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Server/Package response time
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Re: Server/Package response time
os2222- I agree with what you say, but today I found that certain channels on the sky uk package ran 100% perfect without 1 single tiny glitch/pause/freeze, absolutely nothing, it ran for a good 2 hours because I left it that long as I couldnt believe what I was seeing. Thats why I am asking if and why it might be certain channels that run better on the exact same package...
Matrixneo12- What exactly does the term DCW mean?
zyk- ok i will target those Caids to see if there is a difference, do you have any idea why different channels work better on same CAS?Comment
Re: Server/Package response time
Originally posted by Zyktry to use Beta-tunneled (caid 1833 tunneled via caid 1702) peers for SkyDe; they get DCWs in pairs (current and next) whilst Nd*s peers only get one, the current one. Pure Nagra3 peers that actually work fine are rare too.
It requires electronic and IT knoldge and to be quite handy that's why they are rare
More than that cccam which is simple to config dose not support N3 and you need to use oscam which is not so good supportedComment
Re: Server/Package response time
Iv asked this question elsewhere but Iv got no answer...You might know...
When a user has his box connected to the server, he obviously recieves data input from the server, but does any other incoming connections become active such as other users connected to my box for sharing etc...?Comment
Re: Server/Package response time
DCW(Direct Control Word) ist the general key to encrypt the video and audio data,it is generated by respective encoding system.
in the case of NDS we needed very quick responses from the sharing server to encrypt our video and audio data without freezes.Oscam Section Voting :
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Re: Server/Package response time
Yes, I found that the sky movie section of the sky package has never worked perfectly without fault for more than a minute, but at the same time the national geographic channel HD would run perfectly for as long as you want. Some channels differ even though they are from the same package and same encryption. I don't know why that happens.Comment
Re: Server/Package response time
If i delete line in cccam .cfg i stil be able to watch chanel.But when u restart box then line delete why?Rule n.33 kid..... ConcentrateComment
Re: Server/Package response time
What line are you talking about? Nothing should delete when you restart a box...Comment
Re: Server/Package response time
Yes, I found that the sky movie section of the sky package has never worked perfectly without fault for more than a minute, but at the same time the national geographic channel HD would run perfectly for as long as you want. Some channels differ even though they are from the same package and same encryption. I don't know why that happens..In the case that 30 people are connected to same reader(SKY HD Card) they get all frezzes,it doesn't matter which channels they are watching.
If i delete line in cccam .cfg i stil be able to watch chanel.But when u restart box then line delete why?Oscam Section Voting :
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