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OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

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  • anniruggenti
    Junior Member
    • Sep 2011
    • 23

    OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

    Ciao a tutti, buona fine e buon principio 2016.
    Ho installato Openatv 5.1 sul mio Venton Hd2. Ottima. Però non vede le mie due schede Sat. Ho una SatAccess per la svizzera e una Tvsat per l'Italia. Non le rileva. Ho provato a mettere softcam Oscam varie, ma niente da fare. Secondo voi cosa posso fare?
  • linefrayn
    • May 2012
    • 43

    Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

    Come hai cfg oscam ? dovresti postare le cfg di oscam se vuoi una mano.
    Vu+zero OpenATV 6.0 Avermedia A867 led blu
    Skybox f3
    Arriva 102e
    Faval 100s e' stato il mio primo deco per smanettare


    • anniruggenti
      Junior Member
      • Sep 2011
      • 23

      Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

      Ciao linefrayn,

      in usr/key
      compaiono 4 cartelle
      e 1 file
      di cui ti posto il contenuto
      # CCcam team uvadi CCcam v2.3.0
      # Special greets go to all our friends all over the world, you know who you are!
      # Specjalne podziekowania dla Ludzi z Polski, dzieki ktorym jest duzo nowych funkcji w wersji 2.0.0 
      # Ostatnim razem zapomnielismy o nich wspomniec w readme. DZieki Chlopaki!
      # friends                                                            #
      # syntax for to add a friend user to CCcam with the max up hops limit (default = 5)
      # sharing of emus (default = 1), allow emm (default = 1), and optional
      # downshare limits per share (default = no limits) and optional
      # downshare limits per share based on caid:id:sid
      # and optional timeslots in which share is valid (to block channels on box of children after 19:00 for instance)
      # if no timeslot is defined 24 hrs a day is used
      # emus are shared only one level down, even if no limits given
      # max username length 20
      # password length 'unlimited'
      #F: <username> <password> <uphops> <shareemus> <allowemm> ( { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } { begintime-endtime, ... } ) hostname/ip address
      # example:
      # F: user1 pass1
      # user1 gets all our shares at max 5 hops from us
      # (our local cards + max five hops away). He can share down to his own
      # clients. He also receive emu shares (if he has 'yes' behind his C: entry),
      # and is allowed to send us emm.
      # F: user2 pass2 0 1 0 { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 }
      # user2 gets only our local cards but no 0100:000080.
      # and our 0622:000000 cards only for himself (1 hop down),
      # and 0500 cards for himself plus one additional hop down.
      # He also gets our emus, and is NOT allowed to send us emm (updates).
      # F: user3 pass3 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 }
      # user3 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
      # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
      # But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users.
      # He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm.
      # F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 } { 0100:000080:15df }
      # user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
      # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
      # But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users.
      # He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm.
      # He is also not allowed to view channel 0100:000080:15df
      # F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { } { } { 12:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00 }
      # user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
      # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
      # the share is only valid between 12:00 and 17:00 and between 19:00 and 20:00
      # outside these hours the share will not give cw's to the client
      # F: user5 pass5 5 1 1 { } { } { }
      # user5 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us
      # user5 is only allowed to connect from the host 
      # connections                                                        #
      # syntax for to add a client connection to other CCcam
      # add yes on end to use friends emus (non public private key/emu,etc...),
      # but only works when corresponding F line on server has '1' for <shareemus>
      # optional limits just like F line, but for incoming shares (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away)
      #C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )
      #note: if {} limits are added, <wantemus> cannot be omitted. Use either yes or no.
      # example:
      # C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1
      # C: 12000 user2 pass2
      # connects to CCcam without use of friends emus
      # C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes
      # connects to CCcam, and receives friends emus also.
      # syntax for to add newcamd server connection
      #N: <ip> <port> <username> <pass> <des(14byte)> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)> <stealth mode (default: 0)>
      # example:
      # N: 10000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
      # add a newcamd card, give it an offset of 2 hops, in the share list
      # N: 10000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 2
      # stealthy login on newcamd server:
      # N: 10000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 1 1
      # stealth modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = mgcamd new, 2 = mgcamd old, 3 = evocamd, 4 = generic
      # syntax for to add radegast server connection
      #R: <ip> <port> <ca4> <id6> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)>
      # example:
      # R: 678 0100 000080
      # syntax for to add camd3 connection
      #L: <ip> <port> <username> <pass> <ca4> <id6> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)>
      # example:
      # L: 567 dummy dummy 0100 000080
      # syntax for add gbox connection
      #G: <pass> <localhost> <localport> <peerpass> <peeraddress> <peerport>
      # support optional limits just like C line (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away)
      # { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... }
      # example:
