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DIGITV nagra2 New Key

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  • sharif143
    Experienced Member
    • Jan 2010
    • 495

    DIGITV nagra2 New Key

    DIGITV nagra2 id:2111-2011/

    Freq: 11785H27990 thor2/3 0.8°W

    Date: 02/07/10

    01 = 348DAED8C966AC556A5533A615A59FEB

    N 2111 01 348DAED8C966AC556A5533A615A59FEB ; Digi TV (1W) MG

    N 2011 01 348DAED8C966AC556A5533A615A59FEB ; Digi TV (1W) MG
  • kargo.25
    Experienced Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 380

    Re: DIGITV nagra2 New Key

    DigiTV (1°W) 02.07.2010
    ident 2111 [Nagra2] 2nd keychange today

    DigiTV (1°W) Key 00: D1 82 04 25 D5 CA DD 0C DD 77 5D A1 69 DB 0B A3

    Key 00 in HEX: D1820425D5CADD0CDD775DA169DB0BA3
    Key 00 in DEC: 209 130 004 037 213 202 221 012 221 119 093 161 105 219 011 163

    For camd3.keys (camd3.keys):
    1801:002111:0000000000:001820425D5CADD0CDD775DA169DB0BA3 ; IDEA 86

    For CCcam/MGcamd/incubusCamd (SoftCam.Key) and EVOcamd (keylist.txt):
    N 2111 00 D1820425D5CADD0CDD775DA169DB0BA3 ; IDEA 86

    For Newcamd (keylist):
    1801:000000:211100:1 82 04 25 D5 CA DD 0C DD 77 5D A1 69 DB 0B A3 ; IDEA 86

    For GBox (nagra):
    I: { 21 11 00 { D1 82 04 25 D5 CA DD 0C DD 77 5D A1 69 DB 0B A3 }} # IDEA 86

    scam (nagra2):
    N: { 2111 00000000 06 08 10 { D1820425D5CADD0CDD775DA169DB0BA3 }}

    For GigaTwinCam (SoftCam.Key)
    N 2111 00 D1820425D5CADD0CDD775DA169DB0BA3 ;DigiTV (1°W)

    CAM Module HEX Key
    00-0: D1 82 04 25 D5 CA DD 0C
    00-1: DD 77 5D A1 69 DB 0B A3

    CAM Module DEC Key
    00-0: 209 130 004 037 213 202 221 012
    00-1: 221 119 093 161 105 219 011 163

    00: D1 82 04 25 D5 CA DD 0C (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 10)
    01: DD 77 5D A1 69 DB 0B A3 (for Technomate/ClarkTech line 11)

    04: D1 82 04 25 D5 CA DD 0C
    05: DD 77 5D A1 69 DB 0B A3


    • kargo.25
      Experienced Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 380

      Re: DIGITV nagra2 New Key

      DigiTV @ Intelsat 10-02 1W

      For Dreambox, Humax and others - ident 2111
      For TM, Echo 2300, Xcam and some others - ident 2011

      03/07/2010 DigiTV
      KEY 01: B1 89 49 4C AE 03 87 B8 F9 6F D1 33 F8 CD A2 83

      HEX: B189494CAE0387B8F96FD133F8CDA283
      DEC: 177 137 073 076 174 003 135 184 249 111 209 051 248 205 162 131

      for CAM module:
      HEX Key 01-0: B1 89 49 4C AE 03 87 B8
      DEC Key 01-0: 177 137 073 076 174 003 135 184
      HEX Key 01-1: F9 6F D1 33 F8 CD A2 83
      DEC Key 01-1: 249 111 209 051 248 205 162 131

      for HUMAX reciever:
      02: B1 89 49 4C AE 03 87 B8 (TM line 20)
      03: F9 6F D1 33 F8 CD A2 83 (TM line 21)

      for "SoftCam.Key" and "Keylist.txt" file:
      N 2111 01 B189494CAE0387B8F96FD133F8CDA283 ;DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (03/07/2010)

      for "camd3.keys" file:
      1801:002111:0000000000:01:B189494CAE0387B8F96FD133 F8CDA283 DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (03/07/2010)

      for "nagra" file:
      I: { 21 11 01 { B1 89 49 4C AE 03 87 B8 F9 6F D1 33 F8 CD A2 83 }} DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (03/07/2010)

      for "keylist" file:
      1801:000000:211101::B1 89 49 4C AE 03 87 B8 F9 6F D1 33 F8 CD A2 83 DigiTV IDEA ECM 96 (03/07/2010)

