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  • bliner
    • Jun 2010
    • 333

    Enigma1 THE BIBLE

    The tutorial below is the bacicciosat the sat-industry
    Detailed instructions on how to compile the plugins made the dream a linux pc
    Is required, knowledge of C + + language
  • bliner
    • Jun 2010
    • 333

    Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

    Enigma1 THE BIBLE
    | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
    | ========================================
    | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
    | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial whith Sources Code and Comments
    | (c) august 2006 by Meo

    Warning: You cannot modify, redistribute or publish this tutorial in any way without header and Bacicciosat credits.

    Enviroment setup to compile your code
    Application Structure Overview
    Lesson1: Hello World Window
    Lesson2: Buttons
    Lesson3: MessageBox
    Lesson4: TextInput
    Lesson5: Checkbox
    Lesson6: Listbox
    Lesson7: Combobox
    Lesson8: Http Connection and Download
    This tutorial doesn't pretend to be exhaustive about all Enigma Functions.
    The API of Enigma are written very well. They are all in C++ and they are therefore, easy to use.
    The only problem is that the API are not documented.

    This tutorial has the intent do describe the main Enigma GUI Api.
    Every lesson will treat a GUI object with the main object calls, methods and flags.
    All the lessons will be supplied with Code Examples, shoots, sources and a little compiled demonstration.

    Let's go to start.


    • bliner
      • Jun 2010
      • 333

      Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

      1. Environment setup to compile your code

      Before to start to learn Enigma you need an Environment to compile
      sources and test the code.

      You need:
      1) A pc with Linux opsys
      2) enigma CDK

      Warning: If you install the Enigma CDK following these instructions and using the directory /dream as described here you can compile all the demo sources with the supplied makefile. Otherwise you have to change paths in the makefile to accord it with your installed CDK.

      Instructions to setup your environment.

      1) Be sure you have installed on your Pc a recent Linux distribution with the following packages:
      - cvs
      - autoconf >= 2.57a
      - automake >= 1.8
      - libtool >= 1.4.2
      - gettext >= 0.12.1
      - make >= 3.79
      - makeinfo (texinfo)
      - tar
      - bunzip2 (bzip2)
      - gunzip (gzip)
      - patch
      - infocmp (ncurses-bin / ncurses-devel)
      - gcc 2.95 or >= 3.0
      - g++ 2.95 or >= 3.0
      - flex
      - bison
      - pkg-config
      - wget
      - libpng2 or libpng3 (DirectFB)

      2) Login into Linux machine as root and digit this commands from the command line. (Warning to the dot after rdreambox).
      This is a long procedure and will take some hours.

      cd /
      mkdir /dream
      cd /dream
      export CVS_RSH=ssh
      cvs -d anoncvs@cvs.tuxbox.org:/cvs/tuxbox -z3 co -P -rdreambox .
      cd cdk
      chmod ugo+x prepare
      ./prepare dm7000
      make checkout
      make dreamboximage_root
      make rebuild-flash
      make flash-compress
      This is a standard procedure and you can find many tutorials in the net to install Enigma1 cdk.
      Once you have installed the CDK you are ready to continue with this tutorial and to compile the demo applications provided.
      You have only to create a working directory as for example:
      mkdir mydevel
      and copy in it the sources you want to compile.
      To compile a demo source you have only to go in this directory and digit the command:

      To test a compiled code you have only to upload in your Dreambox in /var/tuxbox/plugins directory
      the files:

      To be continued ...


      • bliner
        • Jun 2010
        • 333

        Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

        Application Structure Overview
        | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
        | ========================================
        | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
        | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial whith Sources Code and Comments
        | (c) august 2006 by Meo

        Warning: You cannot modify, redistribute or publish this tutorial in any way without header and Bacicciosat credits.

        2. Application Structure Overview

        Enigma Applications use C++ language.
        Enigma Applications can run into your Dreambox as extensions named plugins.

        Every plugin is composed by.
        1) a .cfg file (a simple text file)
        2) a .so compiled and executable file (the real apllication)

        Warning: These files need to have the same name. The difference is only in the extension.
        As for Example: demo.so and demo.cfg


        1) About .cfg file:

        The .cfg file contains informations about our application.
        This is a standard .cfg file that we will use for our examples.
        The only part of .cfg file you need to modify is the line "name".
        This line contains the name of your application that will be shown in the Dreambox Plugins List.

        name=Demo Enigma Bible
        2) About .so file:

        The .so file is the real application. It is the compiled source.
        The source file is a C++ file and have the .cpp extension.
        When we will compile the source file we will have the .so file that we can upload on your Dreambox.
        So, to create a new Enigma application (plugn) we need a .cfg file a .ccp file and a makefile to compile the .cpp source file.
        All these files are provided in this tutorial. You can study, modify and compile Enigma applications using these demo files.