      # G: AABBCCDD my.address.tv 2500 12345678 peer.address.tv 2500
      # Other config settings                                              #
      # server shall listen on this port pro incoming connections
      # default port is 12000, disable server with parm -s or set port 0
      #SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000
      # server can give some info about server and client connections
      # and cardinfo using telnet or webbrowser.
      # Switch on/off access to info
      # default is yes
      #ALLOW WEBINFO: no
      # Show extended client info when showing client list
      # default is yes
      # The webinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
      # This is switched off by default
      #WEBINFO USERNAME : <username>
      #WEBINFO PASSWORD : <password>
      # The telnetinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
      # This is switched off by default
      #TELNETINFO USERNAME : <username>
      #TELNETINFO PASSWORD : <password>
      # default port for telnet is 16000
      # default port for web is 16001
      # supported commands:
      #        info
      #        activeclients
      #        clients
      #        servers
      #        shares
      #        providers
      #        entitlements
      # example use:
      #     echo servers | telnet localhost 16000
      #     go with your browser to http://ip_CCcam_server:16001
      #WEBINFO LISTEN PORT : 16001
      # time in seconds to keep On Screen Display active.
      # default is 0 (turned off)
      #ZAP OSD TIME : 3
      # username used to show popup (default : root)
      #OSD USERNAME : root
      # password used to show popup (default : dreambox)
      #OSD PASSWORD : dreambox
      # port used to show popup (default : 80)
      #OSD PORT : 80
      # Serial reader config. Add as many as you have attached too your system
      # replaces old name 'PHOENIX READER PATH', but still works.
      # default is none
      # optionally add readertype : phoenix,mouse,uniprog,sc8in1,smartreader+
      # (when non readertype given defaults to uniprog (e.g. for mastera))
      #       SERIAL READER : <device> <type>
      # example
      #SERIAL READER : /dev/tts/0
      # Serial reader smartcard write delay.
      # Setting to finetune smartcard write speed, optimal setting depends on speed of system, and
      # speed of card. Default value is calculated, but can overrule by setting.
      # Use number of microseconds delay between bytes, 0 = no delay, -1 = calculated default
      # Note: huge difference between values 0 and 1, because of schedular overhead
      #       SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY : <device> <delay>
      # example, 10ms write delay on smartcard in reader attached to /dev/ttyUSB0
      #SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY: /dev/ttyUSB0 10000
      # NOTE on sc8in1; because 8 smartcards are used on the same devicename, use
      # devicename_0 .. devicename_7 for settings which require devicename to make
      # settings per smartcard. example /dev/ttyS0_0, /dev/ttyS0_1 ..
      # example, 8ms write delay between bytes to smartcard on last sc8in1 channel, attached to /dev/tts/0
      #SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY: /dev/tts/0_7 8000
      # Smartcard clock speed override
      # Setting override specified speed for smartcard.
      # Don't add setting unless you're sure what you're doing.
      # In 99% of the cases the reader selects the optimal speed.
      # Adding this setting either slows your card down, or might destroy it.
      #        SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY : <device> <freq>
      # example
      #SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 5500000
      # if timing should be shown in OSD and debug output
      # default is no (turned off)
      #SHOW TIMING : yes
      # enables mini OSD which shows server(type), cardreader, keys or fta only
      # default is no (turned off)
      #MINI OSD : yes
      # turns debugging on and off
      # default is no (turned off)
      #DEBUG : yes
      # should CCcam try to read and parse newcamd.conf for server connections
      # default is no (turned off)
      #NEWCAMD CONF : yes
      # configure what EMM blocker you want. Add as many as readers you have attached
      # default is blocking nothing
      # B: /dev/sci0 01
      #       00 - nothing
      #       01 - sa blocked
      #       02 - ua blocked
      #       04 - ga blocked
      #       and sum of for combinations
      #B: /dev/tts/0 07
      #B: /dev/sci0 01
      # disable all EMM readers (clientside setting)
      # saves lots of CPU, but you won't get any updates anymore
      # (unless you get updates from your clients)
      # default: no
      #DISABLE EMM : yes
      # control how to deal with global (ga) EMM readers (clientside setting)
      # can avoid global (possibly noisy) emm being sent over the network
      # shared and unique emm is not affected by this setting
      # to block all emm, use DISABLE EMM setting instead
      # 0 = ignore all global emm
      # 1 = accept a small amount of global emm
      # 2 = accept all global emm
      # default: 2 (handle all global emm)
      # example: seriously reduce the global emm traffic, but allow limited
      # global emm when a smartcard does not work (possibly because it needs an update)
      #GLOBAL EMM : 1
      # with this setting you can
      # allow a client on two hops away
      # to send the updates to the cardserver
      # default : no
      #EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes
      # with this setting you can
      # configure how many emm listeners are started.
      # for example use 2 when recording
      # and viewing different systems and both need constant updates
      # default : 1
      #EMM THREADS : 1
      # overrule the nds boxkey (4 byte hex)
      # BOXKEY: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4>
      #BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 00 11 22 33
      # set card pin
      # * please be very careful with this option as you could lock your card *
      # PIN: <device> <pin>
      #PIN: /dev/sci0 1234
      # overrule the irdeto camkey (8 byte hex), default 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
      # CAMKEY: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> <byte7> <byte8>
      #CAMKEY: /dev/sci0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
      # overrule the irdeto camdata (64 byte hex)
