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Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

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  • mehdi1981
    • Aug 2010
    • 742

    Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

    The last update of SettingsMaker.
    At the time format settings are managed NDF, Enigma1, enigma2, Azbox, SB-5, Pvr-S2HD, Pvr-ST1 and Pvr-JS1.
    New formats will be implemented in future versions of software.
    All data necessary to create the channel lists are taken from our database that is constantly updated by members of TechSat Team.
    As you can well imagine this is a very complex software that has required significant effort and many hours of lost sleep and then a deserved THANK YOU is due to all those who display the logo "TechSat STAFF Settings" in your signature.
    As is our custom, our software are absolutely free, this is because our sponsors - we thank - you defray the cost of hiring servers and that is enough for us.
    The settings of the database is a shared resource that must be kept up to date thanks to your suggestions. Who then would become part of our team - to keep your database - it can make an explicit request.
    We do not know how our server will react to a massive use of this new tool, we invite you to use it sparingly to avoid overloading which should be to the detriment of all.
    We invite you to use this tool sparingly to avoid overloading the server should be to the detriment of all.
    For installation of the channel list on AZBox use FTP (Filezilla or similar) as the loading of the list across MaZ or SetEdit can change its contents.
    It can also be used but MaZ mode FTP.
    On AZBox the 3 files DVBS.dat, antenna_list.dat and all_channel.dat must be copied to /DISK2
    The Pvr-ST1 and Pvr-JS1 lists do not allow the writing of the name so some groups will contain favorite group favorite channels specified but with generic title.
    What's news in 1.2 version?
    ° Resolved a memory allocation bug on Bouquets List.
    ° Added buttons "Add All" and "Remove All" in Bouquet section.
    ° Added satellite Eutelsat W5 (at 070.5°E).
    ° Added Pvr-ST1 and Pvr-JS1 lists.
    ° Improved speed of writing files on Windows7 O.S.
    TechSat Team
    Attached Files
  • manikr
    Experienced Board Member
    • Jul 2010
    • 1353

    Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

    SettingsMaker Version 1.3 - TechSat Team

    uesto programma genera automaticamente le Liste Canali (Settings)
    per STB satellitari.

    Con questo tool - per uso personale - sarà possibile generare in casa le liste canali (settings) per il proprio ricevitore satellitare modellandole secondo le proprie esigenze ed il proprio impianto.

    Al momento i formati settings gestiti sono NDF, Enigma1, Enigma2, AZBox, SB-5, Pvr-S2HD, Pvr-ST1 e Pvr-JS1.
    Nuovi formati saranno implementati nelle prossime versioni di software.

    Tutti i dati necesari alla creazione delle liste canali vengono prelevati dal nostro database che viene costantemente aggiornato dai componenti del TechSat Team.

    Il database dei settings è un bene comune che deve essere mantenuto aggiornato anche grazie alle vostre segnalazioni.
    Chi poi volesse entrare a far parte del Team - per mantenere aggiornato il database - può farne esplicita richiesta.


    Per l'installazione della lista canali su AZBox utilizzare FTP (Filezilla o simili) in quanto il caricamento della lista attaverso MaZ o SetEdit può modificarne il contenuto.
    Può essere utilizzato anche MaZ ma in modalità Ftp.
    Sull'AZBox i 3 files DVBS.dat, antenna_list.dat e all_channel.dat devono essere copiati in /DISK2.

    Le liste Pvr-ST1 e Pvr-JS1 non consentono la scrittura del nome gruppo preferiti pertanto alcuni gruppi conterranno i canali favoriti specificati ma con titolo generico.

    Novità nella versione 1.3
    ° Aggiunto il filtro sui transponders "Occasionali o Feed".
    Questa opzione è disponibile per ogni satellite oppure nel Tab "General Filter".
    ° Aumentato il numero dei Gruppi Favoriti gestiti (ora 48).
    ° Aggiunte funzioni di ordinamento sui Bouquet.
    ° Modificato il layout del Tab "General Filter".
    ° Variazione dinamica del testo al variare della lingua selezionata.
    ° Aggiunto controllo sulle variazioni della configurazione.
    ° Aggiunta la visualizzazione del nome del file di configurazione corrente nella Windows Title.

    What's news in 1.3 version?
    ° Added the "Occasional or Feed" filter on transponders.
    This option is available for each Sat or in General Filter Tab.
    ° Increased the number of Favorite Groups (now 48).
    ° Added sorting functions on Bouquets.
    ° Restyled the General Filter Tab.
    ° Dynamic variation of the text when changing the selected language.
    ° Added configuration checking in case of changes.
    ° Added the name visualization of the current configuration file in the Windows Titlebar.
    Attached Files


    • djacemk
      • Mar 2011
      • 52

      Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

      SettingsMaker Version 1.8 by TechSat Team


      SettingsMaker Version 1.8 by TechSat Team
      This program automatically generates the Channel list (Settings)
      for some satellite STB models.

