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Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

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  • findeciclo
    Experienced Board Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 1412

    Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

    Video tutorial. This post was originally posted on the Hardware section, but I made a correction on that post, changing the content, and now is posted here, in the right site.
    Apollogize and thanks.

    Video Tutorial.
    Here we can learn how to install a Sat Dish step by step and easily.
    I hope this will help to all of us who have dubts about it.
    Make your own installation by yourself, without calling any technician.


  • felipevianna
    Senior Member
    • Oct 2010
    • 143

    Re: Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

    Good post!
    I like very much this tutorial step-by-step


    • findeciclo
      Experienced Board Member
      • Oct 2010
      • 1412

      Re: Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

      Originally posted by felipevianna
      Good post!
      I like very much this tutorial step-by-step
      Hi Felipe, much time has passed since the last time I read something of yours.
      I'm glad you liked the video tutorial. I hope this helps many people, because there are people don't know how to install a dish for receiving satellite signals.
      I hope you spend more time around here, you are welcome.
      Thanks and warm memories.


      • kalpikos
        Experienced Board Member
        • Sep 2011
        • 7663

        Re: Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

        The video tutorial you are posted is very good and very useful.
        Many people dont know how to install a dish and spend money for "special" technician-Installer.
        Of course a satfinder and some tools are needed , but i think that the finally result is perfect.
        If You Like My Post..... Please Press the Thanks Button


        • findeciclo
          Experienced Board Member
          • Oct 2010
          • 1412

          Re: Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

          Before starting you need to have clear concepts about the terminology that is used during the installation process. To do this you should know the following terms:

          - Azimut (or azimuth) is the horizontal angle to which we must rotate the antenna from the Earth's North Pole to find the satellite.

          - Elevation: is the angle at which the antenna must be raised with respect to ground plane.

          - Polarization: the angle at which the converter is to turn the antenna so that the horizontal and vertical polarization affect the converter perfectly. In the case of DBS satellites due to the use of circular polarization is not necessary to this parameter.

          The process, step by step

          To properly orient a satellite dish is essential to provide some guidance on data from those available in the accompanying table, and then make slight variations on them ... and finish tuning the process.

          1. Access a tuner channel.

          2. Place the TV in a conspicuous place or, if possible, get someone to help you, to decide on the image quality.

          3. To orient the antenna to the satellite you want, move very slowly from top to bottom and from right to left using a compass and the attached table (Azimut), until you get signal.

          4. Also placed according to the table, the degree of elevation marked on the side of the dish holder (Elevation).

          5. Place the LNB (polarization) angle in the chart. Note that the vertical elongated zero angle to the right and the left + -.

          6. Once this is done just move the antenna slowly, right and left, as you indicated compass magnetic north, not geographic.

          7. At this point, you should have the antenna facing. It only remains to make tiny movements of the antenna (azimuth and elevation) and LNB to see if we can further improve the signal.

          Computer Help

          During the process you can use software programs to help you orient the dish to a certain artificial satellite, making its exact position in the sky. One of the best known is AcuSat, which can be downloaded _http//www.acusat.com.

          Through its database can access the status of satellites for a large number of cities. With this program and a compass, you can get the best results.


          • pjmuk
            Senior Member
            • Sep 2011
            • 186

            Re: Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

            The dishpointer website is also very useful when installing satellite:



            • findeciclo
              Experienced Board Member
              • Oct 2010
              • 1412

              Re: Moved from Hardware Section: How to install a sat dish.

              Ok, I knew it, too.
              Anyway thanks.