      # trailing zero bytes can be omitted
      # default for unknown ASC's is 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 00 00 .. 00, known ASC's have other defaults
      # CAMDATA: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> ... <byte64>
      #example, when only the first 15 camdata bytes are nonzero
      #CAMDATA: /dev/sci0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
      # custom add id's for BEEF patched cards
      # BEEF ID: <ident1> <ident2> <ident3> <ident4> <ident5> <ident6> <ident7> <ident8> <device>
      #BEEF ID: 4101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /dev/sci0
      # what Softcam.Key should CCcam try to read
      # defaults to /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
      #SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
      # what AutoRoll.Key should CCcam try to read
      # defaults to /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
      #AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
      # what constant.cw should CCcam try to read
      # defaults to /var/keys/constant.cw
      # file content can be like
      # ca4:id6:sid4:pmtpid4:ecmpid4:key16(01 02 03...)
      #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw
      # in this file you can configure what CAIDs CCcam should prefer or ignore
      # defaults to /var/etc/CCcam.prio
      # file content can have ignores (I) and prio lists (P)
      # note 1: I line affects both for ecm and emm (receive no emm on ignored systems)
      # P line only affects ecm choice (emm still received for all available systems, not just the priority system)
      # note 2: ident 0 means 'all idents'. So 'caid:0' is the same as 'caid'.
      # note 3: for some systems (e.g. nagra (caid 18xx)), the ident is not known at the time the
      # prio lists are checked. In that case, matching is done on caid only, even if the P line
      # defines nonzero idents. So for example '1801:401' behaves the same as '1801' in a P line
      # I lines work differently, they are checked two times, once before ecm or emm is received, again
      # after ecm or emm are received (and nagra ident should be known)
      # P lines are only checked once, before ecm received.
      # note 4: if a P line contains caid:ident pairs which are not available for the current
      # channel, that P line is not used for that channel.
      # Example, channel has systems 626, 1801:401 then P line with "1801,100:96,626" is ignored by that channel,
      # because channel doesn't have 100:96.
      # But P line with "1801" works, and also "626,1801" will work for channel
      # note 5: P lines are parsed in the order in which they are found in the prio file.
      # Only the first matching P line is used
      # situation 1: ignore allways this caid, all idents, on all channels
      # I: caid
      # situation 2: ignore allways this caid/ident pair
      # I: caid:ident
      # situation 3: ignore this caid/ident pair, on channel 'sid'
      # I: caid:ident:sid
      # situation 4: when both caid1 and caid2 exist for a channel, prefer caid1 over caid2
      # P: caid1, caid2
      # situation 5: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for a channel, use them in order of this list.
      # P: caid1:ident1, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
      # situation 6: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for channel 'sid', use them in order of this list.
      # Sid on first caid/ident pair identifies sid for which list is used. All other sids ignore this list.
      # P: caid1:ident1:sid, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
      #CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
      # In this file all provider idents are defined
      # The info from this file is being used in the web interface
      # format:
      # <caid><ident> "Provider description"
      # PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
      # In this file all channel idents are defined
      # The info from this file is being used in the web interface
      # format:
      # caid:ident:sid "Channel description"
      # CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
      # write wrong logins to file
      # defaults is off
      #LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
      # global setting for stealthy login to newcamd/newcs server, N line can overrule
      # stealth modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = mgcamd new, 2 = mgcamd old, 3 = evocamd, 4 = generic
      # default: 0
      # load balancing between identical cards, list device names of card readers containing identical cards,
      # optionally followed by a list of service id's which are to be excluded from loadbalancing
      # LOADBALANCE : <device1> <device2> .. <devicen> { <exceptsid1>, <exceptsid2> .. , <exceptsidn> }
      # multiple loadbalance groups can be configured, by adding multiple lines
      # warning: restart is required, when loadbalance group config changes
      #example 1: load balance requests for three identical cards
      # LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2
      #example 2: load balance requests for two almost identical cards, sid 0df3 and 0de1 are only available
      #on one of the cards, so requests for these sids shouldn't be loadbalanced
      # LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS5 /dev/ttyS6 { 0df3,0de1 }
      # in version 1.2.1 and lower there was a problem which could lead to disconnecting clients
      # in version 1.4.0 network load was significantly reduced
      # in version 1.7.0 dangerous password bug was fixed
      # in order to take advantage of these fixes, all clients should upgrade
      # with this setting you can force that clients at least use a certain version otherwise they are denied when logging in
      # default : accept all versions
      #example 1: avoid disconnecting clients problem
      #example 2: achieve network load decrease
      #example 3: don't allow potentially wrong passwords (pre 1.7.0 has password bug)
      # Irdeto smartcards: option to disable smart chid checking for irdeto smartcards.
      # Default, only chids advertised by card are accepted.
      # This avoids a lot of unwanted card traffic
      # But if smartcard has hidden/unknown chids, all chids should be tried.
      # In that case specify 'TRY ALL CHIDS' option for cardreader.
      # Use with care, enabling option causes more card traffic.
      # Only use setting when some channels in your subscription don't work without it.