        3) An overview to source code application:
        As described below our code application is contained in a source file (.cpp) that we will compile to obtain the .so file.
        This source file is a normal C++ source file that contains the C and C++ libraries and the Enigma libraries and API.
        To illustrate an Enigma source file we can divide it in 4 main sections:
        a) Include files (Libraries needed by our code. We can use: C libraries, C++ libraries, Enigma libraries)
        b) Class and Functions declarations (We have to declare the classes and the functions we will use in our code)
        c) The application entry point (The function that Enigma will call to start the execution of our application)
        d) The code (We will call Enigma Api and functions in normal C++ code to manage Enigma Graphical Objects).

        Ok we are now ready to start our first Enigma application.
        To be continued....


        • bliner
          • Jun 2010
          • 333

          Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

          Lesson1: Hello World Window
          | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
          | ========================================
          | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
          | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
          | (c) august 2006 by Meo

          Lesson1: Hello World Window

          You can find in attach:
          - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
          - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
          - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
          - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

          Ok this is the first lesson.
          We will create an Enigma application (a plugin) that will show in your dremabox a simple window displayng the message "Hello World".
          You can see the example in the screenshot.

          You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

          You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

          The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the Window creation.
          This are the main Api about window creation:

          // create window
          eWindow(int takefocus=0);
          // destruct window
          // set window title
          setText(eString string);
          // positioning
          cmove(ePoint(x, y));
          // sizing
          cresize(eSize(x, y));
          Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
          In this first lesson i will post here all the code commenting it line by line.



          First of all we have to include all the libraries we need for our application (in this case we need: the Enigma plugin library, the standard C library, the Enigma ewndow library to create the widnows and the Enigma elabel library to insert the text in a label) :

          #include <plugin.h>
          #include <stdio.h>
          #include <lib/gui/ewindow.h>
          #include <lib/gui/elabel.h>
          Ok Now we have to declare the class we will use in our application:

          // The Class declaration of our Main Window
          class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
          // the label to show the text
          eLabel *label;
          // the constructor.
          // the destructor.
          Perfect !! Now we have to add the function that Enigma will call to execute our application. The "Entry point".

          // The plugin entry point, Here start the code execution
          extern "C" int plugin_exec( PluginParam *par )
          // our demo dialog instance.
          eBibleMainWindow dlg;
          // show the dialog...
          // give control to dialog.. (the dialog is modal!)
          int result=dlg.exec();
          // and after it, hide it again.
          return result;
          The code execution is started. now we can add the code to create our window and to show our message "Hello World".
          In this code we:
          1) Create our Main Window
          2) Give to our Window a position in the screen
          3) Give to our window X and Y dimensions
          4) Set the Window Title
          5) Create a label to show the message
          6) Give to the label position and dimensions
          7) Insert the message in the label

          eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
          // move our dialog to 100.100...
          cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
          // ...and give x and y dimensions.
          cresize(eSize(520, 376));
          // set a title.
          setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 1: Window");

          // create a label to show a text.
          label=new eLabel(this);
          // give a position
          label->move(ePoint(50, 50));
          // set the label dimensions
          label->resize(eSize(200, 100));
          // set the label text
          label->setText("Hello World !!");
          Finally we have to add only an automatic function to windows destroing. We have to do nothing. Only add this standard and automatic function:

          // we have to do almost nothing here. all widgets are automatically removed
          // since they are child of us. the eWidget-destructor will to this for us.
          As you can see is very simply.
          You can now exercize to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

          - Change the window title
          - Change the window position and dimensions
          - Change label position inside the window

          That's all, and this is the apllication shot and the complete package.
          (to be continued in lesson 2 ... )
          Attached Files


          • bliner
            • Jun 2010
            • 333

            Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

            Lesson2: Buttons
            | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
            | ========================================
            | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
            | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
            | (c) august 2006 by Meo

            Lesson2: Buttons

            You can find in attach:
            - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
            - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
            - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
            - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

            Ok this is the second lesson.
            We will add to our window a button to exit from application.
            You can see the example in the screenshot.

            You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

            You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

            The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the button creation.
            These are the main Api about button creation and managing:

            // create button
            eButton(eWidget *parent);
            // set button text
            setText(eString string);
            // positioning
            move(ePoint(x, y));
            // sizing
            resize(eSize(x, y));
            // set shortcut and pixmap
            setShortcut(int color);
            setShortcutPixmap(int pixmap);
            // decore with a frame
            // function to call when button is pressed
            CONNECT(eButton->selected, function);
            Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
            You can fnd the complete application code in the attach package
            (bibledemo.cpp). Here i will comment only the code added in this


            bibledemo.cpp additions:

            First of all we have to add to our include files the Enigma button library:

            #include <lib/gui/ebutton.h>
            Ok Now we have to add the button in our main class. This is the new class declaration:

