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How To Calculate Dish Safety Distance

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  • anacondama
    • Jul 2010
    • 865

    How To Calculate Dish Safety Distance

    there is a generic equation:
    L = D - H x 1.5
    D:distance between the dish and the obstacle that can't allow you to receive all the channels that you want
    H:the obstacle's height


    The Distance between objects is 10.5 m

    The Obstacle height is 10 m
    Dish's Height of the ground is 3m ( witch means that the problem is only on the 7 m left)

    let's do some math:
    distance obstacle<>dish : 10.5m
    obstacle hight:3m
    dish height of the ground : 3m
    L = (10-3)x1.5=10.5 > the obstacle height (For trees leave an other meter or 2)
    the distance may be longer for the extreme satellites.

    PS : Re-Shared Post
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