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Playing MKV's and Subtitles.

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  • cgac99
    • Aug 2012
    • 202

    Playing MKV's and Subtitles.

    I did flash my STB ETX 9X00 today and i have a little problem with MKV video files and the subtitles.
    When i play a MKV file most of them are jumping till the end of file in less than 10 seconds like if it was a DVD full of scratch.

    Another problem is the Subtitlles who don't work at all.
    I did press Subtitle button while playing but nothing happen.

    The file MKV and subtitle is OK , i saw the TvShow yesterday on it before flash the STB, and did another test by playing the same file on PC and all is ok.

    So, i don't remember if i did use a plugin for play MKV files,... wich one must i install for play MKV files correctly ?

    Thank you.
  • kalpikos
    Experienced Board Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 7663

    Re: Playing MKV's and Subtitles.

    Hi cgac99

    I will try to help you by giving you some questions:

    Which media player do you using for playing videos on your box?

    Do you have an internal HDD or you try to play the file from usb?
    What is the format of the storage device?

    Do you have created a folder called "movie" in the storage device , where you put all your movies?
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    • cgac99
      • Aug 2012
      • 202

      Re: Playing MKV's and Subtitles.

      So, the media player i'am using ? Well, the one who is with openpli, i go to Plugins , then Medias, and usualy play from there. It plays well AVI actually.
      I did install VLC player , but still the same problem even after a reboot.

      The videos are in a external HDD pluged in the rear USB.

      No, i did not create a folder, usualy it worked allways without doing it, but i did try also this way ( we never know ) and it does the same.
      Video files goes from start to end in 10 seconds or less.

      I guess that the openpli version i took have a bug.


      • cgac99
        • Aug 2012
        • 202

        Re: Playing MKV's and Subtitles.

        I did update this morning, and now all is OK with playback of MKV with OpenPli.
        Yesterday i also add Subtitle Plugin, VLC Plugin.
        The mixture of all it solve the problem, now it's 100% fine.


        • kalpikos
          Experienced Board Member
          • Sep 2011
          • 7663

          Re: Playing MKV's and Subtitles.


          I very happy that you solved your problem.

          I'm sure that the fault it was on the openpli version that you had.

          Probably it a bug, or sometime it is a plugin that can change some libraries in the image and it doesn't work ok.
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