            // The Class declaration of our Main Window
            class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
            // the label to show the text
            eLabel *label;
            // the button
            eButton *ok;
            // the constructor.
            // the destructor.
            Perfect !! Now we have to add the button in our main function code
            This is our new main Function:

            eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                    // move our dialog to 100.100...
                cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
                    // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                cresize(eSize(520, 376));
                    // set a title.
                setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 2: Button");
                // create a label to show a text.
                label=new eLabel(this);
                // give a position
                label->move(ePoint(50, 50));
                // set the label dimensions
                label->resize(eSize(200, 100));
                // set the label text
                label->setText("Push button to exit !!");
                // create the button
                ok = new eButton(this);
                // set the button text
                // set position
                ok->move(ePoint((clientrect.width() - 90)/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                // set size
                ok->resize(eSize(90, 40));
                // set shortcut and pixmap
                // decore with a frame
                // function to call when buton is pressed
                CONNECT(ok->selected, eWidget::accept);
                // set focus to the button
            As you can see is very simply.
            You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

            - Change the button text shortcut and position
            - Add another button

            That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
            (to be continued in lesson 3 ... )
            Attached Files


            • bliner
              • Jun 2010
              • 333

              Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

              Lesson3: MessageBox
              | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
              | ========================================
              | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
              | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
              | (c) august 2006 by Meo

              Lesson3: MessageBox

              You can find in attach:
              - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
              - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
              - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
              - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

              Ok this is the third lesson.
              We will add to our window two buttons to call two different messageboxes.
              You can see the example in the screenshot.

              You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

              You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

              The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the messaagebox creation.
              These are the main Api about messagebox creation and managing:

              // create messagebox
              eMessageBox(eString string, eString caption, int flags=btOK, int def=btOK, int timeout=0 );
              // Flags: Buttons
              btOK=1, btCancel=2, btYes=4, btNo=8, btMax
              // Flags: Icons
              iconInfo=16, iconWarning=32, iconQuestion=64, iconError=128
              // Functions:
              Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
              You can fnd the complete application code in the attach package
              (bibledemo.cpp). Here i will comment only the code added in this


              bibledemo.cpp additions:

              First of all we have to add to our include files the Enigma button library:

              #include <lib/gui/emessage.h>
              Ok Now we have to add two functions to our main class:
              void message1();
              void message2();
              we will connect the execution of these functions to the buttons.
              In this way when a butto will be pressed one of these functions will be called and it will show one messagebox.
              This is our new main class declaration:

              // The Class declaration of our Main Window
              class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
              // the label to show the text
              eLabel *label;
              // the function to call when button 1 is pushed
              void message1();
              // the function to call when button 2 is pushed
              void message2();
              // the constructor.
              // the destructor.
              Perfect !! Now we have to add the two buttons in our main function code to call the functions that will show the messageboxes.
              This is our new main Function:

              eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                      // move our dialog to 100.100...
                  cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
                      // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                  cresize(eSize(520, 376));
                      // set a title.
                  setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 3: MessageBox");
                  // create a label to show a text.
                  label=new eLabel(this);
                  // give a position
                  label->move(ePoint(20, 50));
                  // set the label dimensions
                  label->resize(eSize(400, 100));
                  // set the label text
                  label->setText("Push a button to show a MessageBox");
                  // create buttons and set properties
                  eButton * ok = new eButton(this);
                  ok->move(ePoint((clientrect.width() - 200)/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                  ok->resize(eSize(90, 40));
                  // function to call when button1 is pushed
                  CONNECT(ok->selected, eBibleMainWindow::message1);
                  eButton * ok2 = new eButton(this);
                  ok2->move(ePoint((clientrect.width())/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                  ok2->resize(eSize(90, 40));
                  // function to call when button2 is pushed
                  CONNECT(ok2->selected, eBibleMainWindow::message2);
                  // set focus on 1 button
              Ok Now we have to add the function that will show the first MessageBox (Simply messagebox with only one button):

              void eBibleMainWindow::message1()
              // create messagebox
              eMessageBox msg("Hi by Bacicciosat :-)", "Info", eMessageBox::iconInfo|eMessageBox::btOK);
              // show it
              // execute
              // hide after execution (button pressed)
              Finally we have to add the function that will show the second MessageBox (modal messagebox with two buttons):

              void eBibleMainWindow::message2()
              // create messagebox (two buttons yes/no)
              eMessageBox box("Do you want to exit?", "Question", eMessageBox::btYes|eMessageBox::btNo|eMessageBox:: iconQuestion, eMessageBox::btYes);
              // show it
              // execute code and store in the variable button the result (button pressed)
              int button = box.exec();
              // hide it after execution
              // exit if button yes was pushed.
              if (button == eMessageBox::btYes)
              As you can see is very simply.
              You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

              - Change the icons text and buttons of MessageBoxes
              - Add another Messagebox

              That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
              (to be continued in lesson 4 ... )
              Attached Files


              • bliner
                • Jun 2010
                • 333

                Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                Lesson4: TextInput
                | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
                | ========================================
                | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
                | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
                | (c) august 2006 by Meo

                Lesson4: TextInput

                You can find in attach:
                - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
                - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
                - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
                - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

                Ok this is the 4 lesson.
                We will add to our Window a TextInput and a messagebox to show the text we digit in the textinput.
                You can see the example in the screenshot.

