i just ordered my fta dish a 30 incher and a hd ready lnbf now for true hd i will have to get a hd receiver right? im looking to do some card sharing so thats a must. and would really like to keep the cost down but don't mind spending more if you reccomend something really being worth it
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what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
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Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
Hi mate
If you want card sh@ring, then a linux receiver is nesesary.
Look again on the forum, as there many threads for seaching the best receiver.
You can go for a dreambox clone or original, a VU+ or a gigablue.
All depends on how many money you want to spend and of course what exactly you want from a receiver.If You Like My Post..... Please Press the Thanks Button -
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
Budget, Number of tuners, etc are needed if you would like a stb recommendation.
At the moment Vu+ is one of the best recievers money can buy. But they range in price from about £150 for a solo to about £450 for a Duo2. But they are very different receivers.
As Kalpikos said, Dreambox and Gigablue are also good choices.Comment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
It's nearly a philosophical question.
How much money do you want to spend?
There are cheap systems with good performance (cs, internet tv...), but they are closed systems (e. g. ferguson)
These closed systems also can cs without linux. But with the linux-receivers you have much more possibilities with different plugins - ok, the price is a bit higher.If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!Comment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
thanks for all the info right now im leaning toward a dreambox clone it would be great if they have a model that would do wifi. ok so im assuming i would need to flash it. where would be the best place to get the image? do i need any special cables? are there any guides that any of you know of i have been searching and i can't believe i cant find anything about itComment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
Few Clones from Dreambox also have WIFI , Never go for flashing Image before learning some basic things about your Box , its Hardware and other thingsVu+ Solo2
Dream Box 800HD,
Neotion 3000, Skystar2, PTCL IPTV
HP LCD W2338h
Samsung LED 40 C5000Comment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
Clone images can be found here. h**p://www.satlover.eu/forum/dreambox-images-for-clones/
You'll also find support in the dreambox section on this forum.
I personally wouldn't touch clones as I've had bad experiences in the past.
You could also consider Gigablue 800 or vu+ solo in the same price range.
The tm nano also seems to be growing in popularity.Comment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
If you look for a cheap linux solution, I can recommend another rising star:
Xtrend et4000 with new fast hardware and a cheap price for a linux receiver!
I would prefer such an original-receiver before a clone!If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!Comment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
Dreambox or VU is definately good choice.
Didn't you think about dvb-s card?May be cheaper and the same productivity.
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
xtren et6000 is better choice. it has same features as dm800seComment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
hi icekillah
if you have some time to read, check here (some useful tips there): http://www.satlover.eu/forum/satelli...-receiver.html
as said by some good members: depends on what you want and what you want to spend - also don't forget the support/service!Comment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
I could not recommend anything as if your country flag is truly the USA then you would realise there is no Card Sharing via most DTH services in your country apart from one that uses a different system and Sky Mexico, and your geographical location means it is also impossible to receive any of our European SatellitesComment
Re: what kind of receiver do you use/reccomend?
My et4000 is running very stable with enigma2 (openpli). And with the correct plugins (e.g. mediaportal) you have much more than a "normal" satreceiver.
But as you see, you have a big choise up to ~150 Euros...
If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans!Comment