¤ TV Globo Internacional (C102) 00 Keys 13°E
¤ RCS Digi TV (2111) 00 Keys (0.8°W)
¤ TV Globo Internacional (C102) 00 Keys 13°E
¤ RCS Digi TV (2111) 00 Keys (0.8°W)
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Here's the patched with the AustriaSat provider 0D0510 Coship5300A Firm of 22:02:07, as the Tonumstellung not appear at the Firm-5500CI (test field firmware) in the 5300ern works. Firm is patched with the new provider - old program list and old keys. New Keybin Uptool and are bundled with it. List your program you must ensure you handle it and write it after the upgrade - or do you take the settings from the 5500CI Firm