                You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

                You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

                The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the TextInput creation.
                These are the main Api about TextInput creation and managing:

                // create TextInput
                eTextInputField( eWidget* parent, eLabel *descr=0, eTextInputFieldHelpWidget* hlp=0, const char *deco="eNumber" );
                // Functions:
                setMaxChars( int i )
                setUseableChars( const char* );
                Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
                You can find the complete application code in the attach package
                (bibledemo.cpp). Here i will comment only the code added in this


                bibledemo.cpp additions:

                First of all we have to add to our include files the Enigma TextInput library:

                #include <lib/gui/textinput.h>
                Ok Now we have to add the declaration of textinput in our main class.
                We have to add a function too:
                void message1();
                we will connect the execution of this function to the button.
                In this way when the butto will be pressed this function will be called and it will show one messagebox with the text we have inserted.
                This is our new main class declaration:

                // The Class declaration of our Main Window
                class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
                // the label to show the text
                eLabel *label;
                // the textinput
                eTextInputField *mytext;
                // function to execute when button is pushed
                void message1();
                // the constructor.
                // the destructor.
                Perfect !! Now we have to add the button in our main function code to call the function that will show the messagebox with the text.
                This is our new main Function:

                eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                        // move our dialog to 100.100...
                    cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
                        // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                    cresize(eSize(520, 376));
                        // set a title.
                    setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 4: TextInput");
                    // create a label to show a text.
                    label=new eLabel(this);
                    // give a position
                    label->move(ePoint(20, 50));
                    // set the label dimensions
                    label->resize(eSize(400, 100));
                    // set the label text
                    label->setText("Push Ok Button and digit your text.");
                    // create textinput
                    mytext=new eTextInputField(this);
                    // give position
                    mytext->move(ePoint(20, 150));
                    // give size
                    mytext->resize(eSize(400, 40));
                    // set max number of characters
                    // show a frame decoration
                    // create buttons and set properties
                    eButton * ok = new eButton(this);
                    ok->move(ePoint((clientrect.width() - 90)/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                    ok->resize(eSize(100, 40));
                    // function to call when button is pushed
                    CONNECT(ok->selected, eBibleMainWindow::message1);
                    //set focus to textinput
                Finally we have to add the function that will show the MessageBox with the text we have inserted in the textinput:
                void eBibleMainWindow::message1()

                // declare variable we will use in this function
                eString message, message2;
                // assign to message2 the textinput content
                message2 = mytext->getText();
                // compose message concatenating strings
                message = "You wrote: " + message2;

                // Create, show and execute the messagebox to display the message
                eMessageBox msg((message), "Info", eMessageBox::iconInfo|eMessageBox::btOK);
                As you can see is very simply.
                You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

                - Set a default text in the textinput
                - Set the characters that are allowed in the textinput
                - Set the Max number of characters allowed in the textinput

                That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
                (to be continued in lesson 5 ... )
                Attached Files


                • bliner
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 333

                  Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                  Lesson5: Checkbox
                  | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
                  | ========================================
                  | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
                  | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
                  | (c) august 2006 by Meo

                  Lesson5: Checkbox

                  You can find in attach:
                  - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
                  - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
                  - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
                  - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

                  Ok this is the lesson number five.
                  We will add to our Window a Checkbox and a messagebox to show the in a message if the checkbox is checked or not.
                  You can see the example in the screenshot.

                  You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

                  You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

                  The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the Checkbox creation.
                  These are the main Api about TextInput creation and managing:

                  // create Checkbox
                  eCheckbox(eWidget *parent, int checked=0, int takefocus=1, bool swapTxtPixmap=false, const char *deco="eCheckBox" );
                  // Functions:
                  setCheck(int c);
                  int isChecked() { return ischecked; }
                  Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
                  You can find the complete application code in the attach package
                  (bibledemo.cpp). Here i will comment only the code added in this


                  bibledemo.cpp additions:

                  First of all we have to add to our include files the Enigma Checkbox library:

                  #include <lib/gui/echeckbox.h>
                  Ok Now we have to add the declaration of echeckbox in our main class.
                  We have to add a function too:
                  void message1();
                  we will connect the execution of this function to the button.
                  In this way when the butto will be pressed this function will be called and it will show one messagebox with the result.
                  This is our new main class declaration:

                  // The Class declaration of our Main Window
                  class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
                  // the label to show the text
                  eLabel *label;
                  // the Checkbox
                  eCheckbox *mycheck;
                  // function to execute when button is pushed
                  void message1();
                  // the constructor.
                  // the destructor.
                  Perfect !! Now we have to add the checkbox and the button in our main function code to call the function that will show the messagebox with the result.
                  This is our new main Function:

