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QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

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  • satman72
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 3550

    Qboxhd(-mini) Samba 3.5.6

    Qboxhd(-mini) Samba 3.5.6


    Samba 3.5.6 compiled for QboxHD and MINI
    This is NOT an update or addon package. Not yet !

    1) download the archive from link above (about 19MB) and copy into your QboxHD "/" root dir (not in /tmp : not enough free space)

    2) telnet/ssh into your QboxHD
    cd /
    tar xvzf samba-3.5.6_4-qboxhd.tar.gz

    3) edit /etc/init.d/rcS and at the most bottom add the following three lines:

    for initscript in /etc/rc.d/* ; do
    doneIn next QboxHD firmware releases this will be the new official standard, but for now you must add it manually. Every /etc/rc.d/ scripts will be started up at boot

    Samba will be launched by /etc/rc.d/samba.sh
    'nmbd' daemon disabled: saving memory. If you need it, edit /etc/rc.d/samba.sh

    All Samba installation is in /usr/local/samba
    Config file: /usr/local/samba/lib/smb.conf
    Daemons: /usr/local/samba/sbin
    Utilities: /usr/local/samba/bin

    Two share preconfigured:
    [movie] without password
    [root_dir] with password (username root , password qboxhd )

    Access to QboxHD share from Windows :

    a) "Start->Run" \\IP_QBOXHD\ (i.e. \\\ )

    b) (WinXP) "Tools->Map Network Drive" \\IP_QBOXHD\ (i.e. \\\ )

    Access to Windows share from QboxHD (smbd deamon can be not running, not needed for this)
    a) using smbclient (ftp like)
    smbclient //IP_WINDOWS/SHARENAME
    i.e. smbclient //

    b) using smbget (wget like)
    smbget smb://IP_WINDOWS/SHARENAME/file
    i.e. smbget smb://

    c) mounting a remote share
    mkdir /media/smb
    mount.cifs // /media/smb
    if you need username and password:
    mount.cifs // /media/smb -o user=john,pass=shycmsj
    umount.cifs /media/smb
    Just click on thanks button if my post has helped you
    Don't send me cline requests, technical or premium server questions in PM! I'll not answer!


    • satman72
      Experienced Board Member
      • Jun 2010
      • 3550

      QBOXHD(-MINI) NTPDATE 4.2.6p2

      QBOXHD(-MINI) NTPDATE 4.2.6p2


      If your QboxHD (or MINI) has an Internet connection, you can sincronize the clock during boot using network time server

      This is NOT an update or addon package. Not yet !

      1) download the archive from link above (about 120KB) and copy into your QboxHD "/" root dir

      2) telnet/ssh into your QboxHD
      cd /
      tar xvzf ntpdate-4.2.6p2_2-qboxhd.tar.gz

      3) If you have not done yet, edit /etc/init.d/rcS and at the most bottom add the following three lines:

      for initscript in /etc/rc.d/* ; do
      doneIn next QboxHD firmware releases this will be the new official standard, but for now you must add it manually. Every /etc/rc.d/ scripts will be started up at boot

      ntpdate will be launched once by /etc/rc.d/ntpsync.sh
      Just click on thanks button if my post has helped you
      Don't send me cline requests, technical or premium server questions in PM! I'll not answer!


      • MASTERS
        Experienced Board Member
        • Jun 2010
        • 2411

        Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

        Arthur BKP_QBOXHd_STONE_1.0.4_v6b_02-11-2010

        Arthur BKP_QBOXHd_STONE_1.0.4_v6b_02-11-2010

        basato sulla Release STONE 1.0.4 per QBOXHD.
        So***am Panel ridotto all'osso...solo...
        R***r 4.20
        O***m 3795
        Slot configurati per Tivsat(basso) skyfo93b(alto)
        O***m.server pre-configurato
        Skin DMConcinnity-HD(di default)--Skyn LT6
        Picon full osd-lcd
        Plugin installati:
        Isetting di Vhannibal(attivabile premendo il tasto verde per più di 1 secondo)
        Virtual zap (si attiva premendo per più di 1 secondo il tasto exit)
        Setup Quickbutton
        Aggiunto il plugin Spinner-selector_2.0 con un centinaio di spinner da scegliere
        Addons full
        All'avvio del backup vi troverete a dover effettuare la configurazione della lingua e del tuner sat,questo per evitare che una diversa disposizione dei tuner sat e dtt possa creare problemi....
        ATTENZIONE!!!!quando installate il backup abbiate un po di pazienza...il caricamento varia dai 4 ai 7 minuti
        Dopo configurate il tuner,scaricate i Setting e fate le opportune configurazioni
        Se qualcuno ha problemi in ricerca wirelless che il dec va in crash, consiglio di attivare la skyn LT6.HD
        In attesa che la skyn DMConcinnity venga perfezionata per il qboxhd




        • satman72
          Experienced Board Member
          • Jun 2010
          • 3550

          Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

          This new webif template will be included in next OSCam QboxHD (mini) release.