      # note: if even this setting don't help decode all channels, try using
      # commandline arg -l, to disable all self-learning features (warning: slower)
      #TRY ALL CHIDS : <device>
      #example: card in /dev/ttyUSB0 gets ecm for all possible chids, not
      #just the chids it officially supports
      #TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/ttyUSB0
      # perform smartcard post init commands
      # POSTINIT : <device> <filename> (<autodelete>)
      # send commands in 'filename' to 'device', and delete 'filename' when
      # optional 'autodelete' argument nonzero
      #POSTINIT : /dev/sci0 /tmp/postinit
      #example /tmp/postinit contents:
      # Option to override autodetected dvb api version. Restart needed.
      #DVB API: <value>
      # <value> -1 = no dvb, 1 = dvb api 1, 3 = dvb api 3
      # WARNING: only use when autodetect fails!
      #example, disable nonworking dvb hardware:
      #DVB API: -1
      # Option to set global share limits
      #GLOBAL LIMITS: { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... }
      #GLOBAL LIMITS : { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 }
      # all users get no 0100:000080.
      # and our 0622:000000 cards only for themself (1 hop down),
      # and 0500 cards for themself plus one additional hop down.
      # global limits are overridden by client specific limits (see F:)
      # Option to reject shares with less than required downhops on clientside
      #MINIMUM DOWNHOPS: <value>
      # default: 0 (don't ignore any shares)
      # ignore shares that have less than 1 'downhops' (i.e. can not be shared
      # further down to other clients)
      # Option to ignore all shares that go through a certain node
      #IGNORE NODE: <nodeid>
      #example, ignore two nodes:
      #IGNORE NODE: ccd536ab515767ad
      #IGNORE NODE: aad536ab515761af
      # The seca handler is used to better support simulcrypt on the same ident
      # With this setting you can change the behaviour of how SECA has to be used
      # This setting is ignored unless SECA2/SECA3 simulcrypt is detected!!
      # When disabled CCcam behaves like previous versions
      # When "prefer SECA3 over SECA2" is enabled try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
      # When "Ignore SECA2" is enabled, ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
      # When "Ignore SECA3" is enabled, ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle
      # The following settings can be used
      # SECA HANDLER: <value>
      # <value> : 0 = disabled, 1 =  prefer SECA3 over SECA2, 2 = prefer SECA2 over SECA3, 3 = Ignore SECA2, 4 = Ignore SECA3
      # default: 1
      # Example try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
      #SECA HANDLER: 1
      # Example try to use SECA2 ecm first, then SECA3
      #SECA HANDLER: 2
      # Example to ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
      #SECA HANDLER: 3
      # Example to ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle
      #SECA HANDLER: 4
      # Configure limited list of accepted sids for smartcard
      # When omitted, all sids are allowed.
      # Can work together with LOADBALANCE configuration (sids which are not allowed will be automatically left out of the loadbalance)
      # SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : <device> <maxnumberofsids> { <sid1>, <sid2>, ... <sidn> }
      # <device> is the reader devicenode
      # <maxnumberofsids> limits the total number of sids assigned to the card (0 = use length of sid list)
      # { <sid1>..<sidn> } lists the sids that are assigned to the smartcard, when omitted, <maxnumberofsids> is used to auto assign sids
      # when <maxnumberofsids> is larger than the length of the sidlist, the remainder of the sids are auto assigned, till the list reaches <maxnumberofsids>
      # Check entitlement output for realtime assignment list
      # WARNING: when SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN config changes, restart is required before settings take effect
      #example1: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 only handles requests for sids df3, df4, df5
      #SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 0 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
      #example2: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 handles requests for max 5 sids, auto assigned in the order of occurance. A request for a 6th sid will be denied.
      #SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 5
      #example3: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 handles requests for max 5 sids, 3 of which are df3, df4, df5, remaining 2 are auto assigned
      #SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 5 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
      # Configure list of sids which are not to be handled by smartcard
      # When omitted, all sids are allowed (or SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list is allowed, if available)
      # Don't use together with (fixed) SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list; use one or the other, depending on which gives the shortest list
      # Can work together with dynamic SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list.
      # Can work together with LOADBALANCE configuration (sids which are rejected will be automatically left out of the loadbalance)
      #SMARTCARD SID REJECT: <device> { <sid1>, <sid2>, ... <sidn> }
      # <device> is the reader devicenode
      # { <sid1>..<sidn> } lists the sids that are to be rejected on the smartcard
      #example1: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 should not handle requests for sids df3, df4, df5
      #SMARTCARD SID REJECT: /dev/ttyUSB0 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
      # Option to limit the number of sids active on a single smartcard within a given time period
      # SID LIMIT: <device> <maxsids> <timelimit>
      # example: handle max 4 different sids every 11 seconds
      # SID LIMIT: /dev/sci0 4 11
      # Option to overrule the number of sci devices to be opened
      #SCIDEVICES: <number>
      #example, don't open any sci devices
      #SCIDEVICES: 0
      #example, force 2 devices to be opened
      #SCIDEVICES: 2
      # When omitted, attempt to open an autodetected number of sci devices
      # WARNING: restart is required before a new SCIDEVICES limit takes effect
      # *Merry Christmas* from aff-board.com