                  eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                          // move our dialog to 100.100...
                      cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
                          // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                      cresize(eSize(520, 376));
                          // set a title.
                      setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 5: CheckBox");
                      // Create checkbox
                      mycheck=new eCheckbox(this, 1);
                      // give position
                      mycheck->move(ePoint(10, 200));
                      // give dimensions (x and y)
                      mycheck->resize(eSize(clientrect.width() - 20, 50));
                      // Text to display near the checkbox
                      mycheck->setText("Check / Uncheck Box");
                      // create button and set properties
                      eButton * ok = new eButton(this);
                      ok->move(ePoint((clientrect.width() - 90)/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                      ok->resize(eSize(100, 40));
                      // function to call when button is pushed
                      CONNECT(ok->selected, eBibleMainWindow::message1);
                      //set focus to checkbox
                  Finally we have to add the function that will show the MessageBox with the result:

                  void eBibleMainWindow::message1()
                  // declare variable we will use in this function
                  eString message;
                  // assign message to variable
                  message = "The Box is Unchecked";
                  // assign another message in case the box is checked
                  if (mycheck->isChecked()) {
                  message = "The Box is Checked";
                  // Create, show and execute the messagebox to display the message
                  eMessageBox msg((message), "Info", eMessageBox::iconInfo|eMessageBox::btOK);
                  As you can see is very simply.
                  You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

                  - Set a default unchecked status to the checkbox

                  That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
                  (to be continued in lesson 6 ... )
                  Attached Files


                  • bliner
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 333

                    Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                    Lesson6: Listbox
                    | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
                    | ========================================
                    | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
                    | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
                    | (c) august 2006 by Meo

                    Lesson6: Listbox

                    You can find in attach:
                    - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
                    - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
                    - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
                    - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

                    Ok this is the lesson number six.
                    We will add to our Window a Listbox and a messagebox to show the item of the list we have selected.
                    You can see the example in the screenshot.

                    You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

                    You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

                    The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the Listbox creation.
                    These are only a part of the listbox API. The listbox is more complicated so we will examine here only the main calls:

                    // create Listbox
                    eListBoxEntry(eListBox<eListBoxEntry>* parent, eString hlptxt=0, int selectable=3 );
                    // Functions:
                    selectedItem(eListBoxEntryText *item);
                    selectionChanged(eListBoxEntryText *item);

                    // Listbox items:
                    //create new item:
                    eListBoxEntryText(eListBox<eListBoxEntryText>* lb, const char* txt=0, void *key=0, int align=0, const eString &hlptxt="", int keytype = value );
                    // retrieve selected item
                    // retrieve selected key
                    Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
                    You can find the complete application code in the attach package
                    (bibledemo.cpp). Here i will comment only the code added in this

                    Let's go.

                    bibledemo.cpp additions:

                    First of all we have to add to our include files the Enigma Listbox library.

                    #include <lib/gui/listbox.h>
                    Ok Now we have to add the declaration of listbox in our main class.
                    We have to add a function too:
                    void message1();
                    we will connect the execution of this function to listbox selection.
                    In this way when we will select an item this function will be called and it will show the listox item we have selected.
                    This is our new main class declaration:

                    // The Class declaration of our Main Window
                    class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
                    // the label to show the text
                    eLabel *label;
                    // the listbox
                    eListBox<eListBoxEntryText> *theList;
                    // function to execute when a item is selected
                    void message1(eListBoxEntryText *item);
                    // the constructor.
                    // the destructor.
                    Perfect !! Now we have to add the Listbox and populate it with items. We have also to connect the listbox
                    to the function that will be called when an item is selected:

                    eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                            // move our dialog to 100.100...
                        cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
                            // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                        cresize(eSize(520, 376));
                            // set a title.
                        setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 6: Listbox");
                        // create a label to show a text.
                        label=new eLabel(this);
                        // give a position
                        label->move(ePoint(10, 10));
                        // set the label dimensions
                        label->resize(eSize(400, 60));
                        // set the label text
                        label->setText("What is your Favourite Dreambox Image ?");
                        // Create a Listbox
                        theList = new eListBox<eListBoxEntryText>(this);
                        // give a position
                        theList->move(ePoint(10, 100));
                        // set dimensions
                        theList->resize(eSize(clientrect.width() - 20, clientrect.height() - 160));
                        // decore witha frame
                        // set columns number
                        // set flags
                        // Populate Listbox with Items
                        new eListBoxEntryText(theList, "Gemini", (void *) (1));
                        new eListBoxEntryText(theList, "Colosseum", (void *) (2));
                        new eListBoxEntryText(theList, "Pli Flubber", (void *) (3));
                        new eListBoxEntryText(theList, "Juliet", (void *) (4));
                        // function to call when an Item is selected
                        CONNECT(theList->selected, eBibleMainWindow::message1);
                        // set focus to the list
                    Finally we have to add the function that will show the MessageBox with the selected item:

                    void eBibleMainWindow::message1(eListBoxEntryText *item)
                    // declare variable we will use in this function
                    eString message, message2;
                    // assign to message2 the selected item text
                    message2 = item->getText();
                    // compose message concatenating strings
                    message = "Your Dreambox preferred Image is:\n " + message2;
                    // Create, show and execute the messagebox to display the message
                    eMessageBox msg((message), "Info", eMessageBox::iconInfo|eMessageBox::btOK);
                    As you can see is very simply.
                    You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

