Eutelsat W7, 36 degrees East:
The Tricolor pay-TV package on the Rußlandbeam on 11.804 GHz, lz, with 27.500 and 3 / 4, MPEG-
4/HD DVB S-2 8PSK, now includes 32 TV channels - all in the DER-encoded Crypt. There are new
Tugan Tel and KHL TV, Pid's 851/852 or 901/902.
The Tricolor pay-TV package on the Rußlandbeam on 11.804 GHz, lz, with 27.500 and 3 / 4, MPEG-
4/HD DVB S-2 8PSK, now includes 32 TV channels - all in the DER-encoded Crypt. There are new
Tugan Tel and KHL TV, Pid's 851/852 or 901/902.