      • linefrayn
        • May 2012
        • 43

        Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

        Per farla piu' semplice devi attivare la ccc#m dal softcam panel cosi' dovressti vedere le 2 carte.
        Vu+zero OpenATV 6.0 Avermedia A867 led blu
        Skybox f3
        Arriva 102e
        Faval 100s e' stato il mio primo deco per smanettare


        • Geeko77
          • Dec 2014
          • 56

          Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

          Ho avuto anch'io lo stesso problema all'inizio con il mio GigaBlue;
          hai installato Oxxam EMU e non Oxxam "ufficiale"
          prova a installare un'altra versione disponibile e non avrai problemi!


          • Ocino
            • Aug 2013
            • 31

            Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

            Originally posted by anniruggenti
            Ciao linefrayn,

            in usr/key
            compaiono 4 cartelle
            e 1 file
            di cui ti posto il contenuto
            # CCcam team uvadi CCcam v2.3.0
            # Special greets go to all our friends all over the world, you know who you are!
            # Specjalne podziekowania dla Ludzi z Polski, dzieki ktorym jest duzo nowych funkcji w wersji 2.0.0 
            # Ostatnim razem zapomnielismy o nich wspomniec w readme. DZieki Chlopaki!
            # friends                                                            #
            # syntax for to add a friend user to CCcam with the max up hops limit (default = 5)
            # sharing of emus (default = 1), allow emm (default = 1), and optional
            # downshare limits per share (default = no limits) and optional
            # downshare limits per share based on caid:id:sid
            # and optional timeslots in which share is valid (to block channels on box of children after 19:00 for instance)
            # if no timeslot is defined 24 hrs a day is used
            # emus are shared only one level down, even if no limits given
            # max username length 20
            # password length 'unlimited'
            #F: <username> <password> <uphops> <shareemus> <allowemm> ( { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... } { caid:id:sid, caid:id:sid, ... } { begintime-endtime, ... } ) hostname/ip address
            # example:
            # F: user1 pass1
            # user1 gets all our shares at max 5 hops from us
            # (our local cards + max five hops away). He can share down to his own
            # clients. He also receive emu shares (if he has 'yes' behind his C: entry),
            # and is allowed to send us emm.
            # F: user2 pass2 0 1 0 { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 }
            # user2 gets only our local cards but no 0100:000080.
            # and our 0622:000000 cards only for himself (1 hop down),
            # and 0500 cards for himself plus one additional hop down.
            # He also gets our emus, and is NOT allowed to send us emm (updates).
            # F: user3 pass3 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 }
            # user3 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
            # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
            # But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users.
            # He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm.
            # F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { 0:0:3, 0100:000080:1 } { 0100:000080:15df }
            # user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
            # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
            # But he is not allowed to share 0100:000080 down to other users.
            # He gets no emus from us, and he is allowed to send us emm.
            # He is also not allowed to view channel 0100:000080:15df
            # F: user4 pass4 5 0 1 { } { } { 12:00-17:00, 19:00-20:00 }
            # user4 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us,
            # and get's to share them down two further levels beyond his own level.
            # the share is only valid between 12:00 and 17:00 and between 19:00 and 20:00
            # outside these hours the share will not give cw's to the client
            # F: user5 pass5 5 1 1 { } { } { }
            # user5 gets all cards at a maximum of 5 hops away from us
            # user5 is only allowed to connect from the host 
            # connections                                                        #
            # syntax for to add a client connection to other CCcam
            # add yes on end to use friends emus (non public private key/emu,etc...),
            # but only works when corresponding F line on server has '1' for <shareemus>
            # optional limits just like F line, but for incoming shares (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away)
            #C: <hostname> <port> <username> <password> <wantemus> ( { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... } )
            #note: if {} limits are added, <wantemus> cannot be omitted. Use either yes or no.
            # example:
            # C: someserver.somedomain 12000 user1 pass1
            # C: 12000 user2 pass2
            # connects to CCcam without use of friends emus
            # C: 12000 user3 pass3 yes
            # connects to CCcam, and receives friends emus also.
            # syntax for to add newcamd server connection
            #N: <ip> <port> <username> <pass> <des(14byte)> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)> <stealth mode (default: 0)>
            # example:
            # N: 10000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14
            # add a newcamd card, give it an offset of 2 hops, in the share list
            # N: 10000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 2
            # stealthy login on newcamd server:
            # N: 10000 dummy dummy 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 1 1
            # stealth modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = mgcamd new, 2 = mgcamd old, 3 = evocamd, 4 = generic
            # syntax for to add radegast server connection
            #R: <ip> <port> <ca4> <id6> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)>
            # example:
            # R: 678 0100 000080
            # syntax for to add camd3 connection
            #L: <ip> <port> <username> <pass> <ca4> <id6> <nr_of_hops_away (default: 1)>
            # example:
            # L: 567 dummy dummy 0100 000080
            # syntax for add gbox connection
            #G: <pass> <localhost> <localport> <peerpass> <peeraddress> <peerport>
            # support optional limits just like C line (ignore shares more than 'uphops' away)
            # { caid:id(:uphops), caid:id(:uphops), ... }
            # example:
            # G: AABBCCDD my.address.tv 2500 12345678 peer.address.tv 2500
            # Other config settings                                              #
            # server shall listen on this port pro incoming connections
            # default port is 12000, disable server with parm -s or set port 0
            #SERVER LISTEN PORT : 12000
            # server can give some info about server and client connections
            # and cardinfo using telnet or webbrowser.
            # Switch on/off access to info
            # default is yes
