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Setting WebEPG

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  • satclub
    • Jun 2010
    • 136

    Setting WebEPG

    How to configure Programming guide in AB IP Box9000
    That instruction. Insertion of nlb

    v0.61 @2010

    NOTE: Required is, to use the patched DGS application, for optimal keeping of EPG data in memory.
    NOTE: DGS Choose to optimize performance and not keep epg in memory for so long.
    NOTE: The patched application might slow down functionality after a 1 or 2 weeks use
    NOTE: webepg.list filename has changed, now filename is all lowercase!!!

    New functions:
    - extra plugin for import only of data, using an automated solution such as part of sbox startup running it
    when box is ready to receive data.
    to run it from telnet prompt in ipbox, do this command
    echo "web_execute_plugin webepg_import.plugin" >/dev/commander


    Webepg is a XMLTV EPG imWebEPGporter. It has been tested to work with a varity of xmltv applications
    or mc2xml . The created output files from those programs can be imported into the IP9 Series box,
    and your tv shows will have extended EPG programme overview shown ie. for 14 days (for now)

    - HDD or USB Stick with swap partition (virtual memory enabled)
    its default /dev/sda1 on DGS image.
    if you need to activate by telnet prompt (log onto box with telnet/ssh session)
    execute the following command in your ipbox prompt ( -sh-3.00# ),
    -sh-3.00# swapon /dev/sda1
    - XMLTV or MC2XML application to create your favorite EPG xml data with.
    - Internet connection (to download xml data with application)

    Current issues:
    - EPG is kept in memory only.. So when you reboot it will be gone.
    re-import data from your file after a cold boot/reboot.
    - Recordings marked with EPG, will be kept intact.
    - In (warm)standby epg is also kept.
    - It is possible to import same epg twice,if you try to do so. So if you need to make updates,
    reboot box and epg is deleted. and you can import again.

    - Not all countries are working here, but check ****** for which countries will work, and maybe
    what applications will help here. If you find differences in xml data, to make this work for
    import, please report your findings to me. All help is appreciated at this stage.

    XMLTV you can check its wiki site. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XMLTV
    Sweden / Norway currently has the issue that no bigger sites are translated to use xml grabber,
    or tv guide sites do not allow downloads, but smaller sites offer those services by giving you a login.
    and you get the formatted xml file directly.

    Note: Specifically for Norway, Denmark, you can use the mc2xml for Denmark (Satellite)
    command to run is: mc2xml -c dk -g 1000
    Choose Satellite settings for type of epg download, and you get many channels download, most
    extended epg is norvegian translations.


    1. Copy the contents of the VAR folder in the zip file to your ipbox .
    Or manually create /var/lib and copy the libxml2.so.2 to this folder and copy
    the plugin webepg.plugin from the /var/plug-in to your ipbox /var/plug-in folder.

    2. Use the menu option " Dump favorites as a webepg.list " , the easy solution and skip to pkt. 5 if you do
    not want to add additional channels not in your favorite list.

    Start plugin from your menu->plugins , and for each channel you wish to have extended EPG for, you need
    to open the plugin on the selected channel, and press "Save EPG Channel ID to webepg.list" .
    you press this until the text below shows the technical EPG details on selected channel.

    3. When this shows, it will save info to a file in your /var folder.
    the file is webepg.list
    each line looks like this

    XMLTV_CHANNELID_HERE,4272,86,3,1150 # (TV1000 Action)

    4. When you are done adding those channels to your file, you can then run your favorite xmltv application.

    5. Download epg data with that XMLTV or MC2XML application, even many more xml based applications work,
    and the xml file can then be opened for viewing.
    Check your alias names for the channels.

    XMLTV file contents
    <channel id="041.dr.dk">
    <display-name>TV 2 charlie</display-name>

    6. This 041.dr.dk or 02000.DR1 is the part you need to put into the webepg.list file.
    Download the file from your /var folder on the ipbox.

    Before XMLTV_CHANNELID_HERE,4272,86,3,1150 # (TV2 Charlie)
    after change 041.dr.dk,4272,86,3,1150 # (TV2 Charlie)

    Follow this procedure for each channel you wish to add.
    (see sample file, webepg.list.sample , in distribution zip file as example)
    File is created on unix, so if the file is shown in one long line, please leave as is.
    No unix->dos textfile conversion is yet implemented.

    7. When you are done with your config file setup. you can put it back onto the ipbox
    put file back in /var folder as webepg.list
    Its important file is using upper/lower case as shown here. or file is not found.

    8. The xml file you created with your xmltv application can now be put onto your ipbox also.
    copy files to the box as file.xml

    9. Now you are ready to import EPG data.
    10. Go into plugins and open webepg plugin.
    11. Choose IMPORT EPG
    12. Wait for it to finish, you can follow progress in top of window, if nothing is shown, then
    - You have used wrong filename (check /var/file.xml and /var/webepg.list )
    - Lib file is not found. (check /var/lib/libxml2.so.2 )
    - No HDD in your box? you need to have swap (paging file) for virtual memory enabled.
    epg data requires much memory to handle all the records as its saved only in memory for now (shame on you, DGS!)
    application will activate swap on your HDD , but not if using usb stick. (but it should continue)
    13. When import window text will clear. file.xml in your /var folder is now renamed to /var/file.xml.imported

    Thats it.