          If you want to use it since now, follow this istructions:

          1) download webif-template.tar.gz and put in your QboxHD or QboxHD-MINI in /var/oscam

          2) expand the archive: tar xvzf webif-template.tar.gz

          3) change oscam.conf adding in [webif] section the following lines

          httprefresh = 10
          httptpl = /var/oscam/webif-template
          httpcss = /var/oscam/webif-template/site.css

          Attached Files
          Just click on thanks button if my post has helped you
          Don't send me cline requests, technical or premium server questions in PM! I'll not answer!


          • zoran89
            Experienced Board Member
            • Mar 2010
            • 1618

            Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

            3896 13/11/2010 (Q Box Mini)
            - solved a bug involving loadbalancing
            - new webif graphics ( preview )
            pay attention to oscam.conf [webif] section for new http* options
            - since now webif is enabled by default (start_oscam , WEBIF=1)



            • lulezim
              • Mar 2010
              • 4081

              Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

              *** CHANGELOG ***
              > 4009 28/11/2010
              - added in /var/oscam/conf/example/
              provided by BeeGhepol , version 24-11-2010
              if you wish, overwrite your conf/oscam.srvid and conf/oscam.provid (usually empty)
              - Rai Movie audio now is fixed officially by _network since r3963

              Also available from boubaris QUT Addons server

              SIZE 2.59 MB


              • mikine56
                • Mar 2010
                • 3258

                Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                CrossEPG For Qbox HD
                CrossEPG 0.6.0 r154 for QBOXHD(-MINI)

                Bug fix: E2 crash when entering Configure
                Attached Files


                • lulezim
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 4081

                  Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                  CrossEPG 0.6.0 r154 for QBOXHD(-MINI)

                  Bug fix: E2 crash when entering Configure

                  Attached Files


                  • satman72
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 3550

                    Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                    CrossEPG 0.6.0 r155 out

                    bugfix : E2 crash with multiple "lamedb" in Configure


                    and ready to download using Pandasat QUT addon repository.

                    Just click on thanks button if my post has helped you
                    Don't send me cline requests, technical or premium server questions in PM! I'll not answer!


                    • aslambhatti
                      Senior Member
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 185

                      Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                      FavProgEpg - Plugin

                      Das FavProgEpg-Plugin ermöglicht die Favoriten-orientiert Umschaltung der Programme auch ohne vorherige Festlegung auf einen Favoriten.

                      Installiert und gestartet wird es wie jedes andere Plugin.

                      Es ermittelt am Anfang alle Services und deren Zugehörigkeit zu Favoriten, sowie die Namen der Favoriten.

                      Im normalen TV-Modus kann es durch drücken von PGUP << und PGDOWN >> aufgeblendet und durch die Favoriten navigiert werden.
                      Innerhalb der Liste bewegt man sich mit UP und DOWN. Seitenweise mit LEFT und RIGHT.
                      Mit OK wird zum ausgewählten Programm geschaltet und mit EXIT kann man es ohne Aktion verlassen.
                      Mit RECALL wird im Hintergrund auf das ausgewählte Programm umgeschaltet.

                      Mir bisher bekannte Einschränkungen
                      - es ist noch Alpha und stürzt gern mal ab
                      - es geht z.Zt. nur für TV und nicht für Radio

                      --- Benutzung wie immer auf eigenes Risiko ---

                      Version 0.02

                      + EPG-Aktualisierung für alle Progs des selben Transponders
                      + LEFT/RIGHT erlauben seitenweise Navigation

                      Download the latest 7-Zip for Windows 11. Free&#12289;fast&#12289;secure download. Easy installation, top compression. Your go-to 7zip solution


                      • eddis
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Nov 2010
                        • 886

                        Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                        QBOXHD(-MINI) CrossEPG svn 171

                        Many bug solved involving provider selection and wrong allocation long event description using OpenTV



                        • manikr
                          Experienced Board Member
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 1353

                          Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                          CSatellite Sharing now activated no need for Internet!