                    - Retrieve the item key instead of the item text
                    - Create a label to show the selction change with the function: selectionChanged(eListBoxEntryText *item);

                    That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
                    (to be continued in lesson 7 ... )
                    Attached Files


                    • bliner
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 333

                      Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                      Lesson7: Combobox
                      | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
                      | ========================================
                      | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
                      | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
                      | (c) august 2006 by Meo

                      Lesson7: Combobox

                      You can find in attach:
                      - the cfg file (Bibledemo.cfg)
                      - the compiled and working plugin (Bibledemo.so)
                      - the source file (bibledemo.cpp)
                      - the makefile (nedeed to compile code if you want to modify source)

                      Ok this is the lesson number seven.
                      We will add to our Window a Combobox and a messagebox to show the item of the list we have selected.
                      You can see the example in the screenshot.

                      You can test this application simply uploading in your dreambox (/var/tuxbox/plugins) the files that you can find in attach: Bibledemo.cfg and Bibledemo.so

                      You can modify this application editing the source file bibledemo.cpp and recompiling it to have a new Bibledemo.so file.

                      The Enigma API we will explain in this lesson is the Combobox creation.
                      These are only a part of the listbox API. The Combobox is more complicated and it is a box containing a Listbox so we will examine here only the main calls:

                      // create Combobox
                      eComboBox(eWidget* parent, int OpenEntries=5, eLabel* desc=0, int takefocus=1, const char *deco="eComboBox" );
                      // Functions:
                      int setCurrent( int, bool=false );

                      // Listbox items:
                      //create new item:
                      eListBoxEntryText(eListBox<eListBoxEntryText>* lb, const char* txt=0, void *key=0, int align=0, const eString &hlptxt="", int keytype = value );
                      // retrieve selected item
                      // retrieve selected key
                      Ok now that we have listed the main API we can write the code.
                      You can find the complete application code in the attach package
                      (bibledemo.cpp). Here i will comment only the code added in this

                      Let's go.

                      bibledemo.cpp additions:

                      First of all we have to add to our include files the Enigma Combobox library.

                      #include <lib/gui/combobox.h>
                      Ok Now we have to add the declaration of Combobox in our main class.
                      We have to add a function too:
                      void message1();
                      we will connect the execution of this function to a button.
                      In this way when the button is pushed this function will be called and it will show the Combobox item we have selected.
                      This is our new main class declaration:

                      // The Class declaration of our Main Window
                      class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
                      // the label to show the text
                      eLabel *label;
                      // the listbox
                      eListBox<eListBoxEntryText> *theList;
                      // the combobox
                      eComboBox *Lang;
                      // function to execute whwn button is pushed
                      void message1();
                      // the constructor.
                      // the destructor.
                      Perfect !! Now we have to add the Combobox and populate it with items. We have also to add a button and to connect it
                      to the function that will show a messagebox:

                      eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                              // move our dialog to 100.100...
                          cmove(ePoint(100, 100));
                              // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                          cresize(eSize(520, 376));
                              // set a title.
                          setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 7: Combobox");
                          // create a label to show a text.
                          label=new eLabel(this);
                          // give a position
                          label->move(ePoint(50, 50));
                          // set the label dimensions
                          label->resize(eSize(400, 60));
                          // set the label text
                          label->setText("Select your language");
                          // Create the Combobox
                          Lang=new eComboBox(this, 4);
                          // Populate the Combobox with a List of Items
                          new eListBoxEntryText(*Lang, "English", (void *) (0));
                          new eListBoxEntryText(*Lang, "French", (void *) (1));
                          new eListBoxEntryText(*Lang, "Italian", (void *) (2));
                          new eListBoxEntryText(*Lang, "Dutch", (void *) (3));
                          // set Combobox position
                          Lang->move(ePoint(50, 160));
                          // Combo dimensions
                          Lang->resize(eSize(clientrect.width()-120, 35));
                          // set the default entry of Combobox to the first element of the list
                          // decore Combo with a frame
                          // create button and set properties
                          eButton * ok = new eButton(this);
                          ok->move(ePoint((clientrect.width() - 90)/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                          ok->resize(eSize(100, 40));
                          // function to call when button is pushed
                          CONNECT(ok->selected, eBibleMainWindow::message1);
                          // set focus to the Combobox
                      Finally we have to add the function that will show the MessageBox with the selected item:

                      void eBibleMainWindow::message1()
                      // declare variable we will use in this function
                      eString message, message2;
                      // assign to message2 the selected item text
                      message2 = Lang->getCurrent()->getText();
                      // compose message concatenating strings
                      message = "Your Language is:\n " + message2;
                      // Create, show and execute the messagebox to display the message
                      eMessageBox msg((message), "Info", eMessageBox::iconInfo|eMessageBox::btOK);
                      As you can see is very simply.
                      You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

                      - Retrieve the item key instead of the item text

                      That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
                      (to be continued in lesson 8 ... )
                      Attached Files


                      • bliner
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 333

                        Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                        Lesson8: Http Connection and Download (Part 1)
                        | The Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
                        | ========================================
                        | By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
                        | Enigma 1 API GUI tutorial with Sources Code and Comments
                        | (c) august 2006 by Meo

                        Lesson8: Http Connection and Download

                        Ok this is the FINAL lesson
                        We will create a little application.
                        This plugin will connect to Wikipedia Site and will Download the page about Mkportal.

