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FTA Chanels from Balkan

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  • viktorce

    FTA Chanels from Balkan

    MKTV Sat Hot Bird 13A 13 E 10815 H 27500 5/6
    Best of Macedonia Eutelsat 16A 16 E 11011 V 27500 5/6
    K-15 Music Eutelsat 16A 16 E 11231 V 30000 3/4
    A2 Intelsat 901 18 W 11569 H 5775 5/6
    TV Sonce Intelsat 901 18 W 11569 H 5775 5/6
    TV K CN 1 Eutelsat 16A 16 E 10972 V 27500 5/6
    TV Duga Sat
    TV K CN 3
    Melos TV
    Astro Live TV
    HD Music
    TV K CN Music 2 Eutelsat 16 16 E 11366 V 30000 3/4
    DM Sat Eutelsat 16A 16 E 12593 V 2500 2/3
    RTS Sat Astra 1L 19 E 11023 H 22000 5/6
    RTS Sat E12WA 12.5 W 11176 H 15190 3/4

    BNT World Astra 3B 23.5 E 12051 V 27500 3/4
    The Voice Bulgaria Hellas Sat 2 39 E 12524 H 30000 7/8
    Folklor TV
    Kanal 3
    Fan TV
    Balkanika Music
    Planeta Folk TV Hellas Sat 2 39 E 12565 H 30000 7/8
    Kanal 3 Hellas Sat 2 39 E 12688 H 30000 7/8
    City TV
    NKTV Evrokom
    Fiesta TV
    Utilisima BG Intelsat 12 45 E 11632 V 30000 3/4
    Alfa TV
    The Voice Intelsat 12 45 E 11675 V 5830 2/3
    NBT Thor 6 1 W 11977 H 28000 7/8
    Shop TV Albania Eutelsat 16A 16 E 10804 H 27500 3/4
    Albanian Screen Eutelsat 16A 16 E 11108 V 2821 2/3
    Vizion Plus Eutelsat 16A 16 E 11283 V 27500 5/6
    TV Shqiptar Eutelsat 16A 16 E 12656 V 4883 1/2
    ERT World Hot Bird 13A 13 E 10815 H 27500 5/6
    Betorium TV Hot Bird 13 13 E 11317 V 27500 3/4
    Kanali Vouli Hot Bird 13B 13 E 12169 H 27500 3/4
    ERT World
    Tele Asty
    4E Hellas Orthodox TV
    902 Tileorasi
    Kanali Voulis Hellas Sat 39 E 11052 V 30000 3/4
    ERT World Apstar-2R 76.5 E 3840 H 27500 3/4
    ERT World Intelsat 10-02 1 W 11095 H 11111 5/6
    ERT World NSS-806 40.5ยฐ W 3630 L 3333 2/3
    ERT World NSS-806 40.5ยฐ W 3803 L 27500 3/4