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Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

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    Experienced Board Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 2411

    Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

    Here you have some Tutorials and faq

    [FAQ] Install E2 on a DOM replaced with a SD or CF adaptor

    SDHC / SD adaptor or CD adaptor doesn't like at all the partition change!
    [B]So when you use such device ALWAYS do this:
    - start the upgrade / downgrade procedure and finish it.
    - Power OFF / Power ON your Azbox (not a reboot, the DOM needs to reinitialised and a reboot doesn't do it!!!)
    - Start again the same flashing (this time the partition will already be created, so the file copy will work properly).
    Then you won't have problem, otherwise for sure the file copy procedure gets corrupted.
    Ideally Azup.exe should ask to power off / power on after it change the partition, before starting to copy the new files.
    This works fine with a true DOM (original or Transcend one) but not at all with the SD(HC) or CF adaptor.
    In the adaptor it is clearly mentioned that the card is not hot swappable, but it seems that for this kind of adaptor, the fact to change the partition is like if you swap disk!

    [TUTO] How to mount a NFS shared directory

    If you have somewhere on your network a shared folder using NFS, you can mount it on your Azbox.
    NFS is the standard Linux/Unix sharing method.
    In windows world they use CIFS, so don't confuse NFS and CIFS.
    [CODE]mount -t nfs IP_server:/share_server /where_you_want_on_Azbox_local_directory -o rw,nolock,intr,udp
    IP_server = IP address of your server (example:
    /share_server = the NFS share that you create on your server (example: /Media)
    /where_you_want_on_Azbox_local_directory = the mount point in your E2 Azbox (example: /media/MyServer)

    For example:

    We will create on the E2 Azbox a folder /media/MyServer where we will mount a share called Media on a server with IP:

    In telnet on your E2 Azbox:
    mkdir /media/MyServer
    mount -t nfs 192.168.100:/Media /media/MyServer -o rw,nolock,intr,udp
    To automount at each reboot your share please add the command line at the end of the: /etc/init.d/rcS file[/CODE]

  • skytec
    Experienced Board Member
    • Mar 2010
    • 1208

    Re: Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

    Tutorial that explains how to recover dead box.
    Useful if you can't access to the STB by network, and USB menu doesn't works.

    Is my post useful for you? Please press sigpic


    • zollie
      • Apr 2011
      • 67

      Re: Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

      [FAQ] How to change root password?

      In actual state of E2 firmware ( 1.029 when I write this ), it's not possible to set a root's password
      This login has 'no password' at the moment, and that can be a problem for some tools, like SSH or others
      The reason is : the file /etc/shadow is'nt included in firmware

      If you wish to set a password to your configuration, do this into a telnet session :

      cd /etc
      > shadow
      In fact, that'll create an empty /etc/shadow file

      And now, the 'passwd' utility will work !


      • zollie
        • Apr 2011
        • 67

        Re: Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

        [TUTO] - Mount cifs share to a Windows PC

        This info was taken from onzifonzi on another forum. So thanks onzifonzi!

        Here is syntax for mount windows share:
        mount -t cifs \\\\IPofWINDOWS\\sharename /media/net -o username=user,password=password

        \\\\ 4 backslash's are needed (backslash means that a special character is coming)
        IPofWINDOWS = The IP address of the windows PC you want to connect to. It's better to set a static IP for your windows PC because linux isn't too good at using Windows computer names.
        \\ 2 backslash's are needed
        sharename = The share that you have shared out of your Windows PC.
        /media/net = The location that the mount will be accessed.

        Make the new directory in media by
        mkdir /media/movies
        To mount the share
        mount -t cifs \\\\\\movie /media/movies -o username=roger,password=creamcake
        My real password contained a special character a dollar sign $ eg pas$word and I was getting permission denied each time.
        The way to fix this is by using a backslash \ So it worked when I used pas\$word

        Also (taken from the nfs tutorial)
        To automount at each reboot your share please add the command line at the end of the: /etc/init.d/rcS file



        • kancil
          • Jul 2011
          • 1

          Re: Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

          hi, sorry for this

          but can i ask tutorial for azbox how to become server so i can share my card ?
          and what i need prepare to become card sharing server, i need subscribe paytv first ? or just can re sharing the key ?


          • zollie
            • Apr 2011
            • 67

            Re: Tutorials / FAQ for Azbox HD E2

            Mount cifs shares:

            You should add strings to file /etc/fstab

            \\\\\\Share_folder1 /media/net/created_folder1 cifs username=blablabla,password=blablabla 1 0

            \\\\\\Share_folder2 /media/net/created_folder2 cifs username=blablabla,password=blablabla 1 0


            • zollie
              • Apr 2011
              • 67

              Enigma 2 Plugin - Tutorial

              Enigma 2 Plugin - Tutorial

              Just found this Tutorial for making Enigma 2 Plugins.

              Attached 2 files .ipk and .pdf .
              Attached Files

