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VU+DUO Updates and plugins

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  • zoran89
    Experienced Board Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 1618

    Re: Vu+duo All

    BootLogo for VU+ Duo

    Bootlogo by Mr.T

    Attached Files


    • runmo
      Experienced Board Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 6123

      Re: Vu+duo All

      What is the best image to use on vu+ duo?
      What is your preference?
      Myself using VTI image.



      • mikine56
        • Mar 2010
        • 3258

        Re: Vu+duo All

        Fat32 format tool for USB Pens

        Try this format tool it seemed to be better than the HPFORMAT tool

        Update 16.10.2010

        Vali_HD Skin als ipk Datei...

        IMDb Details Plugin Screen hinzu
        Softwaremanager Screen überarbeitet / hinzu
        Wetterinformationen Screen überarbeitet / hinzu
        Liftings bei PVR State und Volumen Control. Überlagerung gefixt
        ClockToText in Deutsch thx an hardy73
        Attached Files


        • mikine56
          • Mar 2010
          • 3258

          Re: Vu+duo All

          V2.1.0 VTI 2.1

          Curtain Plugin

          Original von gutemine
          Macht ein Vorhang Plugin Sinn ?
          Hi !
          Ab und zu mache ich ja auch Sachen die als Inspiration für andere Plugin und Imagebauer gedacht sind, so wie das Infobarhide,... oder wo ich selbst nicht sicher bin ob sowas Sinn macht, man es aber vorher sehen muss um das zu diskutieren.
          Wie ich mir wieder mal die schwarzen Balken links und rechts angeschaut habe als ich 4:3 hochskaliert auf das HD Breitbild zu sehen bekommen habe musste ich schmerzvoll an mein Kino in den 80ern denken das je nach Breite des Films der gezeigt wurde schön die Vorhänge auf und zuzog um nur ja keine Balken den Zusehern zumuten zu müssen.
          Heutzutage wird lieber bis zu Eierköpfen gezoomt oder abgeschnitten bis es schon wehtut.
          Nachdem es mit der Dreambox ja nicht so schwer ist eingefärbte Balken oder sogar pngs mit echtem Vorhangstoff auf den TV zu zaubern wollte ich mal sehen wie das aussehen könnte.
          Vor allem hat AliAbdul mit seiner PermanentClock ja auch gezeigt wie man Sachen permanent und trotzdem einstellbar/beweglich auf den TV machen kann.
          So viel Arbeit wollte ich aber erstmals nicht reinstecken, also habe ich nur Q&D aus dem Black Plugin ein Vorhang Plugin mit einem simplen temporären roten Ramen um das Bild macht. Wenn Euch Farbe oder Balkenbreite nicht gefällt einfach die skin variable in der plugin.py entsprechend anpassen.
          Zum sehen wie es aussieht reicht es erstmals, vieleicht ist das ja etwas was Ihr haben wollt und es findet sich wer der es einstellbar macht so das man je nach Bedarf jeden der 4 Vorhänge einzeln zuziehen kann :-)
          Probiert es halt mal aus und berichtet ob sowas hübsch wäre (im Skin statt einem Farbalken 4 pngs einzublenden ist relativ leicht, aber da müsstet Ihr mir 4 schöne Vorhang PNGs mit den entsprechenden Größen machen mit transparentem Übergang bei den Wellen wo der Stoff fällt. Einfärbig um ein Gefühl zu kriegen wie auf einem großen TV so ein großes Theathergefühl aussieht war halt erstmals leichter.
          In der Version 0.1 ist der Vorhang nicht permanent, sobald man mit Exit aus dem Plugin rausgeht ist er wieder weg, ist ja nur zum Ausprobierne gedacht und um Feedback zu sammeln ob wir sowas brauchen. 
          Wenn ich den Rahmen statt rot in hellgrau mache sieht das auf meinem Löwe richtig edel aus, also mir gefällt es dann auch ohne Vorhangstoff. Es muss auch nicht immer ein Vorhang sein, gerade bei den Balken links und rechts bittet sich auch ein Gittermuster als Fake Lautsprecher an, oder Holzmuster passend zum Wandverbau. In einem Artikel im Internet zum Thema Zoomen habe ich auch die Idee gefunden die Tastenfelder eines alten Röhren TVs da einzublenden, so schön mit den Drehknöpfen,,... evt. ließe sich da sogar permanet die Kanalnummer einblenden, die Uhrzeit,... und das dann noch im LED Retro Design aus den 50ern. 
          Insofern denke ich auch das es über Skins lösbar sein sollte und dann auch entsprechend Skinbar um es an seinen TV und die Farben im Wohnzimmer ideal anzupassen. Die Leute kaufen ja sogar färbige Blenden für TVs damit sie zu Einrichtung passen oder spielen sich mit Ambilight. Und wenn jemand einen schönen goldenen Stuckaturrahmen haben will wäre es dann auch möglich. 
          Die Augen wollen ja nur betrogen werden, wenn die schwarzen Balken sinnvol genutzt/verhübscht würden denke ich das man damit durchaus auch Freude haben könnte. 
          Melde-Timer Plugin 0.5 by shadowrider

