Open AAF DM 8000 Release Image 13.01.2012


Image information Facts to the image: There we the WHEEL invent and it already great images not again give for the receivers, we the bases already from some class open team took over. OpenAAF image contents: HbbTVSkin (DMConcinnity hp Mod Skin) HbbTVLite Skin (DMConcinnity-HD Mod-Skin) OpenAAF Panel Permanent Timeshift Media Player WebIf Mod Key map selection (Standard, Own one, neutrino follows) HDMI CEC DVD-Player Own Plugin feed Blue Panel GUI cover strength changeable BlindScan Swap Manager PiconsAstra 19.2 and the German-language transmitters on Hotbird 13.0 (only ET9X00 and ET6X00) Fan control (is box dependent) Current Settings Astra 19.2 and Hotbird 13.0, 23 and 28 degrees „Cool EPG“ series WLAN driver (only over the feed) Autotimer and much more besides… AAF Specials: Skin normally and Skin Lite in the menu selectable (inclusive 2nd info. bar) ET Webbrowser on the feed (only for ET9X00 and ET6X00!) On-line updates with package announcement Media Player in the WebIf Softcampanel in the WebIf Own feed (on-line updates) Change of the displays attitudes (display symbols) Software manager completely integrates (Full Backup, attitudes surely, etc.) Attitude of the key allocation and much more besides. Standard color keys: Blue key briefly: Blue panel Blue Key lang: Red keys briefly: HbbTV if on the transmitter, otherwise the OpenAAF panel Red Key long:If activate the Softcam panel Yellow Key briefly:Timeshift (default) /Audio attitudes Yellow Key lang: Green Key briefly:Option channels if available, otherwise extensions Green Key lang :Aspect ratio (Aspect reason) Hardware: Image are available for the following box: Xtrend/Clarktech Image: et9x00 Box Models CT9000, CT9100, ET9000, ET9200 Image: et5x00 Box Models: ET5000 Image: et6x00 Box Models: ET6000 VuPlus Image: vusolo Image: vuuno Image: vuduo Image: vuultimo (coming soon) DreamMedia Image: dm8000 Image: dm7020hd (untested) Image: dm800se Image: dm800hd Image: dm500hd (untested) Software: On basis of openPli/openVix/opendreambox as own Fork thereby are based in the situation own adjustments will accomplish and our SH4 of knowledge also in the Mipsel surrounding field will convert. Admitted GUI with extensions and adjustments. Supply: Own FEED with appropriate Plugins will ready stand equal to beginning for the images.