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vu+ duo images

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  • runmo
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 6120

    vu+ duo images

    Post everything concerning vu+ duo images here
  • eddis
    Experienced Board Member
    • Nov 2010
    • 886

    Re: vu+ duo images

    Backup image BlackHole 1.4.4 by zegarion
    BH 1.4.4 USB _http://www.4shared.com/file/f8CYMVwY/BH144_USB.html

    BH 1.4.4 NFI i _http://www.4shared.com/file/qUnUTQfK/BH144_NFI.html

    Picony Astra-Hotbird _http://www.4shared.com/file/-nXExeo_/picon.html


    • mikine56
      • Mar 2010
      • 3258

      Re: vu+ duo images

      VTI 2.3 Image BKP with PiP For Vu+Duo

      Image News :
      1- New Vu+Duo driver installed , now we can watch pip ( imagem im Imagem )
      2- New Tunisia sat Plugins .
      3- myvideo plugin .
      4- Filme der Woche Plugin .
      5- my **** player .
      ETC ..........

      New Boot Logo with DragTeam Logo inside .

      the image is very Stabile .

      And the best Skins installed .

      To Active and desactive PIP long click Blue button .
      navigat to active picture in picture .

      USB only :



      • foriyu
        • Oct 2010
        • 2335

        Re: vu+ duo images

        28-01-2011 06:21 35.861 Mb

        28-01-2011 06:21 35.861 Mb


        • gregorii
          Premium Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 951

          Re: vu+ duo images

          ================================================== ========== =================
          Persian HD Project For VuPlus DuoHD By Persian Prince (28-Jan-11) - USB & NFI
          ================================================== ========== =================

          Image Informations :

          Boot Logo = PHDP
          Drivers = 27.01.2011
          Enigma2 = 11.01.2011
          OE = 1.6
          Root Password = vuplus
          Satellites.XML = 28.01.2011

          Installed System Plugins :

          - Automatic Timer List Cleanup
          - Automatic Volume Adjustment
          - Auto Resolution
          - Cleanup Wizard
          - Common Interface Assignment
          - Crash Log Auto Submit
          - Diseqc Tester
          - Factory Test
          - Fan Control
          - Front Processor Upgrade
          - Hot Plug
          - Network Browser
          - Network Wizard
          - Positioner Setup
          - Satellites Editor
          - Satellite EquipmentControl
          - Sat Finder
          - Services Editor
          - Skin Selector
          - Software Manager
          - Startup Service
          - Video Enhancement
          - Vide Mode
          - Vide Tune
          - More -> Online Servers

          Installed Extensions :

          - AI HD Controler
          - Audio Sync
          - Auto Timer
          - CCcam Info
          - Cut List Editor
          - DVD Player
          - Dyn DNS
          - Easy Media
          - EPG Refresh
          - EPG Search
          - File Browser
          - Graph Multi EPG
          - IMDB Details
          - Internet Time
          - Letter Box
          - Logo Manager
          - Media **********
          - Media Player
          - Media Scanner
          - Mosaic
          - Movie Cut
          - Movie List Preview
          - Movie Retitle
          - Movie Selection Quick Button
          - Movie Tagger
          - My ****
          - Password Changer
          - Permanent Clock
          - PHDP News
          - Picture Player
          - PPanel 1.7
          - Quick Button
          - Reconstruct ApSc
          - Tag Editor
          - Tux TXT
          - User Scripts 3.3
          - Vali XD Control
          - Virtual Zap
          - VLC Player
          - Weather Plugin
          - Web Interface
          - Zap History Browser
          - Zap Statics
          - More -> Online Servers

          Installed Skins :

          - 750S (Uses DejaVuSans.ttf)
          - Default (Uses DejaVuSans.ttf)
          - Vu HD (Uses DejaVuSans.ttf)
          - More -> Online Servers

          Installed Camds :

          - CCcam 2.2.1 (Activated)
          - More -> Online Servers

          Installed Scripts :

          - CCcam 2.2.1
          - PHDP Scripts 1.4
          - Useful Scripts 1.4
          - More -> Online Servers

          Installed Defualt Services Lists & Settings :