                          Watch all your favorite channels using the second tuner on your QBoxHD or QBoxMini.

                          This system is the same as a satellite dongle using internal tuner on your QBox.

                          How to install??

                          Make sure you have installed the version Stone 1.0.7 or further if you have a QBoxHD and 0.50 or further if you have a mini!

                          Make sure you have the second DVB-S2 tuner installed in your Qbox mini or QboxHD (So 2*DVB-S2 Tuner)
                          Make sure you have one antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) for SatSharing and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one) to such antenna.
                          The other antenna must be set on the satellite you want to descramble between the supported satellites and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one).

                          Final configuration for SatSharing:

                          •QboxHD (Stone 1.0.7 or further) or Qbox mini (ver 0.50 of further)
                          •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) connected to one tuner DVB-S2.Sharing tuner
                          •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on 13,°E or 19,2°E connected to nne tuner DVB-S2.Descrambling Tuner
                          •Radar 4.21 or further up and running.

                          Supported Channels via SatSharing:

                          OSN 7W NileSat - Supported also after I2 switchoff the 19th dec!
                          Csat 19,2° E
                          BIS 13°E
                          BIS 19,2°E
                          AlJazeera Sport 13° E
                          TNT Sat (not stable as long as the AES method is chaning in these days) available on EMU
                          Free X TV
                          And much more...


                          Fixed TNTSat
                          SRG Swiss
                          Canal Plus NL in S2 and I2
                          all the rest and more coming


                          • foriyu
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 2335

                            Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                            - RADAR 422 -

                            Satellite Sharing now activated no need for Internet!

                            Watch all your favorite channels using the second tuner on your QBoxHD or QBoxMini.

                            This system is the same as a satellite dongle using internal tuner on your QBox.

                            How to install??

                            Make sure you have installed the version Stone 1.0.7 or further if you have a QBoxHD and 0.50 or further if you have a mini!

                            Make sure you have the second DVB-S2 tuner installed in your Qbox mini or QboxHD (So 2*DVB-S2 Tuner)
                            Make sure you have one antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) for SatSharing and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one) to such antenna.
                            The other antenna must be set on the satellite you want to descramble between the supported satellites and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one).

                            Final configuration for SatSharing:

                            •QboxHD (Stone 1.0.7 or further) or Qbox mini (ver 0.50 of further)
                            •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) connected to one tuner DVB-S2.Sharing tuner
                            •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on 13,°E or 19,2°E connected to nne tuner DVB-S2.Descrambling Tuner
                            •Radar 4.21 or further up and running.

                            Supported Channels via SatSharing:

                            OSN 7W NileSat - Supported also after I2 switchoff the 19th dec!
                            Csat 19,2° E
                            BIS 13°E
                            BIS 19,2°E
                            AlJazeera Sport 13° E
                            TNT Sat (not stable as long as the AES method is chaning in these days) available on EMU

                            And much more...


                            Fixed TNTSat
                            SRG Swiss
                            Canal Plus NL in S2 and I2
                            all the rest and more coming




                            • MIDO2010
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 1644

                              Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                              BackUp For QboxHd Mini Stone 0.0.50 incl. Radar 422
                              Release 0.0.50

                              - Bugfix: Ticket #679: Crash in player2 when Enigma2 restart after a dirty kill.
                              - Bugfix: Ticket #562: Crash when using web interface and start recording
                              - Bugfix: Ticket #677: Second encrypted channel is not visible when stopping
                              and starting a new encrypted recording/zapping.
                              - Bugfix: Ticket #680: Added the aspect ratio scart pin management.
                              - Enhancement: Ticket #682: Big memory optimization. Additional 4MB are now
                              - Enhancement: Ticket #676: New VLC server version
                              - Enhancement: Ticket #678: Optimize camd socket management.
                              - Enhancement: Ticket #680: Add support for network tunneling (tun/tap).
                              Compiled as module: tun.ko
                              - Enhancement: Added languages: polish and updated italian.

                              - RADAR 422 -

                              Satellite Sharing now activated no need for Internet!

                              Watch all your favorite channels using the second tuner on your QBoxHD or QBoxMini.

                              This system is the same as a satellite dongle using internal tuner on your QBox.

                              How to install??

                              Make sure you have installed the version Stone 1.0.7 or further if you have a QBoxHD and 0.50 or further if you have a mini!