            #ALLOW TELNETINFO: no
            #ALLOW WEBINFO: no
            # Show extended client info when showing client list
            # default is yes
            # The webinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
            # This is switched off by default
            #WEBINFO USERNAME : <username>
            #WEBINFO PASSWORD : <password>
            # The telnetinfo service can be protected with a username and password.
            # This is switched off by default
            #TELNETINFO USERNAME : <username>
            #TELNETINFO PASSWORD : <password>
            # default port for telnet is 16000
            # default port for web is 16001
            # supported commands:
            #        info
            #        activeclients
            #        clients
            #        servers
            #        shares
            #        providers
            #        entitlements
            # example use:
            #     echo servers | telnet localhost 16000
            #     go with your browser to http://ip_CCcam_server:16001
            #TELNETINFO LISTEN PORT : 16000
            #WEBINFO LISTEN PORT : 16001
            # time in seconds to keep On Screen Display active.
            # default is 0 (turned off)
            #ZAP OSD TIME : 3
            # username used to show popup (default : root)
            #OSD USERNAME : root
            # password used to show popup (default : dreambox)
            #OSD PASSWORD : dreambox
            # port used to show popup (default : 80)
            #OSD PORT : 80
            # Serial reader config. Add as many as you have attached too your system
            # replaces old name 'PHOENIX READER PATH', but still works.
            # default is none
            # optionally add readertype : phoenix,mouse,uniprog,sc8in1,smartreader+
            # (when non readertype given defaults to uniprog (e.g. for mastera))
            #       SERIAL READER : <device> <type>
            # example
            #SERIAL READER : /dev/tts/0
            # Serial reader smartcard write delay.
            # Setting to finetune smartcard write speed, optimal setting depends on speed of system, and
            # speed of card. Default value is calculated, but can overrule by setting.
            # Use number of microseconds delay between bytes, 0 = no delay, -1 = calculated default
            # Note: huge difference between values 0 and 1, because of schedular overhead
            #       SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY : <device> <delay>
            # example, 10ms write delay on smartcard in reader attached to /dev/ttyUSB0
            #SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY: /dev/ttyUSB0 10000
            # NOTE on sc8in1; because 8 smartcards are used on the same devicename, use
            # devicename_0 .. devicename_7 for settings which require devicename to make
            # settings per smartcard. example /dev/ttyS0_0, /dev/ttyS0_1 ..
            # example, 8ms write delay between bytes to smartcard on last sc8in1 channel, attached to /dev/tts/0
            #SMARTCARD WRITE DELAY: /dev/tts/0_7 8000
            # Smartcard clock speed override
            # Setting override specified speed for smartcard.
            # Don't add setting unless you're sure what you're doing.
            # In 99% of the cases the reader selects the optimal speed.
            # Adding this setting either slows your card down, or might destroy it.
            #        SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY : <device> <freq>
            # example
            #SMARTCARD CLOCK FREQUENCY: /dev/ttyUSB0 5500000
            # if timing should be shown in OSD and debug output
            # default is no (turned off)
            #SHOW TIMING : yes
            # enables mini OSD which shows server(type), cardreader, keys or fta only
            # default is no (turned off)
            #MINI OSD : yes
            # turns debugging on and off
            # default is no (turned off)
            #DEBUG : yes
            # should CCcam try to read and parse newcamd.conf for server connections
            # default is no (turned off)
            #NEWCAMD CONF : yes
            # configure what EMM blocker you want. Add as many as readers you have attached
            # default is blocking nothing
            # B: /dev/sci0 01
            #       00 - nothing
            #       01 - sa blocked
            #       02 - ua blocked
            #       04 - ga blocked
            #       and sum of for combinations
            #B: /dev/tts/0 07
            #B: /dev/sci0 01
            # disable all EMM readers (clientside setting)
            # saves lots of CPU, but you won't get any updates anymore
            # (unless you get updates from your clients)
            # default: no
            #DISABLE EMM : yes
            # control how to deal with global (ga) EMM readers (clientside setting)
            # can avoid global (possibly noisy) emm being sent over the network
            # shared and unique emm is not affected by this setting
            # to block all emm, use DISABLE EMM setting instead
            # 0 = ignore all global emm
            # 1 = accept a small amount of global emm
            # 2 = accept all global emm
            # default: 2 (handle all global emm)
            # example: seriously reduce the global emm traffic, but allow limited
            # global emm when a smartcard does not work (possibly because it needs an update)
            #GLOBAL EMM : 1
            # with this setting you can
            # allow a client on two hops away
            # to send the updates to the cardserver
            # default : no
            #EXTRA EMM LEVEL : yes
            # with this setting you can
            # configure how many emm listeners are started.
            # for example use 2 when recording
            # and viewing different systems and both need constant updates
            # default : 1
            #EMM THREADS : 1
            # overrule the nds boxkey (4 byte hex)
            # BOXKEY: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4>
            #BOXKEY: /dev/sci0 00 11 22 33
            # set card pin
            # * please be very careful with this option as you could lock your card *
            # PIN: <device> <pin>
            #PIN: /dev/sci0 1234
            # overrule the irdeto camkey (8 byte hex), default 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
            # CAMKEY: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> <byte7> <byte8>
            #CAMKEY: /dev/sci0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88
            # overrule the irdeto camdata (64 byte hex)
            # trailing zero bytes can be omitted
            # default for unknown ASC's is 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 00 00 .. 00, known ASC's have other defaults
            # CAMDATA: <device> <byte1> <byte2> <byte3> <byte4> <byte5> <byte6> ... <byte64>
            #example, when only the first 15 camdata bytes are nonzero
            #CAMDATA: /dev/sci0 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
            # custom add id's for BEEF patched cards
            # BEEF ID: <ident1> <ident2> <ident3> <ident4> <ident5> <ident6> <ident7> <ident8> <device>
            #BEEF ID: 4101 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 /dev/sci0
