I accidently typed the host name of the free servers into my browsers web address and I noticed that it came up with a page saying "It Works!". What exactly is this and what does it mean? It it a way to quickly test to know if the servers are offline or online?
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Web address server host
Re: Web address server host
Do you have any idea what this means... Do you think my theory is correct?
I am waiting for the opportunity to go to that address when the servers are down for maintanence, then we will know and can be sure if it correlates with the actual cccam servers and not the website hosts.Comment
Re: Web address server host
It just shows that the server is running a webserver like Apache. You are connecting to the default page (index.html).
If you can't connect then either the Apache webserver is not running, the server could be down or there may be network problems.Comment
Re: Web address server host
Thanks but I have one more query.
You referred to the "server." Do you mean the server that hosts this website or the servers that run the actual card sharing?Comment
Re: Web address server host
But no login window appear on that adressRule n.33 kid..... ConcentrateComment