          da es scheinbar keine Art von Terminplaner/Terminmelder für CVS gibt, habe ich mal was gebastelt
          beim Einschalten werden anstehende Termine für das aktuelle Datum angezeigt
          Meldungen können zu bestimmten Uhrzeiten angezeigt werden
          es läuft bei mir auf einer DM8000 mit (fast) aktuellem ozoon
          -passt wahrscheinlich nicht bei SD
          - Termine und Timer müssen direkt in der etc/meldetimer.xml editiert werden (Hinweise direkt in der Datei) )
          Attached Files


          • vidra042
            Experienced Board Member
            • Jul 2010
            • 3964

            Re: Vu+duo All

            AutoRecorder plugin for automated recordings
            This is a plugin, which performs background searching from EPG data, and generates new recordings (timers) according to search rules.

            Installation is just normal:
            ipkg install /tmp/enigma2-plugin-extensions-autorecorder_0.58-20101012-r0_mipsel.ipk

            Here are the additions since v0.56:

            v0.58 / 12.10.2010 / Tero
            Bug fixes:
            - Text typing help windows got stuck on screen (some Enigma2 update broke this). Extra parameters stored to ConfigList entries interfered with ConfigElement callback mechanism.
            New features:
            - Plugin config: Added possibility to add the Plugin into Plugins list (in addition to Extensions menu)
            - Remember the last edited search profile, and load it into profile editor automatically.
            - Channel name matching is now to a complete string (no partial match) if parameter contains no regexps.
            - Disabling the setting "Use regexp in searches" adds possibility in "title" and "desc" searches to use "+word -otherword" syntax same way as "search" searches have been using.
            - Plugin config: Added possibility to define a global encoding type for EPG data. Exceptions (per search) can be specified in new search profile parameter "encoding".

            v0.59 / 16.10.2010 / Tero
            Bug fixes:
            - Crash fix if manual search was started with selecton "All profiles".
            - Crash fix if timed search was restricted to a time window.
            New features:
            - In manual search, don't ask for selecting a profile, if there is just one.
            Attached Files


            • mikine56
              • Mar 2010
              • 3258

              Re: Vu+duo All

              Power of Dream HD+ 2.0 (POD HD+) for Vuo+Solo

              Update: 17-10-2010

              - Update sbxmeta to harmonize the names of packages between POD and HD Dream Vuplus
              - Update Smartpicons Sandbox:
              - Management of new HD channels CSAT
              - New look consistent with more skins
              - Added a more complete uninstall procedure, in case a new CSAT decided to juggle the frequencies

              To install the new smartpicons, first made a software update before installing.

              If you have any concerns as icons of inverted channels is that there are remnants of former Smartpicons.

              To correct the problem:
              - Uninstall the smartpicons
              - A ftp client, empty the contents of the folder / usr/share/enigma2/picon
              - Made the update software
              - Reinstall the Smartpicons

              .>Download Image<.

              Power of Dream HD+ 2.0 (POD HD+) for Vuo+Duo

              Update: 17-10-2010

              - Update sbxmeta to harmonize the names of packages between POD and HD Dream Vuplus
              - Update Smartpicons Sandbox:
              - Management of new HD channels CSAT
              - New look consistent with more skins
              - Added a more complete uninstall procedure, in case a new CSAT decided to juggle the frequencies

              To install the new smartpicons, first made a software update before installing.