          - Enigma2 PHDP Settings
          - Sky (19.2E) Fix
          - More -> Online Servers

          Online Servers :

          - PHDP Full (http://vuplus.bermoodateam.com/PHDP/)

          News & FAQ :

          - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Persia...64217146932448

          Bug Tracker :

          - http://vuplus.bermoodateam.com/

          ================================================== =====
          Files Hashes - Checked By Hash Tab (www.beeblebrox.org)
          ================================================== =====

          - boot_cfe_auto.jffs2

          CRC32: ECD1F9AD
          MD5: 55DA357E7C780F0FDAF716A8C8EA38C5
          SHA-1: B4CFB312C62ACE8349B4BF17D182F5D325E5B86B

          - kernel_cfe_auto.bin

          CRC32: 58134748
          MD5: B9174A1E328FD4BC16FB059A64293373
          SHA-1: 98A5BBB79888A7F1736990A9D9A42C9B56D94207

          - root_cfe_auto.jffs2

          CRC32: 5323CB28
          MD5: 0644E4D129791A8563437079814BC9D1
          SHA-1: B4B98F6F6391E510422F882D4F227B79F05C9D2B

          - phdp.nfi

          CRC32: 4199684A
          MD5: D76DAE5B677FCCD12E0CB7AA0C7FFB7B
          SHA-1: E61BA530645735DB8F9FFF909F567613FAC9F7C7

          Download Links





          • lulezim
            • Mar 2010
            • 4081

            Re: vu+ duo images

            SifTeam Extreme Edition Vu+Duo Rev185

            fix for usbtuner and blacklist driver






            • mikine56
              • Mar 2010
              • 3258

              Re: vu+ duo images

              Originally posted by mikine56
              BKP Pappaalfio BlackHole rev.144 with DLNA


              Network: subnet DNS already configured
              (These network parameters are for all my BKP)
              User = root Password = voodoo
              Tuner A: Hotbird-Astra Tuner B: A cascade of tuner
              Setting Vhannibal updated on January 22, 2011
              AV HDMI - Config Expert


              Unplug all USB devices
              Before restarting, connect the USB devices including DTT (if compatible with the list) and any reader PCSC.

              Network configuration, the DNS are fine ..

              Install any internal HardDisk:
              TastoBlux2> DeviceManager> mountpoint> / media / hdd> Verification (I left out the formatting that should be done only during the new HD)

              Create swap space (useful for backing up):
              as above option swap file settings> Enable button with red> Autostar (yellow button) OK

              Now configure the DTT:
              Key blux2> UsbTunerPanel> selectDrivers> Enable ...
              (May happen that one time is not on, no problem, reboot and repeat the procedure exactly as before, when activated you will see load of files and the green light will go on "Working"

              Channel Search:

              Menu '> Configuration> Channel Search> Configuration Tuner
              C tuner (if not stated is not supported)
              Select OK and the area
              The parameter has no effect on the 5V USB sticks

              With exit back to the submenu> select Manual Scan> Select Tuner C> Complete Search Type> Research Network is> Delete before searching for SI>
              When the search finished, exit

              If you want to use the Plugin SV********** that was installed for the first time you use an editor Setting (I use DreamBoxEdit) and downloaded from the Vudu dreamedit setting in, pass the list of land, reorder the list Vhannibal (or else you used ) in the terrestrial digital packages back and forth through the settings on your Vudu so ordered.

              Now you can start reading the SV********** VS. configuration, and saved.

              Press the yellow button on the site controlled the premium provider setting and if you need to update, press the download button.
              You will see the list and choose your Bouquets DTT;
              the plugin will connect automatically to the site and download new settings without touching the Bouquet Digital TV.

              At the end of the run command E2 plugin that allows you to avoid restarting E2. (Handy if you consider that the search for terrestrial channels do not do every day).

              A note, with the setting of Vhannibal (do not know the others), the channel numbers of DTT starts from 201 so if you want to call on 1 channel DTT (I assume you have cleared up with Rai 1, you can directly enter the channel in a mnemonic ).


