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Vonets bridge working in motorhome

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  • scooterman
    Board Senior Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 201

    Vonets bridge working in motorhome

    Right guys just a report on how we got on setting up a receiver for mobile operation.
    The two devices used are Huawei E585 3g router and a vonets vap116.
    Setting up the vonets on my home pc was a piece of cake,run software select the bridge and enter network key for the router save and exit.

    I tested the vonets bridge on spiderbox and eagle box via 3g router and also through my home D link router and all combinations worked easily.

    However there is a problem with the mobile installation ,when connected via 3g Ecm times seem to be about two to three times higher than on the home network ,is this normal and will it vary between locations ? i think perhaps in more populated areas more people will be browsing on iphones etc.

    The connection to the server which is stable at home is very glitchy but is watchable iam just hoping its better when we are away from large towns and cities .
  • thecrazybandit
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jul 2012
    • 768

    Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

    Are you sure that it is not the vonets bridge that is causing the glitches i have this bridge with a good connection on the spiderbox and found that it causes nothing but glitches so i stopped using it


    • scooterman
      Board Senior Member
      • Sep 2011
      • 201

      Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

      Originally posted by thecrazybandit
      Are you sure that it is not the vonets bridge that is causing the glitches i have this bridge with a good connection on the spiderbox and found that it causes nothing but glitches so i stopped using it
      I think you could be right ,this could be a set back bro iam still not out of the woods.
      This is starting to get expensive,looks like best idea is a mobile 3g router that can plug directly into any receivers ethernet port and work ,its starting to do my head in ,reading this and that on the net i cant get a definitive answer to what works ,which router what networks it works on etc etc.

      A mobile 3g router that can work on the three network and sends the data via ethernet lead to the receiver thats all i need.

      Its not looking good for the vonets bridge ,back to the drawing board.


      • thecrazybandit
        Experienced Board Member
        • Jul 2012
        • 768

        Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

        the biggest problem i found was that it keeps dropping the connection even if i have a strong signal making it very unreliable


        • scooterman
          Board Senior Member
          • Sep 2011
          • 201

          Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

          Originally posted by thecrazybandit
          the biggest problem i found was that it keeps dropping the connection even if i have a strong signal making it very unreliable
          On the spiderbox and eaglebox also my friends eaglebox mini it nver dropped the signal connection seemed to be held ,but using cccam with a pay multy server it was way too glitchy and i suppose connection might have been dropping in and out ,however using n:lines from a very stable server it was much better which makes me think the vonets was holding open and glitches were due to lag ecm times through 3g.

          I think perhaps the Tenda 3G11R+ might be smoother in operation its supposed to work on over 150 3G networks but i want proof that it does work on the main three network before forking out ,or i might end up with a drawer of useless plastic boxes.


          • thecrazybandit
            Experienced Board Member
            • Jul 2012
            • 768

            Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

            Another thing i found with the Vonets bridge is it will only run at 54mbps max even thou i have a 300mbps router


            • scooterman
              Board Senior Member
              • Sep 2011
              • 201

              Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

              Originally posted by thecrazybandit
              Another thing i found with the Vonets bridge is it will only run at 54mbps max even thou i have a 300mbps router
              tried it at various locations and out come is the same glitching every 10 or 15 secs ,looks like your right the vonets bridge is causing lag,even if it was the 3g network you would expect some periods where there would be no glitches.

              Waiting for a Tenda 3g611r+ to come ,might be able to even get it going with my 3 connect free samba mobile.

              Should have it early next week will let you know if this is a better way to do it.

              Have attached mini eaglebox to the back of led tv in van using short 15cm hdmi leads etc as neat as ninepence ,to fix eaglebox cccam using old original patch but media player not playing half as much as with the newer patch.


              • redhezuk
                Experienced Board Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 900

                Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

                I had a Vonets bridge and it only lasted about a year before it died :-( I now use an Edimax 5 port access point which has been great so far (about 6 months in). This has the advantage of being available for other sources such as Raspberry Pi, Xbox etc.


                • thecrazybandit
                  Experienced Board Member
                  • Jul 2012
                  • 768

                  Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

                  You are right they do not seem to last long and when they are working it pretty unreliable i tried it on other boxes and still the same results lots of lags and drop offs


                  • scooterman
                    Board Senior Member
                    • Sep 2011
                    • 201

                    Re: Vonets bridge working in motorhome

                    I have been testing the Tenda 3g611r+
                    It was simple to get working ,in router settings just select 3g ,my ZTE wf112 dongle was'nt on the list supplied with router but worked straight away.

                    Much less glitching only the odd one from time to time with the spiderbox cccam and with a Nline on mini eagle glitchy as hell until i tried my mates skyguy Nline then almost perfect ,strange how some servers work good in some boxes but not great in others.

                    Anyway called the wife thru come and see this from the dongle then the srambled message came up ,seems 3g can be fine if no heavy local traffic.

                    The network is Samba which is free +free tv hehehe i like the word free ,you dont get much these days for free.

                    Roll on the summer til i kick back like a cat in the camper.

