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soft_3d_installer_pack for DVB VIEWER
Re: soft_3d_installer_pack for DVB VIEWER
It's time, after the famous boom of HD broadcasts, now it's the 3D system and start having success between programs.
As not our PC-SAT, are also prepared for this, but with some tweaks.
I tell you, you need to part of what we had is 3D glasses, that we can not remove, because our vision is not to be able veil sufieciente 3D without glasses.
After the mess, I commented that I now just DVBViewer tested and seems to work, I just need to buy the glasses to prove it.
For this we need:
Upgrade to higher version from: 4.3.xx
With this new version are the famous: Custom renderer, you know the: Default video renderer, VMR7, VMR9, EVR.
normal TV
3D Glasses
Well and also a series of, dijieramos image modifiers that will allow us to increase, improve and give a unique touch to each program such as HD, which are the Shaders.
Then install a superior version to 4.3.xx and then in the same section as before: Configuration \ Options \ Directx, a check will appear called: Use Custom Renderers, we mark it and accept the window.
And then in the menu: View \ Shaders appear a lot of modifiers active image, you can try, including anaglyph interests us is, which is allowing us to see the Broadcast into 3D.
This does not appear in the installation but you have to create something very simple.
Only you have to create a xml with the following contents:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<Code>// optimized Anaglyph Shader V1.0 (C) 2010 Christian Hackbart
sampler s0 : register(s0);
float4 p0 : register(c0);
#define width (p0[0])
#define height (p0[1])
float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
tex.x = tex.x / 2;
float4 l = tex2D(s0, tex);
tex.x = tex.x + 0.5;
float4 r = tex2D(s0, tex);
float red = l.g * 0.7 + l.b * 0.3;
float green = r.g;
float blue = r.b;
return float4(red, green, blue, 1);
Open a text document (notepad) and paste this text and you keep the name: Anaglyph.xml in the installation folder: \ DVBViewer \ Shaders .Attached Files__________________________________________________sigpicComment
Re: soft_3d_installer_pack for DVB VIEWER
Another shader configuration for 3D DVBViewer (it depends of glasses coloured)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<Code>// optimized Anaglyph Shader V1.0 (C) 2010 Christian Hackbart
sampler s0 : register(s0);
float4 p0 : register(c0);
#define width (p0[0])
#define height (p0[1])
float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
tex.x = tex.x ;
float4 l = tex2D(s0, tex);
tex.x = tex.x + 0.05;
float4 r = tex2D(s0, tex);
float red = l.g * 0.7 + l.b * 0.3;
float green = r.g;
float blue = r.b;
return float4(red, green, blue, 1);
Here some pictures (screenshoots) of 3D with DVBViewer:
Use anaglyph cyan-red glasses to whatch these photos.
Re: soft_3d_installer_pack for DVB VIEWER
float green = r.g;
float blue = l.g * 0.7 + l.r * 0.3; #r.b;
Try it.
The blue in this case would be in the left eye and yellow on the right.
And the next shader is for change 2d to 3d. I have not tried, but a friend of mine says it works.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>
<Code>// optimized Anaglyph Shader V1.0 © 2010 Christian Hackbart
sampler s0 : register(s0);
float4 p0 : register(c0);
#define width (p0[0])
#define height (p0[1])
float4 main(float2 tex : TEXCOORD0) : COLOR
tex.x = tex.x;
float4 l = tex2D(s0, tex);
tex.x = tex.x + 0.008;
float4 r = tex2D(s0, tex);
float red = l.g * 0.7 + l.b * 0.3;
float green = r.g;
float blue = r.b;
return float4(red, green, blue, 1);
Regards, and tell us if it is works fine.
3D red-cyan anaglyph to try with glasses.