              Font Magnifier
              OscamInfo (new and completely translated into Italian)
              MultiQuickButton (to configure)
              WebInterface New Vudu remote control
              SV********** BY Dalraist

              All plugins installed are working. Other plugins can be downloaded from Repo
              There is also LiveFootball that I forgot to install

              Have already installed the drivers for the PCSC readers.
              In BluPanel (tastoBlux2) you will find the DLNA client and the server that gives you maximum flexibility in the multimedia distribution network.


              Panel accessible from script pane scriptPane "(Green + Blue) where you will find all the commands to remove automatically installed and what are some useful system commands.

              Please note that all scripts are automatically started with the selection and therefore require no further confirmation. Special attention to scripts that begin with "Remove"!

              I installed the new plugin that will definitely come back very helpful, in particular, I am sure, is sure to please: Oscam.info.
              I fully translated into Italian, including the guide, then read it before you start using it! (Option from the menu).

              I hope that's enough, good luck!

              thanks Pappaalfio

              LINK USB
              LINK NFI
              new link ok


              • lulezim
                • Mar 2010
                • 4081

                Re: vu+ duo images

                VU+ images
                Gigant OE1.6 Multiboot Image for VU + Duo

                Gigant Image Multiboot for VU+ Duo by Webkurier 02/2011

                The best of BH, VTI, and Gemini

                Based on Black Hole 1.4.4 image

                * Enigma: 25.01.2011
                * Drivers: 14.01.2011
                * Polish locale: 29.01.2011

                * Skins:

                - Factory5P by Matrix10
                - DMConcinnity HD Transparent by Kerni
                - HD Glass 14 by Shamann
                - UnicaB-HD by Army (default)

                * Plugins:

                # Black Hole BluePanel - addons, SoftCam manager
                # GeminiProject3 BluePanel - addons, SoftCam manager (vers. 0.21-r8)
                # Giant Panel - scripts, backup, k * y updater, etc. (as of 01/29/1911)
                # VTI Panel - addons, SoftCam manager
                # Easy Media - Multimedia Panel
                # DMNapi - gets from the net Polish subtitles in txt format, converts to the src and displays them in the movies
                Ultime notizie # - Polish party RSS reader + TV program (as of 29/01/1911)
                # RSS Reader - RSS reader gemini (as of 29/01/1911)
                # Dreamnetcast - Internet radio with recording capability on the drive (as of 29.11)
                # Weather Plugin - Weather forecasts for all cities in Poland and in Europe from ******
                # Weather - weather forecast for all cities in Poland and in Europe from the server, The Weather Channel
                # Webcams gemini (as of 29/01/1911)
                # Aspect Ratio Switch - switch the aspect ratio
                # CCcam info - CCcam manager
                # Oscam Info - oscam manager
                # Multi Quickbutton Gemini - programming the remote control
                # My**** - movies from the Internet
                # Meoboot - to run other images in multiboot
                # MediaTomb - UPnP server
                # Nfidump - nfi image decompressor (thanks to gutemine)

                ... And other feed available online from the BH, Nabilo, VTI and Gemini

                Functions of the buttons on the remote control:

                Blue - Blue Panel BH
                Blue long - Extensions

                Yellow - RSS Reader
                Yellow long - Weather Forecast

                Green - A list of plugins + BH feed
                Green long - list of plugins + feed VTI

                Red - Gemini GP3 BluePanel
                Red long - VTI Panel

                EPG - Current Event (Event view)
                EPG long - Cool TV Guide

                TEXT - videotext
                TEXT long - subkanaly (subservices)

                Long RADIO - Dreamnetcast webradio
                STOP - switching formats, 4:3 / 16:9

                ================================================== ========== ===============
                Warning! Image does not include keys or emulators!
                Some plug-ins and skins were processed for the use of the image.
                Full support only in the image in Flash installed.
                ================================================== ========== ==============

                When you first start to put the usb memory stick, turn on the Devices Manager (2 x blue) and mount the drive as / media / hdd and flash drive as a media / usb.
                Then run meoboot and install it in / media / usb.
                Each time you update plugins gemini run in the giant patch panel, which will restore the default settings.

                The author thanks blackhole, Gemini and VTI for a wonderful job.






