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Opticum SD Update
This is a sticky topic.
Re: Opticum SD Update
Re: Opticum SD Update
Update 22.07.2011
Re: Opticum SD Update
Softcam Orton/Opticum HD 9600 TS by maral100_25.07.2011
--Bulsat ok - key 04,06
--Teleclub (Swiss cable) ident 3B01 NAGRA - KEY 01
--Rai (13°E) Seca ID 0030 / 0202 / 02E2 -- August (next)
--Canalsat -S2- (19,2°E) Seca ID 0080 & 0081 -- August (next)
--Numericable ( 13°E) Seca ID 0084 -- August (next)
--France Telecom Cable (13°E/19.2°E) Seca ident 0085 -- August (Next)
--Telespazio Hungary (Ex Mediatech)( 4°W) Seca Ident 002A -- August (Next)
__________________________________________________ ______________
All keys upd.Comment
Re: Opticum SD Update
Re: Opticum SD Update
Code:Kabeldeutschland new key 00 23*E all open incl. Sky Select and Kino auf Abruf Private Spice CCWs (10723 H 29900) 13*E RTVi CCWs (12322 H 27500) 13*E Canal Digitaal NL key 02 19.2*E B***** new key 06 ok 39*E All BISS keys includet @ Turksat 1C 42*E Telespazio Hungary (prev Mediatech) next key 0C 4.*W RAI next key 0C (10992-v-27500),(11804 v 27500) 13*E CanalSat.FR Via..(Provider : 022610 11739V27500 /11778V27500 /11973V27500 /12663H22000) added only for Yumatu Full hd ver 1.4.01 TNT Sat ok only for new`st firmware 19.2*E SIC International 16*E AustriaSat ok 19.2*E ORF Satelite ok 19.2*E Mezzo Tv ok 13*E TV Globo 13*E and all other ok @dreamer1983
Re: Opticum SD Update
Update (110811)
Settings Neutrino nbox HD (Opti 9500 HD2 neutrino)Attached FilesComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
Opticum_ALI3329C_05000200_globo_cr_xbox_led_emu_mu ltiroom_1.3.84_20.08.2011
Opticum_ALI3329C_05000200_globo_cr_xbox_led_emu_1. 3.83_20.08.2011
Re: Opticum SD Update
Code:STUD-RYD BISS (11056 H 2201) 8.0*W 2+2 BISS (11766 H 27500 3/4) 4.8*E Al Badeel BISS (11170.00 H 2140 3/4) 8.0*W Star World Middle East BISS (12168 H 27500 5/6) 52.5*E FX (PGM 15) BISS (12168 H 27500 5/6) 52.5*E UKRAINA-SD BISS (12130 V 27500) 4.8*E Majd feed BISS (12149 H 27500 3/4) 26.0*E A Haber/A Haber HD BISS (11791 H 16000 5/6 & 11896 H 11200 2/3(DVB-S2/8PSK) 42*E B***** new key 04 and 06 ok 39*E Telespazio Hungary (prev Mediatech) next key 0D 4.*W RAI next key 0D (10992-v-27500),(11804 v 27500) 13*E and all SECA mosc addet new keys ok! Private Spice CCWs (10723 H 29900) 13*E Kabel Deutschland 23*E nur freePaket UM UnityMedia key 00 all open incl. Sky Select nur Kabel-TV Canal Digitaal NL key 02 19.2*E "DOWN" All BISS keys includet @ Turksat 1C 42*E CanalSat.FR Via..(Provider : 022610 11739V27500 /11778V27500 /11973V27500 /12663H22000) added only for Yumatu Full hd ver 1.4.01 TNT Sat ok only for new`st firmware 19.2*E SIC International 16*E AustriaSat ok 19.2*E ORF Satelite ok 19.2*E Mezzo Tv ok 13*E TV Globo 13*E and all other ok @dreamer1983 ================= For all chip HD X4 and HD X7 Via |USB upgrade
Attached FilesComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
X80_PVR V16: blocked switching during record to prevent hangingComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
Amiko SD kEY File
¤Bulsat »Hellas sat»39°E»work√
TP:12524 H 30000-12565 H 30000;
:12688 H 30000;
¤Canal+ Maghreb»Badr-4/5/6 26°E»work√
TP:12322 V 27500 ;12303 H 27500
¤ORF 1,2-HD & Austria Sat »Astra 19°E»work√
TP-11876 H 27500;12344 H 27500;12545 H 22000;
12188 H 27500;11739 V 27500;12344 H 27500;
11302 H 22000;12692 H 22000;12663 H 22000;
¤CanalSat France.»Astra 1H/1L/1M»19°E»work√
11739 V 27500; 11778 V 27500
11973 V 27500; 12552 V 22000
12663 H 22000.
¤Canal + Holland.» Astra»19°E»work√
TP:12304-H-27500, 12344-H-27500;
12515-H-22000, 12574-H-22000;
¤TNT SAT »Astra 1H/1L/1M»19°E»work√
11895 V 27500-12581 V 22000;
12207 V 27500-12699 V 22000;
¤Zee Tv.» H.Bird»13°E»work√
TP:11643 H 27500;
¤RAI 1,2,3,4» H.Bird»13°E√
TP:11766 V 27500-11804 V 27500;
¤TV Globo» H.Bird»13°E√
TP:11585 V 27500;
¤Telespazio Hun»Amos»4°W√
TP:11260 H 27500;
¤Zone Fantasy Italia ,¤Zone Romantica 1,2,¤Hustler»Sirius»4.8°E√
TP: 12111 H 27500;
All rest are fully updated incl.Biss encryption.Attached FilesComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
UPDATE: (041011)
Settings Neutrino nBox HD ( Opti 9500 HD z neutrino )
RichterAttached FilesComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
Chanel list for Opticum HD X402p & X403p by Traian
Transponder: 373
Bouquets: 136
Canal TV: 3987 (Fta=1517, Cod=2335) (HD=358)
Canal Radio: 771 (Fta=651, Cod=120)
Grup Favorit: 2
Canal Favorit: 66
Satellit: 1 TURKSAT 2A,3A 042.0E
2 HELLAS SAT 2 039.0E
3 BADR 4,6 026.0E
4 ASTRA 1H,1KR,1L,1M 019.2E
6 HOTBIRD 6,8,9 013.0EComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
New Official Upgrader OpticumX80
Attached FilesComment
Re: Opticum SD Update
Lista_9600_HD_TS_16_12_2011Attached FilesComment