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Dreambox-The maximum number of participants in the Cccam Server

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  • lulezim
    • Mar 2010
    • 4081

    Dreambox-The maximum number of participants in the Cccam Server

    The maximum number of participants in the cccam
    Experts to the Forum:
    I have server cccam on Dreambox 500 with gemini
    image and EMU user 2.14 and became me use the
    server for more than a year do not suffer from
    the problems, but since about a week and I have a
    problem which is that participants call me and
    say the server many cutting not settle at all.
    Expected reasons:
    1 - Since this week I have added new subscribers
    for the server !!!!!
    2 - I added in a cccam.cfg after all lines C
    Brofidarat unwanted channels and also after each
    F lines worked the same way Brofidarat and master
    to all the unwanted channels in the server
    3 - Before the problem I have had 30 people with
    a mutual means received and gave to them, and I
    have 20 friends only give them from the server.
    4 - After the problem I have had 30 people with
    them means a mutual give and take, and I have 25
    friends only give them from the server means that
    i add 5 friends.

    After mentioning the reasons for the expected ask
    the following questions:
    1_ Is there a limit to count users and the
    server, if the answer is yes, then what is the
    limit for this number of participants with an
    indication of whether it is a recipient or a
    recipient of it ?????
    2_ Is prevention desired channels by adding the
    provider:caid:sid after all lines C & F is a
    reason to my problem????
    3 -Can the user EMU 2.14 any role in the problem
    because many are advised, but Imo 2.011 ????????
    I hope the Forum experts advise me and benefit
    the brothers in the capture of this forum as
    possible and offer you my sincere thanks.