                • mikine56
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 3258

                  Re: vu+ duo images

                  30-01-2011 05:42



                  • foriyu
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 2335

                    Re: vu+ duo images


                    186 - Added Driver wifi rtl8187l by default in vuplus machine
                    187 - Fix Crash for vuplus wifi (tested in vu+duo), report if work in vusolo
                    188 - Fixed recognition usb dtt and wifi for usbloader at boot




                    • mikine56
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 3258

                      Re: vu+ duo images

                      31-01-2011 04:46



                      • lulezim
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 4081

                        Re: vu+ duo images

                        Persian HD Project For VuPlus DuoHD By Persian Prince (1-Feb-11) - USB & NFI

                        Image Informations :
                        Boot Logo = PHDP
                        Drivers = 27.01.2011
                        Enigma2 = 11.01.2011
                        OE = 1.6 Stable
                        Root Password = vuplus
                        Satellites.XML = 28.01.2011
                        Installed System Plugins :
                        - Automatic Timer List Cleanup
                        - Automatic Volume Adjustment
                        - Auto Resolution
                        - Cleanup Wizard
                        - Common Interface Assignment
                        - Crash Log Auto Submit
                        - Diseqc Tester
                        - Factory Test
                        - Fan Control
                        - Front Processor Upgrade
                        - Hot Plug
                        - Network Browser
                        - Network Wizard
                        - Positioner Setup
                        - Satellites Editor
                        - Satellite EquipmentControl
                        - Sat Finder
                        - Services Editor
                        - Simple Satellite Scan
                        - Skin Selector
                        - Software Manager
                        - Startup Service
                        - Video Enhancement
                        - Vide Mode
                        - Vide Tune
                        - Wireless LAN [Supports Ralink (rt73-rt2870-rt3070) & Zydas (zd1211b) Chipsets] Special Thanks To bigroma73 From Russia
                        - More -> Online Servers
                        Installed Extensions :
                        - AI HD Controler
                        - Audio Sync
                        - Auto Timer
                        - CCcam Info
                        - Cut List Editor
                        - CVS News
                        - Daemon Manager
                        - DVD Player
                        - Dyn DNS
                        - Easy Media
                        - EPG Refresh
                        - EPG Search
                        - File Browser
                        - Graph Multi EPG
                        - IMDB Details
                        - Internet Time
                        - Letter Box
                        - Logo Manager
                        - Media **********
                        - Media Player
                        - Media Scanner
                        - MeoBoot 0.99
                        - Mosaic
                        - Movie Cut
                        - Movie List Preview
                        - Movie Retitle
                        - Movie Selection Quick Button
                        - Movie Tagger
                        - My ****
                        - Password Changer
                        - Permanent Clock
                        - PHDP News
                        - Picture Player
                        - PPanel 1.9
                        - Quick Button
                        - Reconstruct ApSc
                        - Satellites.XML By Persian Prince Generator
                        - Tag Editor
                        - Tux TXT
                        - Update Check
                        - User Scripts 3.3
                        - Vali XD Control
                        - Virtual Zap
                        - VLC Player
                        - Weather Plugin
                        - Web Interface
                        - Zap History Browser
                        - Zap Statics
                        - More -> Online Servers
                        Installed Skins :
                        - 750S (Uses DejaVuSans.ttf)
                        - Default (Uses DejaVuSans.ttf)
                        - Shock Style HD
                        - Vu HD (Uses DejaVuSans.ttf)
                        - More -> Online Servers
                        Installed Camds :
                        - CCcam 2.2.1 (Activated)
                        - More -> Online Servers
                        Installed Scripts :
                        - CCcam 2.2.1
                        - PHDP Scripts 1.4
                        - Useful Scripts 1.4
                        - More -> Online Servers
                        Installed Defualt Services Lists & Settings :
                        - Enigma2 PHDP Settings
                        - Sky (19.2E) Fix
                        - More -> Online Servers
                        Online Servers :
                        - PHDP Full (http://vuplus.bermoodateam.com/PHDP/)
                        News & FAQ :
                        - http://www.facebook.com/pages/Persia...64217146932448
                        Bug Tracker :
                        - http://vuplus.bermoodateam.com/ (Public View Enabled)
                        ================================================== =====
                        Files Hashes - Checked By Hash Tab (www.beeblebrox.org)
                        ================================================== =====
                        - boot_cfe_auto.jffs2
                        CRC32: ECD1F9AD
                        MD5: 55DA357E7C780F0FDAF716A8C8EA38C5
                        SHA-1: B4CFB312C62ACE8349B4BF17D182F5D325E5B86B
                        - kernel_cfe_auto.bin
                        CRC32: 58134748
                        MD5: B9174A1E328FD4BC16FB059A64293373
                        SHA-1: 98A5BBB79888A7F1736990A9D9A42C9B56D94207
                        - root_cfe_auto.jffs2
                        CRC32: EB9160B3
                        MD5: 3A053811D9AFC2F28ED010A1C93D2A35
                        SHA-1: F51C2A902C9F1FCBA5C5BACD0C30FC71D8CBC362
                        - phdp.nfi
                        CRC32: F14ECD57
                        MD5: C93E12999E1B0B7115F3B070D39490FD
                        SHA-1: F7C4174030CB9E986A85EA30EC23C70C0DE8D1E9




