Asahi Broadcasting Aomori (ABA) is upgrading its digital news production operations to a HD file-based system from Grass Valley. The ABA is an All-Nippon News Network facility owned by TV Asahi, serving the Aomori prefecture of Japan. ABA is using Grass Valley’s K2 Summit media servers and EDIUS editing systems, which will be configured as a storage area network (SAN) environment. This setup will help news staff collaborate and create news content faster and more efficiently. The upgrade is the first end-to-end digital news production system from Grass Valley to be installed by a Japanese broadcaster. A next-generation news production system based on the Grass Valley K2 SAN and a Grass Valley STRATUS software architecture framework for the ingest, organisation and archiving of daily content with proxy data is now also being setup by the ABA.
The entire news production system will work with a newsroom computer system from Nishinihon Computer. This system will also control automated news content playout schedules.
The entire news production system will work with a newsroom computer system from Nishinihon Computer. This system will also control automated news content playout schedules.