                        If you followed this tutorial you are now able to understand code and Enigma Api.
                        I will not explain other.
                        i will post here only the complete commented source.


                        • bliner
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 333

                          Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                          (Part 2)

                          |   Bible Enigma1 Tutorial
                          |   ========================================
                          |   By: Bacicciosat aka Meo aka Luponero
                          |   Lesson 8: http connection and download demonstration.
                          |   (c) august 2006 by Meo
                          // include files nedeed by our code.
                          #include <stdio.h>
                          #include <stdlib.h>
                          #include <plugin.h>
                          #include <math.h>
                          #include <dirent.h>
                          #include <string.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/ewindow.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/ebutton.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/emessage.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/textinput.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/combobox.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/statusbar.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/eskin.h>
                          #include <lib/gdi/font.h>
                          #include <lib/gdi/epng.h>
                          #include <lib/gdi/gfbdc.h>
                          #include <lib/system/httpd.h>
                          #include <lib/gui/eprogress.h>
                          #include <upgrade.h>
                          #include <iostream>
                          #include <fstream>
                          #include <cstdio>
                          #include <lib/base/thread.h>
                          #include <lib/base/estring.h>
                          // The Class declaration of our Http Connection system
                          class Fetcher : public Object
                              // The temp file in which we will store the download data
                              eString tempPath;
                              // internal pointers and functions of download connection
                              eHTTPConnection * connectionP;
                              eHTTPDataSource * dataSinkP;
                              void transferDone(int err);
                              eHTTPDataSource * createDownloadSink(eHTTPConnection *conn);    
                              Signal1<void,int> downloadDone;
                              void fetch();
                          // The Class declaration of our Main Window
                          class eBibleMainWindow: public eWindow
                              // the label to show the text
                              eLabel *label;
                              // the button to start connection
                              eButton *ok;
                              // the connection object
                              Fetcher theFetcher;
                              // flag to indicate the download state
                              int downloadDoneFlag;
                              int inDownloadFlag;
                                  // the constructor.
                              // function to call when button is pushed 
                              void Wconnect();
                              // function to call when download is completed.
                              void downloadDone(int err);
                                  // the destructor.
                          // The definition of the C function we will use to remove Html Tags from downloaded text
                          eString removeTags(eString in);
                          // The plugin entry point, Here start the code execution
                          extern "C" int plugin_exec( PluginParam *par )
                              // our demo dialog instance.
                              eBibleMainWindow dlg;
                                  // show the dialog...
                                  // give control to dialog.. (the dialog is modal!)
                              int result=dlg.exec();
                                  // and after it, hide it again.
                              return result;
                          eBibleMainWindow::eBibleMainWindow(): eWindow(1)
                              inDownloadFlag = 0;
                                  // move our dialog to 100.100...
                              cmove(ePoint(100, 70));
                                  // ...and give x and y dimensions.
                              cresize(eSize(520, 436));
                                  // set a title.
                              setText("Enigma Bible Lesson 8: http connection");
                              // create a label to show a text.
                              label=new eLabel(this);
                              // give a position
                              label->move(ePoint(10, 0));
                              // set the label dimensions
                              label->resize(eSize(490, 380));
                              // set the label text
                              label->setText("This a demo http connection. We will connect to Wikipedia Site and will Download the page about Mkportal that is a CMS wrote and distributed by Meo aka Bacicciosat. We will parse the Wikipedia page and show in this window the Wikpedia definition of Mkportal.");
                              // set the wrap flag to the label
                              // create button and set properties
                              ok = new eButton(this);
                              ok->move(ePoint((clientrect.width() - 150)/2, clientrect.height() - 60));
                              ok->resize(eSize(150, 40));
                              // function to call when button is pushed
                              CONNECT(ok->selected, eBibleMainWindow::Wconnect);
                          void eBibleMainWindow::Wconnect()
                              // Set the flag that indicates we are in downlading status
                              if(!inDownloadFlag) {    
                                  inDownloadFlag = 1;
                                  // Hide Label to change text
                                  // Set new text for the label
                                  label->setText("Wait please connection to Wikipedia site in progress...");
                                  // Show the label with New Text
                                  // Function to call when donwload is complete
                                  CONNECT(theFetcher.downloadDone, eBibleMainWindow::downloadDone);
                                  // Set the flag indicates that we are starting connections
                                  downloadDoneFlag = 0;
                                  // Call function to start http connection
                          void Fetcher::fetch()
                                // declare variable
                              eString url;
                              // assign to the variable the url we want to connect
                              url = "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mkportal";
                              // assign to class variable the temporary file we will use to store the dowanloaded data
                              tempPath = "/var/tmp/bdemo.tmp";
                              // inizialize the control error flag
                              int error = 0;
