Latest Version of AltDVB
v - 2010.08.01
v - 2010.08.01
- Experimental Microsoft Windows7 DiSEqC BDA-extension support. Used in Windows7 Media Center (DiSEqC 1.0), if driver provide this extension.
Most Win7-designed BDA-drivers provide this extension only for DiSEqC 1.0, but specification support RAW DiseqC 1.x/2.x and ToneBurst.
Current build support only ToneBurst/DiSEqC 1.0 for this extension (but in sources implemented also RAW DiseqC support).
- New configuration file option BDA_TYPE - preffered BDA-extension (Microsoft or TeVii). BDA extension always autodetected and this option can change priority.
v - 2010.08.01
v - 2010.08.01
- Experimental Microsoft Windows7 DiSEqC BDA-extension support. Used in Windows7 Media Center (DiSEqC 1.0), if driver provide this extension.
Most Win7-designed BDA-drivers provide this extension only for DiSEqC 1.0, but specification support RAW DiseqC 1.x/2.x and ToneBurst.
Current build support only ToneBurst/DiSEqC 1.0 for this extension (but in sources implemented also RAW DiseqC support).
- New configuration file option BDA_TYPE - preffered BDA-extension (Microsoft or TeVii). BDA extension always autodetected and this option can change priority.