Badr 4, 26 degrees East:
Future TV USA Satellite and Future International introduced, broadcasting in Jordan Media City
Digital package on 12.284 GHz, v, a. Send further in Lebanon Digital package on 11.958 GHz, h, with
27.500, and three fourths, Pid's 810/820 or 210/220 - uncoded - like all channels, 10 TV and two radio stations.
MTV was shut down in the Arabsat Digital package on 12.073 GHz, h,. It sends further to 11.958
GHz, h, open with 27.500 and three quarters, including MTV Lebanon, Pid's 510/520 -.
Future TV USA Satellite and Future International introduced, broadcasting in Jordan Media City
Digital package on 12.284 GHz, v, a. Send further in Lebanon Digital package on 11.958 GHz, h, with
27.500, and three fourths, Pid's 810/820 or 210/220 - uncoded - like all channels, 10 TV and two radio stations.
MTV was shut down in the Arabsat Digital package on 12.073 GHz, h,. It sends further to 11.958
GHz, h, open with 27.500 and three quarters, including MTV Lebanon, Pid's 510/520 -.