                              // start connection
                              connectionP = eHTTPConnection::doRequest(url.c_str(), eApp, &error);
                              // Show a Messagebox in case of connection error
                              if(!connectionP || error)
                              {    eMessageBox msg("Error downloading " + url + "(" + eString().sprintf("%d", error) + ")", _("Details"), eMessageBox::btOK);
                                  msg.show();     msg.exec();     msg.hide();
                                  //if the connection is estabilished start the download funcions
                                  CONNECT(connectionP->transferDone, Fetcher::transferDone);
                                  CONNECT(connectionP->createDataSource, Fetcher::createDownloadSink);
                                  // set the user-agent name
                                  connectionP->local_header["User-Agent"] = "PLBOT";
                          void Fetcher::transferDone(int err)
                              // If no error we can call the downloadDone function
                              {    connectionP = NULL;
                                  // Tell caller download is ready
                                  /*emit*/ downloadDone(err);
                                  //else show a Messagebox with Error description.
                                  eString sMsg = "Error " + eString().sprintf("%d", err);
                                  eMessageBox msg(sMsg, _("User Abort"), eMessageBox::iconWarning|eMessageBox::btOK);
                                  msg.show();     msg.exec();     msg.hide();
                          // internal download procedure (standard)
                          eHTTPDataSource * Fetcher::createDownloadSink(eHTTPConnection *conn)
                          {    dataSinkP = new eHTTPDownload(connectionP, (char *)tempPath.c_str());
                          void eBibleMainWindow::downloadDone(int err)
                              // set the flag that indicates that download is complete
                              {    downloadDoneFlag = 1;
                                  // create a buffer to read the temp file with download data.
                                  char buf[512];
                                  // declare the variables we will use in this function
                                  eString strview, strview1;
                                  // open temporary file cotaining the downloaded data 
                                    FILE *f = fopen("/var/tmp/bdemo.tmp", "rt");
                                     if (f)
                                      //Add an introduction text
                                      strview = "Mkportal CMS. Author Meo aka Bacicciosat aka Luponero. www.mkportal.it\n\nWikipedia:\n";
                                      // find the line we want (The mkportal definition in the wiki page we downloaded)
                                      while (fgets(buf, 512, f))
                                          if (strstr(buf, "is a free Portal"))
                                      // store this line in the variable
                                      strview1 = eString(buf);
                                      // remove html tags
                                      strview1 = removeTags(strview1);
                                      //  concate strings to compose our output text
                                      strview += strview1;
                                      // read the next lines .....
                                        while (fgets(buf, 512, f))
                                      // if we found this string the defnition is ended so we can stop to read the file
                                          if (strstr(buf, "See also"))
                                      // else store the line in the variable
                                          strview1 = eString(buf);
                                      // remove html tags
                                          strview1 = removeTags(strview1);
                                      //  concate strings to compose our output text
                                          strview += strview1; 
                                      // close file
                                  //Delete the temporary file we used to store downloaded data
                                  // Hide label to change the text
                                  // Insert into the label the output we have stored in the variable strview
                                  // Show the label with the new text
                                  // hide the connection button
                                  // set the flag that indicates we are not in download state anymore
                                  inDownloadFlag = 0;
                          // This is a normal C++ function to remove the Html Tags from a strng.
                          // I will not comment this. This is not Enigma. This is normal C++ Programming.
                          eString removeTags(eString in)
                          {    eString out;
                              int startpos = 0; int length = 0;
                              for(unsigned int i = 0; i < in.length(); i++)
                              {    length++;
                                  if(in.mid(i, 1) == "<")
                                  {    out = out + in.mid(startpos, length - 1);
                                      for(unsigned int j = i; j < in.length(); j++)
                                      {    if(in.mid(j, 1) == ">")
                                          {    i = j;
                                              startpos = i + 1;
                                              length = 0;
                              if(out == "")
                              {    out = in;
                              return out;
                              // we have to do almost nothing here. all widgets are automatically removed
                              // since they are child of us. the eWidget-destructor will to this for us.


                          • bliner
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 333

                            Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE

                            You can now exercise to compile source you find in the attach package and to modify it.

                            - Change this code to work with another site.

                            That's all, and this is the application shot and the complete package.
                            This tutorial Ends Here.

                            hope it can help.
                            (I apologize for my English)

                            Regards, Meo aka bacicciosat.

                            BIG THANKS TO Meo aka bacicciosat FOR THIS
                            FRIENDLY bliner
                            Attached Files


                            • zitraig
                              • Dec 2011
                              • 93

                              Re: Enigma1 THE BIBLE


                              This guide is very interesting, a really good job.
                              It amazes me that even though he is attending this forum for some time, only recently I have noticed his existence.
                              I would be very useful to be able to download the attachments for the various classes, exactly 8 classes that I failed to download, would be very useful for me to deepen my knowledge of the subject.
                              I hope that my request is accepted and I hope that your work is appreciated by many others in our community in this wonderful forum.
                              Thank you again.

