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Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

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  • Satbeam
    • Jul 2012
    • 64

    Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

    I'm using a Ferguson Ariva 102e with diseqc motor . While it's a very useful box with patched firmware , I've had to rescue it 4 times using serial cable due to 'ASH' displayed . At first I blamed the 'ASH' on to many channels scanned . I reduced number of channels from initial 8240 to under 4000 to no avail . I'm convinced that my expectation for the 102e is to high .

    Does the V+ Solo with patched firmware allow secure SMB shares on LAN ?
    Will 8000+ channels store and not corrupt eprom ?
    Does it deliver the necessary current to reliably operate Diseqc motor ?
    Does recording with patched firmware produce non DRM ts files playable on PC ?
    Is £130 a good price ?

    Any input / feedback from Vu+ users is much appreciated .
  • microchick
    Experienced Board Member
    • Apr 2012
    • 1162

    Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

    VU+ is probably a best choice if you are not looking for a dual tuner or a fancy flashy box. Its a very basic box with an ugly looking front so you can't impress your friends but you can certainly impress them with what this box can do.
    It can store unlimited channles and unlimited satellites. There are a lot of 3rd party images available other than its original one.
    It can handle a motor easily.
    There is a lot of support available online.
    £130 is the best ever price for an original box due to the best Euro exchange rate.
    PS don't buy a clone!! your personal choice though :0)
    Good luck
    If you like my post, please don't hesitate to click on "Thanks"button. Thank you


    • stu667
      Senior Member
      • Dec 2011
      • 160

      Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

      Go for it!

      This box is nice and smooth. You will not regret it.
      With a vti image it is ultra stable, even with sharing and heavy zapping.

      But don't forget to change the default password if you share


      • bokkie
        Experienced Board Member
        • Feb 2012
        • 1561

        Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

        Hi Satbeam. I have a vu+ duo clone and would advise against getting a clone box.
        Is the price quoted for an original?
        As microchick said, you can store unlimited channels. ( I have over 10 000 )
        Original will have no problems driving a motor, but clone might with it's psu issues.
        You don't use patched firmware on vu+. Even the clones don't use patched firmware. The reciever itself is patched with it's secret chip.
        Easy to share over lan as well. You can stream via open webif or access recordings over network.
        ts files are playable with vlc and through xbmc as well.


        • odysseas1991
          Experienced Board Member
          • Jan 2011
          • 635

          Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

          What exactly is a clone? After so many years, I never knew or queried it, but can someone finally explain, what a clone exactly is? Does it have physically differences, software differences, or both?


          • bokkie
            Experienced Board Member
            • Feb 2012
            • 1561

            Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

            Originally posted by odysseas1991
            What exactly is a clone? After so many years, I never knew or queried it, but can someone finally explain, what a clone exactly is? Does it have physically differences, software differences, or both?
            A clone is a copy of the original, usually done by the chinese.
            They generally use cheaper, inferior components in order to undercut the originals in price.
            An original vu+ duo costs about £240 from germany whilst a clone vu+ duo is about £170 from china.
            At the moment we can't use the latest images on clones as we're waiting for the secret chip update which they promised to have out by the end of august. Well, september now and still no update.


            • sasho123
              Senior Member
              • Dec 2011
              • 136

              Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

              buy xtrend and forget V+ solo


              • runmo
                Experienced Board Member
                • Jun 2010
                • 6120

                Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                keep it to the original question please, discuss clone thread in different topic
                thank you


                • nml52
                  Board Senior Member
                  • Nov 2011
                  • 310

                  Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                  Originally posted by toby69
                  bokkie, puts it right,
                  clone is a copy of original manufacturers product using componants which are cheaper.
                  but bokkie, could you put me right on this.
                  are clone boxes also made by the original manufacturers.
                  The only thing I have read about this is that one factory used to manufacture for DM Multimedia but the contract was terminated and they began to manufacture clones.

                  How true this is I can't verify.


                  Originally posted by runmo
                  keep it to the original question please, discuss clone thread in different topic
                  thank you
                  Sorry runmo didn,t read this untill after I had posted


                  • Satbeam
                    • Jul 2012
                    • 64

                    Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                    Originally posted by bokkie
                    Hi Satbeam. I have a vu+ duo clone and would advise against getting a clone box.
                    Is the price quoted for an original?
                    As microchick said, you can store unlimited channels. ( I have over 10 000 )
                    Original will have no problems driving a motor, but clone might with it's psu issues.
                    You don't use patched firmware on vu+. Even the clones don't use patched firmware. The reciever itself is patched with it's secret chip.
                    Easy to share over lan as well. You can stream via open webif or access recordings over network.
                    ts files are playable with vlc and through xbmc as well.
                    Hi Bokkie . Price quoted is for original from Maxsat . It's not £130 afterall , it's £110
                    Thank you and all for your advice . I'll be buying one this afternoon . It ticks all my boxes The Ariva will be relegated to a fixed dish with fewer channels and hopefully remain 'ASH' free .


                    • bokkie
                      Experienced Board Member
                      • Feb 2012
                      • 1561

                      Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                      If it's original that's a brilliant choice.
                      Great price too.


                      • Satbeam
                        • Jul 2012
                        • 64

                        Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                        Originally posted by bokkie
                        If it's original that's a brilliant choice.
                        Great price too.
                        Before I ordered Vu+ Solo , I decided to play it safe and asked was it original . I assumed it was as it didn't state in description that it was a clone .

                        The reply I got was that it was Chinese

                        If I wanted it only for fixed dish , I'd probably risk a clone but for the PSU issues mentioned here in the forum .

                        Does anyone have suggestions where to buy an original at a reasonable price ?


                        • bokkie
                          Experienced Board Member
                          • Feb 2012
                          • 1561

                          Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                          Originally posted by Satbeam
                          Before I ordered Vu+ Solo , I decided to play it safe and asked was it original . I assumed it was as it didn't state in description that it was a clone .

                          The reply I got was that it was Chinese

                          If I wanted it only for fixed dish , I'd probably risk a clone but for the PSU issues mentioned here in the forum .

                          Does anyone have suggestions where to buy an original at a reasonable price ?
                          Oh no, thought it was a bit cheap. Try satshop.tv.
                          They're a german site but have english language option and are one of the cheapest i've found.


                          • stu667
                            Senior Member
                            • Dec 2011
                            • 160

                            Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                            I payed 229 euros for an original vu+ solo.
                            The clone was only 50 euros cheaper. I choose safety and I really don't regret it.

                            Buy an original and you will have less trouble in every day use


                            • bokkie
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 1561

                              Re: Is V+ Solo a wise upgrade ?

                              Sorry I made a mistake. satshop.tv is the correct one.
                              I've amended my previous post as well.
                              It comes to about €225 delivered.