            # what Softcam.Key should CCcam try to read
            # defaults to /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
            #SOFTKEY FILE : /var/keys/SoftCam.Key
            # what AutoRoll.Key should CCcam try to read
            # defaults to /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
            #AUTOROLL FILE : /var/keys/AutoRoll.Key
            # what constant.cw should CCcam try to read
            # defaults to /var/keys/constant.cw
            # file content can be like
            # ca4:id6:sid4:pmtpid4:ecmpid4:key16(01 02 03...)
            #STATIC CW FILE : /var/keys/constant.cw
            # in this file you can configure what CAIDs CCcam should prefer or ignore
            # defaults to /var/etc/CCcam.prio
            # file content can have ignores (I) and prio lists (P)
            # note 1: I line affects both for ecm and emm (receive no emm on ignored systems)
            # P line only affects ecm choice (emm still received for all available systems, not just the priority system)
            # note 2: ident 0 means 'all idents'. So 'caid:0' is the same as 'caid'.
            # note 3: for some systems (e.g. nagra (caid 18xx)), the ident is not known at the time the
            # prio lists are checked. In that case, matching is done on caid only, even if the P line
            # defines nonzero idents. So for example '1801:401' behaves the same as '1801' in a P line
            # I lines work differently, they are checked two times, once before ecm or emm is received, again
            # after ecm or emm are received (and nagra ident should be known)
            # P lines are only checked once, before ecm received.
            # note 4: if a P line contains caid:ident pairs which are not available for the current
            # channel, that P line is not used for that channel.
            # Example, channel has systems 626, 1801:401 then P line with "1801,100:96,626" is ignored by that channel,
            # because channel doesn't have 100:96.
            # But P line with "1801" works, and also "626,1801" will work for channel
            # note 5: P lines are parsed in the order in which they are found in the prio file.
            # Only the first matching P line is used
            # situation 1: ignore allways this caid, all idents, on all channels
            # I: caid
            # situation 2: ignore allways this caid/ident pair
            # I: caid:ident
            # situation 3: ignore this caid/ident pair, on channel 'sid'
            # I: caid:ident:sid
            # situation 4: when both caid1 and caid2 exist for a channel, prefer caid1 over caid2
            # P: caid1, caid2
            # situation 5: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for a channel, use them in order of this list.
            # P: caid1:ident1, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
            # situation 6: when caid1:ident1 till caidN:identN exist for channel 'sid', use them in order of this list.
            # Sid on first caid/ident pair identifies sid for which list is used. All other sids ignore this list.
            # P: caid1:ident1:sid, caid2:ident2, .., caidN:identN
            #CAID PRIO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.prio
            # In this file all provider idents are defined
            # The info from this file is being used in the web interface
            # format:
            # <caid><ident> "Provider description"
            # PROVIDERINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.providers
            # In this file all channel idents are defined
            # The info from this file is being used in the web interface
            # format:
            # caid:ident:sid "Channel description"
            # CHANNELINFO FILE : /var/etc/CCcam.channelinfo
            # write wrong logins to file
            # defaults is off
            #LOG WARNINGS : /tmp/warnings.txt
            # global setting for stealthy login to newcamd/newcs server, N line can overrule
            # stealth modes: 0 = disabled, 1 = mgcamd new, 2 = mgcamd old, 3 = evocamd, 4 = generic
            # default: 0
            #NEWCAMD STEALTH : 0
            # load balancing between identical cards, list device names of card readers containing identical cards,
            # optionally followed by a list of service id's which are to be excluded from loadbalancing
            # LOADBALANCE : <device1> <device2> .. <devicen> { <exceptsid1>, <exceptsid2> .. , <exceptsidn> }
            # multiple loadbalance groups can be configured, by adding multiple lines
            # warning: restart is required, when loadbalance group config changes
            #example 1: load balance requests for three identical cards
            # LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS0 /dev/ttyS1 /dev/ttyS2
            #example 2: load balance requests for two almost identical cards, sid 0df3 and 0de1 are only available
            #on one of the cards, so requests for these sids shouldn't be loadbalanced
            # LOADBALANCE : /dev/ttyS5 /dev/ttyS6 { 0df3,0de1 }
            # in version 1.2.1 and lower there was a problem which could lead to disconnecting clients
            # in version 1.4.0 network load was significantly reduced
            # in version 1.7.0 dangerous password bug was fixed
            # in order to take advantage of these fixes, all clients should upgrade
            # with this setting you can force that clients at least use a certain version otherwise they are denied when logging in
            # default : accept all versions
            #example 1: avoid disconnecting clients problem
            #MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION : 1.3.0
            #example 2: achieve network load decrease
            #MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION : 2.2.0
            #example 3: don't allow potentially wrong passwords (pre 1.7.0 has password bug)
            #MINIMUM CLIENT VERSION : 1.7.0
            # Irdeto smartcards: option to disable smart chid checking for irdeto smartcards.
            # Default, only chids advertised by card are accepted.
            # This avoids a lot of unwanted card traffic
            # But if smartcard has hidden/unknown chids, all chids should be tried.
            # In that case specify 'TRY ALL CHIDS' option for cardreader.
            # Use with care, enabling option causes more card traffic.
            # Only use setting when some channels in your subscription don't work without it.
            # note: if even this setting don't help decode all channels, try using
            # commandline arg -l, to disable all self-learning features (warning: slower)
            #TRY ALL CHIDS : <device>
            #example: card in /dev/ttyUSB0 gets ecm for all possible chids, not
            #just the chids it officially supports
            #TRY ALL CHIDS : /dev/ttyUSB0
            # perform smartcard post init commands
            # POSTINIT : <device> <filename> (<autodelete>)
            # send commands in 'filename' to 'device', and delete 'filename' when
            # optional 'autodelete' argument nonzero
            #POSTINIT : /dev/sci0 /tmp/postinit
            #example /tmp/postinit contents:
            # Option to override autodetected dvb api version. Restart needed.
            #DVB API: <value>
