Who needs to increase memory of a flash card of a receiver
Plug-in flashexpander_0.13-r1
After installation of the given plug-in памятьFlash a receiver doesn't decrease, remains same, as before plug-in installation
I recommend to put for pure image and it is desirable on usb a flash card
Preliminary yours HDDили USB Flash should be established through manager Softa
In plug-ins find Flashexpander press OK and once again OK, then there will be a choice where to establish, наHDD or on USB if are that are available, has chosen where and on OK and all wait, when will pass process, in the end will write that that like "the directory usr is copied"
Plug-in flashexpander_0.13-r1
After installation of the given plug-in памятьFlash a receiver doesn't decrease, remains same, as before plug-in installation
I recommend to put for pure image and it is desirable on usb a flash card
Preliminary yours HDDили USB Flash should be established through manager Softa
In plug-ins find Flashexpander press OK and once again OK, then there will be a choice where to establish, наHDD or on USB if are that are available, has chosen where and on OK and all wait, when will pass process, in the end will write that that like "the directory usr is copied"