I am currently using a Spiderbox Hd9000 as a first box and a technomate 6800hd in a second room both very good boxes i am looking to sell the technomate and use the spiderbox in a second room so i am looking for a box to replace the spiderbox not a clone if possible any advice would be great
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moving on to my next receivers
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Re: moving on to my next receivers
depends on what you want and your pc knowledge (and your budget); believe DB or VU+ are the best choices if you have good pc knowledge ; if not you can go for only client cccam receiver ; also there are boxes with free gifts ; read some on the forum here and search on eg ****** ; here somewhere there is a thread like 'best receiver ever'.
Re: moving on to my next receivers
move foward if i was you, dreamboxes/vu range more expensive but depends how much you want to spend and learn and experience in this hobby, the more you can learn the more you will gain.Do not send me iptv/cline requests,
technical or iptv/cline server questions in PM!
I will not answer!Comment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
Also depends on whether you want single or twin tuner, etc.
Personally, I'm waiting for the new vu+ range to be released as a twin tuner is essential for me.
I have a vu+ duo clone, and if I'd known how great these stb's were. I would've bought original!Comment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
u r lucky to be a member of such great site satlover here is the experienced member they will guide u in the right way being a junior member i m telling that if u want to move on the next reciever i will suggested dream box or vu origional not clones there r a lot of problems in the clone these two boxes are too expensive but later u will be happy with them. and linux knowldge is not problem you will learn every thing so rapidly and will get experience of the said box that will help u in insatalling these two boxes ve good luckComment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
For single tuner, dm800se or vu+ uno are about as good as they get.
vu+ uno has the the advantage of being able to fit the twin tuner module when it's released later this year.
This would effectively turn it into a vu+ duo beater, also being much more aesthetically pleasing than the duo.
But at £240, it isn't cheap!Comment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
More info and discussion about clones isn't for this topic.
Clones can for example be discussed here :
thank you.
Re: moving on to my next receivers
I am looking for a twin tuner box up to 300 pounds not with a gift i have the Spiderbox so i want to try something else i have a good knowledge of IT and i am willing to learn what i dont know and with the support from here i dont think i should have a problemComment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
Other option is a vu+ uno which will be upgradeable to a twin tuner when the twin tuner module is released later this year. Better specs and looks than the duo.
Also the Technomate twin or the amiko alien 2.
But Vu+ or dream are much more highly recommended.Comment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
vu+ duo is there still plenty of support for these boxes as this around my price limitComment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
vu+ duo has tons of support mate. I have one and have always found help when needed. Images also being constantly updated.
I don't see the support drying up anytime soon.
However, with the duo2 coming out the support is likely to go over to that when they get more popular. Can't see it happening for a few years though.
Personally, if you can hang on for a month or so, I'd look into the vu+ uno with the twin tuner module.
The uno is a better looking and better specced stb than the duo.
For about the same price you should be able to buy the duo and the twin tuner module, and have a slightly better machine.Comment
Re: moving on to my next receivers
I'v been using a vu+duo for about 2yrs.now,and I could not find fault with it.Plenty of support available for this receiver.Comment