                        • mikine56
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 3258

                          Re: vu+ duo images

                          01-02-2011 04:57



                          • sonc
                            Experienced Board Member
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 1568

                            Re: vu+ duo images

                            BKP Pappaalfio SIF 188 SVN "Avatar" con DLNA

                            Network: subnet DNS already configured 
                            (These network parameters are for all my BKP) 
                            No user = root Password 
                            Tuner A: Hotbird-Astra Tuner B: A cascade of tuner 
                            Setting Vhannibal updated on January 22, 2011 
                            AV HDMI - Config Expert 
                            Unplug all USB devices 
                            Before restarting, connect the USB devices including DTT (if compatible with the list) and any reader PCSC. 
                            Network configuration, the DNS are fine .. 
                            Install any internal HardDisk: 
                            TastoBlu> Disks> Partition> Mount> Verification (I left out the formatting that should be done only during the new HD) 
                            Create swap space (useful for backing up): 
                            Swap above option> Activate with red button OK 
                            Now configure the DTT: 
                            Menu '> Configuration> Channel Search> Configuration Tuner 
                            C tuner (if not stated is not supported) 
                            Select OK and the area 
                            The parameter has no effect on the 5V USB sticks 
                            With exit back to the menu and select Manual Search 
                            Select the Tuner C 
                            Search Type All transponder - Research Network is 
                            If you want to use the Plugin SV********** that was installed for the first time you use an editor Setting (I use DreamBoxEdit) and downloaded from the Vudu dreamedit setting in, pass the list of land, reorder the list Vhannibal (or else you used ) in the terrestrial digital packages back and forth through the settings on your Vudu so ordered. 
                            Now you can start reading the SV********** VS. configuration, and saved. 
                            Press the yellow button on the site controlled the premium provider setting and if you need to update, press the download button. 
                            You will see the list and choose your Bouquets DTT; 
                            the plugin will connect automatically to the site and download new settings without touching the Bouquet Digital TV. 
                            At the end of the run command E2 plugin that allows you to avoid restarting E2. (Handy if you consider that the search for terrestrial channels do not do every day). 
                            A note, with the setting of Vhannibal (do not know the others), the channel numbers of DTT starts from 201 so if you want to call on 1 channel DTT (I assume you have cleared up with Rai 1, you can directly enter the channel in a mnemonic ). 
                            I also installed a plugin to Appendix CrossEPG, already installed in the image, which downloads the settings M7Premium than those of Heaven, which I have selected in the config. 
                            I hope you might come in handy. 
                            Font Magnifier 
                            Lot Enalotto 
                            OscamInfo (new) 
                            QuickButton (to configure) 
                            SV********** BY Dalraist 
                            TG24 Intercactive 
                            Direct Goal 12Finestre 
                            UPnP - DLNA ClientServer 
                            All plugins installed are working. 
                            I have tested and installed the DVD Player that is fine. 
                            Tested with media player DLNA server connected with music and AVI 
                            Have already installed the drivers for the PCSC readers. 
                            Original Panel Sif 
                            Skin concinnity HD-numbered channels. 
                            Panel script accessible from Sif panel where you will find all the controls installed to automatically remove the hand and some useful system commands with the addition of more new utilities. 
                            Please note that all scripts are automatically started with the selection and therefore require no further confirmation. Special attention to scripts that begin with "Remove"! 
                            I installed the new plugin that will definitely come back very helpful, you will find particularly useful: Oscam.info. 
                            I translated all the plug-in Italian, read before you start using it (from menu option) "configuration". 
                            Do not perform updates online only if it is installed on a new Rel Repository. 
                            Read phoneticallyDictionary - View detailed dictionary
                            Download USB

