .ipk fle into '/tmp' and go to the menu option.
* AutoTimer plugin integrated into image - Create an AutoTimer (Series Link), using Blue button in Current Channel EPG info.
* XMLTV EPG Importer - Thanks to Rytec for his support on this Importer. This has been updated so that the Import automatically updates itself from the servers, so there is no need to download and install new source files. Thanks to Rytec for the idea and andyblac for coding it.
* CrossEPG included in image as default - Settings for this can be found in Menu -> Setup -> VIX -> CrossEPG.
* EPG Download from transponders - This incorporates the EIT, MHW, FREESAT, NetMed & VIASAT downloads. To enable/disable, change your settings in the Menu -> Setup -> System -> Customise.
* EPG load patch - Image patched to allow EPG data to be loaded without the need for a restart.
* WebInterface and Help Screens - The Web Interface Remote Control correctly shows the Vu+ remote control, with all buttons mapped correctly. As well as this, in all Help screens, the remote control has been updated to the Vu+, and all references of Dreambox removed.
* Added option to disable the spinner (egg timer) - Change the setting of "Show Animation while busy" in Menu -> Setup -> System -> Customise.
* Added option to disable the channel numbers in Channel List - BMCC bouquet's have Channel Numbers in their channel name, so you get them twice in channel list.
* Panic Button - Added option to enable/disable panic button (goes direct to channel 1).
* Subserivice Option - This option allows you to assign the Subservice shortcut to a long green press. To change this option, go to VIX Menu -> VIX Setup.
* Option to disable ViX coloured buttons - This should ensure that if users want to use MultiQuick button plugin, it should work without issue
* Added Wireless Lan Support - This is automatically enabled in the image. To set up, use the Network manager on first boot, or from the Menu -> Setup -> System -> Network.
* NFS Server added to image and set to run automatically - To edit the folders you wish to share, you will need to edit file /etc/exports.
* Network Browser - Added Network Browser to help you setup share mounts.
* OpenVPN Support - This will need to be configured to your need first then use the manager to setup to autostart.
* Added Smargo Support - This is automatically enabled in image.
* Recorded Items - Recorded Items list modified to move item, browse directories, etc. Works similarly to suomipoeka plugin. Can be selected to load via the recorded items button, or from the tv button.
* Permanent Timeshift Plugin integrated (Disabled by default, turn on via Timeshift settings).
* Integrated AutoTimer
* Integrated EPG Search
* Integrated IMDb Search
Button Mappings
* Short Red** & *** - Show current channel EPG info (ViX Single EPG).
* Long Red*** - Show current event.
* Short Green** & *** - Timers.
* Long Green*** - AutoTimer Timers.
* Short Yellow*** - EPG Search.
* Long Yellow*** - IMDB Database.
* Short Blue - Extensions.
* Long Blue*** - Plugins Menu.
* EPG - Opens ViX EPG.
* Left/Right** - Opens ViX QuickEPG.
** Can be changed in ViX Menu
*** Can be turned off in ViX Menu
Known Bugs
None that we know of
Special thanks to the following members:
* * vu+nl for skinning his magic skins for ViX Team image
* * rytec - for his continued support.
* * PLi Team for their great base image and allowing us to use it.
* * for his Picon sets
* * Coolman and all other developers for their plugins used in the feeds of this image.
* * All of the ViX Beta team for their hours of testing and dedication on getting this image and DTT working
Download USB:
Re: vu+ solo images
Power of Dreams HD+ 2.0.5 (POD HD+) CrossEPG Edition for Vuo+Solo
As you know, we attach great importance to the provision of an image incorporating a reliable EPG, to make the best use of plugins like autotimer TimerOptimizer Sandbox and integrated into the POD + HD. For technical reasons, we chose not to use the plugin Rytec but CrossEPG, which seems to offer better benefits, and allow us, if we wish one day to provide our own source xmltv. Note that CrossEPG allows you to use the EPG data Rytec, and its use no longer requires rebooting Enigma.
Besides this change, the image included all the changes of the image off 5.7:
Open Embedded
- Fix error Vu_HD skin
- Libraries and update drivers
- Update To The e2 latest version.
- For Other details, please take a loot any git log.
Duo / Solo Driver update
- Use API linuxtv DVR device INSTEAD of misc / PVR device
- Fix incorrect icon VFD display (duet)
- Fix problem tuning any channels With low symbol rate (solo)
- Fix slow trick play (time shift, ts playback)
- Increase the number of demux device