                              Make sure you have the second DVB-S2 tuner installed in your Qbox mini or QboxHD (So 2*DVB-S2 Tuner)
                              Make sure you have one antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) for SatSharing and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one) to such antenna.
                              The other antenna must be set on the satellite you want to descramble between the supported satellites and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one).

                              Final configuration for SatSharing:

                              •QboxHD (Stone 1.0.7 or further) or Qbox mini (ver 0.50 of further)
                              •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) connected to one tuner DVB-S2.Sharing tuner
                              •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on 13,°E or 19,2°E connected to nne tuner DVB-S2.Descrambling Tuner
                              •Radar 4.21 or further up and running.

                              Supported Channels via SatSharing:

                              OSN 7W NileSat - Supported also after I2 switchoff the 19th dec!
                              Csat 19,2° E
                              BIS 13°E
                              BIS 19,2°E
                              AlJazeera Sport 13° E
                              TNT Sat (not stable as long as the AES method is chaning in these days) available on EMU
                              Free X TV
                              And much more...


                              Fixed TNTSat
                              SRG Swiss
                              Canal Plus NL in S2 and I2
                              all the rest and more coming

                              Plus : Oscam 4060, Spiner HD Freaks, Settings from 10/12 for 13, 19, 23 and 28, 4 Diferents Skins, etc ...

                              name : root
                              passwd : qboxhd


                              FileFactory is the best place to upload and share files with no limits since 2005. Send and receive any type of file up to a massive 5GB with unlimited file bandwidth.


                              • mikine56
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 3258

                                Re: QboxHD and QboxHD Mini (post all here please)

                                RADAR 422
                                Satellite Sharing now activated no need for Internet!

                                Watch all your favorite channels using the second tuner on your QBoxHD or QBoxMini.

                                This system is the same as a satellite dongle using internal tuner on your QBox.

                                How to install??

                                Make sure you have installed the version Stone 1.0.7 or further if you have a QBoxHD and 0.50 or further if you have a mini!

                                Make sure you have the second DVB-S2 tuner installed in your Qbox mini or QboxHD (So 2*DVB-S2 Tuner)
                                Make sure you have one antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) for SatSharing and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one) to such antenna.
                                The other antenna must be set on the satellite you want to descramble between the supported satellites and connected to one Tuner DVB-S2 (no matter which one).

                                Final configuration for SatSharing:

                                •QboxHD (Stone 1.0.7 or further) or Qbox mini (ver 0.50 of further)
                                •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on W3A (7° East) connected to one tuner DVB-S2.Sharing tuner
                                •DVB-S2 Tuner with antenna oriented on 13,°E or 19,2°E connected to nne tuner DVB-S2.Descrambling Tuner
                                •Radar 4.21 or further up and running.

                                Supported Channels via SatSharing:

                                OSN 7W NileSat - Supported also after I2 switchoff the 19th dec!
                                Csat 19,2° E
                                BIS 13°E
                                BIS 19,2°E
                                AlJazeera Sport 13° E
                                TNT Sat (not stable as long as the AES method is chaning in these days) available on EMU
                                Free X TV
                                And much more...


                                Fixed TNTSat
                                SRG Swiss
                                Canal Plus NL in S2 and I2
                                all the rest and more coming
                                radar422.rar, 2,481 KB

                                Arthur BKP_QBOXHd_MINI_v0.0.50
                                Backup per il MINI
                                basato sulla Release beta 0.0.50 per QBoxHD MINI.

                                Softcam Panel V 2.1.1
                                Radar 4.22
                                Oscam 4073


                                Setting dual-feed Vhannibal del 02.12-2010
                                Slot configurati per Tivsat(basso) skyfo93b(alto)
                                Oscam.server pre-configurato
                                Skyn LT6 con info per oscam ecm ecc.Ho modificato la secondinfobar di Diamonder che ringrazio....In pratica si a
                                avranno 2 infobar una sotto e una sopra....Esprimete il vostro parere se vi piace...
                                Picon full osd-lcd aggiornati...

                                Plugin installati:
                                Isetting di Vhannibal(attivabile premendo il taso blu per più di 1 secondo)
                                Virtual zap (si attiva premendo per più di 1 secondo il tasto exit)
                                Setup Quickbutton
                                Pauli Neutrino Keymap modificato da me per qboxhd e mini
                                Download Arthur BKP_QBOXHd_MINI_v0.0.50_10-12-2010