                            Download NFI:
                            _http://rapidshare.com/#!download|727l33|445704962|188avatar.nfi.rar|5767 8
                            Attached Files


                            • mikine56
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 3258

                              Re: vu+ duo images

                              02-02-2011 05:12


                              BKP Pappaalfio SIF 188 SVN "Avatar" con DLNA

                              Rete: subnet DNS già configurati
                              (questi parametri di rete restano per tutti i miei BKP)
                              User = root nessuna Password
                              Tuner A: Hotbird-Astra Tuner B: in cascata da tuner A
                              Setting VHannibal aggiornati al 22 Gen 2011
                              AV HDMI - Config Esperto
                              Unplug all USB devices
                              Before restarting, connect the USB devices including DTT (if compatible with the list) and any reader PCSC.

                              Network configuration, the DNS are fine ..

                              Install any internal HardDisk:
                              TastoBlu> Disks> Partition> Mount> Verification (I left out the formatting that should be done only during the new HD)

                              Create swap space (useful for backing up):
                              Swap above option> Activate with red button OK

                              Now configure the DTT:
                              Menu '> Configuration> Channel Search> Configuration Tuner
                              C tuner (if not stated is not supported)
                              Select OK and the area
                              The parameter has no effect on the 5V USB sticks

                              With exit back to the menu and select Manual Search
                              Select the Tuner C
                              Search Type All transponder - Research Network is
                              If you want to use the Plugin SV********** that was installed for the first time you use an editor Setting (I use DreamBoxEdit) and downloaded from the Vudu dreamedit setting in, pass the list of land, reorder the list Vhannibal (or else you used ) in the terrestrial digital packages back and forth through the settings on your Vudu so ordered.

                              Now you can start reading the SV********** VS. configuration, and saved.

                              Press the yellow button on the site controlled the premium provider setting and if you need to update, press the download button.
                              You will see the list and choose your Bouquets DTT;
                              the plugin will connect automatically to the site and download new settings without touching the Bouquet Digital TV.

                              At the end of the run command E2 plugin that allows you to avoid restarting E2. (handy if you consider that the search for terrestrial channels do not do every day).

                              A note, with the setting of Vhannibal (do not know the others), the channel numbers of DTT starts from 201 so if you want to call on 1 channel DTT (I assume you have cleared up with Rai 1, you can directly enter the channel in a mnemonic ).
                              Trascrizione fonetica
                              Dizionario - Visualizza dizionario dettagliato


                              Font Magnifier
                              Lotto Enalotto
                              OscamInfo (nuovo)
                              QuickButton (da configurare)
                              SV********** BY Dalraist
                              TG24 Intercactive
                              Diretta Goal 12Finestre
                              UPnP - DLNA ClientServer


                              Pannello Sif Originale
                              Skin Concinnity HD con numerazione canali.

                              Pannello degli script raggiungibile da pannello Sif nel quale troverete tutti i comandi per rimuovere automaticamente quanto installato a mano ed alcuni comandi di sistema utili con aggiunta di ulteriori nuove utilità.

                              Attenzione: tutti gli script si avviano automaticamente con la selezione e quindi non richiedono conferme ulteriori. Una attenzione particolare agli script che iniziano con "Remove" !!

                              Ho installato dei plugin nuovi che vi torneranno sicuramente molto utili, uno in particolare lo troverete particolarmente utile : Oscam.info.
                              Ho tradotto tutto il plugin in italiano, prima di cominciare ad usarlo leggete (da opzione del menu) "configurazione".

                              Non effettuare aggiornamenti online se non quando una nuova Rel viene installata sul Repository.

                              LINK USB
                              LINK NFI

