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Hd pack 2.5 exe
Re: Hd pack 2.5 exe
:::::::HD Pack 2.5:::::::
* x64 Support (If you have a win x64 system and wish to active this,
download HDPack2.5_x64.Kit and put it to where HDPack2.5.EXE resides)
* Update Support (With this feature you'll be able to quickly update
components of the HD Pack..The "HDPack_Update.Kit" will be available
at the DVB Support on every week!)
* [x64 Kit] FFDShow all-in-one Decoder x64 v1.1.3556.0
* [x64 Kit] AC3Filter x64 v1.6.3.0
* [x64 Kit] Haali Media Splitter x64 v1.10.262.12
* [x64 Kit] MPC Mpeg Splitter x64 v1.3.2354.0
* ArcSoft MPEG1-2-4/H.264/VC-1 Video Decoder v2.127.393.123
* CyberLink MPEG1-2/H.264/VC-1 Video Decoder (PDVD10) v1.0.0.1808
* FFDShow all-in-one Decoder v1.1.3556.0
* Haali Media Splitter v1.10.262.12
* ArcSoft Mpeg Demux v1.0.2.166
* MPC Mpeg Splitter v1.3.2354.0
*Easy Codec dialog was rewritten..Now you can use it anytime without
install..(Go to Start Menu > DVB Support > HD Pack > Easy Codec or;
run the exe with -EC command line switch)
*As previously announced, starting from this version
HD Pack is completely for the Registered Users
HD Pack 2.5
HD Pack 2.5 x64 Kit
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