Skin YADS-HD for QboxHD mod by SSJO
- Icons for menu screens: pvr, user preferences,...
- Second infobar displaying the current event for current service if found.
- Emu in use. Oscam info.
- icons showing encryption system: Green= being decoded, yellow=not decoded by actual card or server, Black= service is free or not supported system
- some screens...
- My**** svreens, it use default ones now.
so to get the skin to work do following:
1- install manually the skin
2- add this font "Nimbus.ttf" to font folder.
3- add this file "" to indicated location.
- Icons for menu screens: pvr, user preferences,...
- Second infobar displaying the current event for current service if found.
- Emu in use. Oscam info.
- icons showing encryption system: Green= being decoded, yellow=not decoded by actual card or server, Black= service is free or not supported system
- some screens...
- My**** svreens, it use default ones now.
so to get the skin to work do following:
1- install manually the skin
2- add this font "Nimbus.ttf" to font folder.
3- add this file "" to indicated location.