              If you have any concerns as icons of inverted channels is that there are remnants of former Smartpicons.

              To correct the problem:
              - Uninstall the smartpicons
              - A ftp client, empty the contents of the folder / usr/share/enigma2/picon
              - Made the update software
              - Reinstall the Smartpicons

              .>Download Image<.


              • gregorii
                Premium Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 951

                Re: Vu+duo All

                Magic-EHD-Lite for VU+

                Move icons to a single common package
                Having the same files 4x is a bit too much. The recipe will be adjusted to accomodate for this
                Attached Files


                • mikine56
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 3258

                  Re: Vu+duo All

                  Magic-EHD-Lite for VU+

                  Move icons to a single common package
                  Attached Files


                  • MIDO2010
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 1644

                    Re: VU+DUO Update

                    BootLogo for VU+ Duo
                    Bootlogo Island

                    Attached Files


                    • lulezim
                      • Mar 2010
                      • 4081

                      Re: VU+DUO Update

                      BootLogo for VU+ Duo

                      Attached Files


                      • vidra042
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Jul 2010
                        • 3964

                        Re: Vu+duo All

                        Logo for VU+ Duo
                        I love music
                        Attached Files


                        • MIDO2010
                          Experienced Board Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 1644

                          Re: VU+DUO Update

                          Backup Scripts for VU+DUO

                          As of now there is only the "Backup Suite", in this IPK are 2 plugins included, namely The first NFI plugin is a version in a backup:
                          NFI format, which can be put back VuUtil.exe, is placed in the root of the HD of the VU-image-file backup vuplus-<date> _ <time>. NFI so bv backup image-vuplus-20101018_173645.nfi
                          USB format that is placed in the folder on the HD vuplus and, if there is a valid USB device is inserted, it also copies to USB. It could set back as usual by the USB into the front USB port and place VU while and to turn the switch on the back of the VU Duo.
                          This plugin works only if there is a disk in VU Duo is present here is primarily on the backups.

                          The second plugin is a USB-only plugin, it creates a backup:
                          USB format directly on the USB stick is produced in the proper format. Again, it could set back by the USB into the front USB port and place VU while and to turn the switch on the back of the VU Duo.
                          This plugin works independently from any HD is present or not in the VU Duo.

                          Requirements: to back up automatically to be able to write to USB stick, it is necessary that a file on the USB drive is available with the name vubackupstick (note small letters and no extension, although it should work now If the file has the extension txt).

                          Tip: During the last days of testing by various people have shown that not all USB sticks well and immediately recognized my experience is that the best results are achieved by first drive into the front USB port to install and then patiently here one second or ten to wait until a message comes, that usually will not display files or that there may install extensions found. Usually you also have the flashing light on the stick (if any). If the stick is not recognized then just pull the stick out and try again. If the stick is then read to Menu -> Applications -> Custom backup program.
                          Bag58 wrote:
                          I have version 1.3 of backup NFI plugin today what are tests. Besides, I found that the operating system VuPlus not recognize any USB stick. Even a stick which is successfully used for flashing a new image is not always recognized for other tasks. This is indicated by using the File Browser plugin. Only if the drive appears there also, he can also be used by the NFI backup plugin.

                          To install the first time as if any previous versions of this backup plugin uninstall via Menu> Applications-> red button to delete.

                          The IPK is included as usual in various ways but the easiest to install, how can it be otherwise, via USB stick.
                          Put the IPK to a USB stick and places it in the VU Duo, after a few seconds comes a question whether you want to install the extension, press OK and then the green button to install.
                          After installing just the USB portable memory and restart with the VU Duo Restart Enigma.

                          Note: I have the version numbers for both plugins and the total package to version 1.5 brought.

                          I have dozens more backups run during the test and no errors are detected, all 4 sticks plus an 8GB SDHC card into a USB card reader were well known and described, that does not mean that no errors can carry, so a critical look at the created backup never hurts!

                          Take it to your advantage.