            # <value> -1 = no dvb, 1 = dvb api 1, 3 = dvb api 3
            # WARNING: only use when autodetect fails!
            #example, disable nonworking dvb hardware:
            #DVB API: -1
            # Option to set global share limits
            #GLOBAL LIMITS: { caid:id(:downhops), caid:id(:downhops), ... }
            #GLOBAL LIMITS : { 0100:000080, 0622:000000:1, 0500:000000:2 }
            # all users get no 0100:000080.
            # and our 0622:000000 cards only for themself (1 hop down),
            # and 0500 cards for themself plus one additional hop down.
            # global limits are overridden by client specific limits (see F:)
            # Option to reject shares with less than required downhops on clientside
            #MINIMUM DOWNHOPS: <value>
            # default: 0 (don't ignore any shares)
            #MINIMUM DOWNHOPS: 1
            # ignore shares that have less than 1 'downhops' (i.e. can not be shared
            # further down to other clients)
            # Option to ignore all shares that go through a certain node
            #IGNORE NODE: <nodeid>
            #example, ignore two nodes:
            #IGNORE NODE: ccd536ab515767ad
            #IGNORE NODE: aad536ab515761af
            # The seca handler is used to better support simulcrypt on the same ident
            # With this setting you can change the behaviour of how SECA has to be used
            # This setting is ignored unless SECA2/SECA3 simulcrypt is detected!!
            # When disabled CCcam behaves like previous versions
            # When "prefer SECA3 over SECA2" is enabled try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
            # When "Ignore SECA2" is enabled, ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
            # When "Ignore SECA3" is enabled, ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle
            # The following settings can be used
            # SECA HANDLER: <value>
            # <value> : 0 = disabled, 1 =  prefer SECA3 over SECA2, 2 = prefer SECA2 over SECA3, 3 = Ignore SECA2, 4 = Ignore SECA3
            # default: 1
            # Example try to use SECA3 ecm first, then SECA2
            #SECA HANDLER: 1
            # Example try to use SECA2 ecm first, then SECA3
            #SECA HANDLER: 2
            # Example to ignore all SECA2 ecm so a SECA3 card will not get SECA2 request which it cannot handle
            #SECA HANDLER: 3
            # Example to ignore all SECA3 ecm so a SECA2 card will not get SECA3 request which it cannot handle
            #SECA HANDLER: 4
            # Configure limited list of accepted sids for smartcard
            # When omitted, all sids are allowed.
            # Can work together with LOADBALANCE configuration (sids which are not allowed will be automatically left out of the loadbalance)
            # SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : <device> <maxnumberofsids> { <sid1>, <sid2>, ... <sidn> }
            # <device> is the reader devicenode
            # <maxnumberofsids> limits the total number of sids assigned to the card (0 = use length of sid list)
            # { <sid1>..<sidn> } lists the sids that are assigned to the smartcard, when omitted, <maxnumberofsids> is used to auto assign sids
            # when <maxnumberofsids> is larger than the length of the sidlist, the remainder of the sids are auto assigned, till the list reaches <maxnumberofsids>
            # Check entitlement output for realtime assignment list
            # WARNING: when SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN config changes, restart is required before settings take effect
            #example1: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 only handles requests for sids df3, df4, df5
            #SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 0 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
            #example2: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 handles requests for max 5 sids, auto assigned in the order of occurance. A request for a 6th sid will be denied.
            #SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 5
            #example3: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 handles requests for max 5 sids, 3 of which are df3, df4, df5, remaining 2 are auto assigned
            #SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN : /dev/ttyUSB0 5 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
            # Configure list of sids which are not to be handled by smartcard
            # When omitted, all sids are allowed (or SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list is allowed, if available)
            # Don't use together with (fixed) SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list; use one or the other, depending on which gives the shortest list
            # Can work together with dynamic SMARTCARD SID ASSIGN list.
            # Can work together with LOADBALANCE configuration (sids which are rejected will be automatically left out of the loadbalance)
            #SMARTCARD SID REJECT: <device> { <sid1>, <sid2>, ... <sidn> }
            # <device> is the reader devicenode
            # { <sid1>..<sidn> } lists the sids that are to be rejected on the smartcard
            #example1: smartcard in device /dev/ttyUSB0 should not handle requests for sids df3, df4, df5
            #SMARTCARD SID REJECT: /dev/ttyUSB0 { 0df3,0df4,0df5 }
            # Option to limit the number of sids active on a single smartcard within a given time period
            # SID LIMIT: <device> <maxsids> <timelimit>
            # example: handle max 4 different sids every 11 seconds
            # SID LIMIT: /dev/sci0 4 11
            # Option to overrule the number of sci devices to be opened
            #SCIDEVICES: <number>
            #example, don't open any sci devices
            #SCIDEVICES: 0
            #example, force 2 devices to be opened
            #SCIDEVICES: 2
            # When omitted, attempt to open an autodetected number of sci devices
            # WARNING: restart is required before a new SCIDEVICES limit takes effect
            # *Merry Christmas* from aff-board.com
            Ogni cartella Oscam_*** deve contenere i file di configurazione (.server, . user, etc) per quella specifica versione. Io sul mio Zgemma h2 uso Oscam_atv e legge tranquillamente tvsat


            • ilmatto1980
              • Sep 2014
              • 2

              Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

              idem stessa configurazione legge tv sat


              • robolux
                Senior Member
                • Nov 2011
                • 166

                Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

                Questo è il cccam cfg che con oxxam non centra nulla, in etc/tuxbox/config dovresti avere il resto. Vanno editati.


                • anniruggenti
                  Junior Member
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 23

                  Re: OpenAtv 5.1 Lettura schede sat

                  Grazie ragazzi,
                  scusate il ritardo, ma ho avuto un problemi personali.
                  Allora con filezilla vado in etc/tuxbox/config
                  Si può trovare in rete qualcosa di già fatto per SatAccess svizzera e Tvsat Italia?
                  Mi date qualche indicazione?
                  Ora dovrei farlo per un zgemma h2