                          P.S. thanks to Bag58 as streamlining and ideas.
                          Attached Files


                          • lulezim
                            • Mar 2010
                            • 4081

                            Re: VU+DUO Update

                            BootLogo for VU+ Duo

                            Attached Files


                            • MIDO2010
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 1644

                              Re: VU+DUO Update

                              SETTING VU+DUO

                              Settings Astra Hotbird by tonskidutch

                              13-19,2-23,5-28,2 multifeed t55

                              update 19 oktober 2010

                              für 13 - 19,2 - 23,5 - 28,2

                              enigma 2 (oder umwandeln in enigma1 mittels dreamboxedit)
                              Attached Files


                              • mikine56
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 3258

                                Re: Vu+duo All

                                VTi V 2.1"Vu+Duo Team Image" Sat4fun's Hispasat Ready Back Up

                                VTi V 2.1"Vu+Duo Team Image" Sat4fun's Hispasat Ready Back Up 20.10.2010

                                Ideal for whoever uses Hispasat as main Satellite

                                CCcam 2.1.4
                                CCCam Info R1.3C
                                Hispasat scanned (19/10/2010)
                                Favourite lists ( Meo, Zon, Spanish, Kids) By Mega
                                Picons added for Meo and Zon By phenom
                                Inadyn Plugin for VU+ Duo To edit go to FTP /etc/inadyn.conf
                                Image password sat4fun
                                Updated with last drives from 08.10.2010

                                Enigma 29/09/2010
                                Driver 9.27.2010
                                Plugins 29/09/2010
                                Skins 09/29/2010

                                Changes in the image:
                                Own Boot Logo's new radio and fashion logo.
                                various adjustments to the image and diffs and links from / usr / keys and / var / keys in the image and other minor things.

                                Vu + Duo

                                LNB power is switched off in standby

                                Remote control response times improved

                                Video Event problem solved

                                VFD display problem fixed

                                Long press Fix

                                Virtual Tuner Problem Fix

                                Support for the integration fancontrol Race (duo)

                                Support for PCM sound in DD downmix mode

                                Diseqc problems solved

                                Scroll wheel problems fixed (duo)

                                Several GCC versions 4.4.3 - 4.4.1

                                Black screen when switching

                                Tuning algorithm improves

                                Support for other formats MKV

                                Partly occurring "no audio" problem solved

                                Solve the "late play audio" problem

                                Support of EOS detection in playback driver

                                Fix the mp3 playback problems

                                Support of the FF trick mode during playback

                                Memory management improved (solo)

                                Support for DTS pass-through (solo)

                                Fix vTuner frontend info

                                Tuning problem solved (solo)

                                By VTi Team

                                VTi panel (blue button)

                                Multilingual: English, German, Dutch

                                Tapping the blue button opens the VTi panel, a longer press the plugin menu

                                Improved multi-boot support (for BA and other tools)

                                Improved detection of internal SATA hard drives

                                Various adjustments Enigma2

                                Cron jobs are fully supported

                                A password change does not generate any additional messages more

                                Pure music CDs can be played eg by exteren USB drive

                                Optimerungen the kernel and system

                                Support of the form QT OE1.6 current web browser

                                Numerous improvements in network including the network browser plugin (improved access to shares)

                                Untersützung of Windows 7 when Samba (CIFS) server

                                Support of the form Vu + Solo and Duo with Image Backup (USB / NFI) / Restore Fix OE1.6

                                New Enigma2 Crashlogremover

                                Also swap file / media / usb

                                The IPK installer will also under / media / usb / * after IPK files and installs them automatically installed after the installation of internal flash directory / tmp.

                                The Software Manager plugin is now included in the fixed image

                                EPG integrated

                                Fix fancontrol attitude problem after restart

                                Diverse Wireless Fixes

                                Support for USB card readers with FTDI Chipset (Smargos, Easymouse2 etc.)

                                Green Screen Fix, if you have not installed and color Softcam keys to be confirmed

                                New Skin Infobar / render file

                                Softcam launched is displayed in the info bar

                                Improved My****, etc. MetacafeDirect support.

                                Download - nfi
                                Download - usb