      With this tool - for personal use only - you can generate your own channel list
      (Settings) for your satellite decoder shaping it to your needs and your system.

      At the time, the settings formats managed by the tool are: NDF, NDF HD, NDF HD+DTT, Enigma1,
      Enigma2, AZBox, SB-5, Pvr-S2HD, Pvr-ST1, Pvr-JS1, JST-5, MV200HD, MV300HD, Neutrino Plus HD,
      HNF, Nokia9701s, Edision Argus, Golden Media combo, Golden Media 9055HD, Opticum, Amiko.
      New formats will be implemented in future versions of software.

      All data necessary to create the channel lists are taken from our database
      which is constantly updated by members of TechSat Team.

      As you can well imagine, this is a very complex software that has required substantial
      efforts and many hours of "lost sleep" :-) So, a deserved THANK YOU is due to all those who
      can exhibit the "TechSat STAFF Settings " logo in his signature.

      As usual, our software is absolutely free, this is because our sponsors
      - we thank them - support the cost of hiring servers and... that's enough for us!

      The database containing settings is a shared resource that must be constantly kept up to date,
      even with thanks to the YOUR reportings.
      Who then would become part of our "settings team" - to keep database up to date - can
      ask it in our Board.
      -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

      This tool generates a list of channels version 09 for AZBox usable from
      firmware version 0.9.4923.
      To install the channel list on AZBox use a FTP client (Filezilla or similar) as
      loading the list with MaZ SetEdit can modify its contents.
      If you use MaZ, please use it in FTP mode.
      On AZBox decoder the files: DVBS.dat, [DVBT.dat], antenna_list.dat, all_channel.dat
      must be copied in /DISK2.
      -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------

      Pvr-ST1 and Pvr-JS1 lists do not allow the writing of the group name so some favorites
      groups will contain favorite channels specified but with generic title.

      * Changelog *

      What's new in version 1.8
      ° Renamed the list type ALI in ALI DTT.
      ° Added support for Golden Media 9055HD (ALI).
      ° New favorite groups.
      ° Renamed favorite groups with international name.
      ° New Italian Terrestrial zones: Napoli, Torino, Forte Dei Marmi, Reggio Emilia
      Attached Files



      • Fantom
        • Feb 2011
        • 103

        Re: SettingsMaker Version 1.8 by TechSat Team

        This is just the type of tool a lot of people have been waiting for


        • manikr
          Experienced Board Member
          • Jul 2010
          • 1353

          Re: Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

          What's new in version 2.0
          ° Added handling of SCR LNB for Unicable Protocol.
          The decoders managed are: AZBox, Jepssen Pvr-ST1 and Pvr-JS1,
          Jepssen Mediabox ST-4 and ST-5 HD.
          ° Added the transfer function of lists on linux decoder.
          ° Edit ALI family lists for proper management of the new FW with
          reduced space for the lists defauldb.
          ° New database server.

          TechSat Team
          Attached Files


          • 5zorionak5
            Board Senior Member
            • May 2011
            • 340

            Re: Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

            Latest Version of DreamMaker by Techsat

            What's new in version 1.4
            ° New database server.

            TechSat TEAM



            • edin4o
              Senior Member
              • Aug 2011
              • 152

              Re: Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

              SettingsMaker Version 2.0

              What's new in version 2.0
              ° Added handling of SCR LNB for Unicable Protocol.
              The decoders managed are: AZBox, Jepssen Pvr-ST1 and Pvr-JS1,
              Jepssen Mediabox ST-4 and ST-5 HD.
              ° Added the transfer function of lists on linux decoder.
              ° Edit ALI family lists for proper management of the new FW with
              reduced space for the lists defauldb.
              ° New database server.

              TechSat Team

              This is the modified version...


              • vampirz
                • Oct 2011
                • 107

                Re: Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

                SettingsMaker Version 2.1 Release Candidate 3

                What's new in version 2.1 RC3 - English
                ° Added in Tab "List Preview" a simple editor with delete and
                "Drag & Drop" functions to move channels or groups of channels.
                ° Added a function for autoupdate of SMconfig.smc file
                (File -> Update Application Cfg).
                ° Added the ability to select/deselect the transponders in
                DVB-S2 modulation.
                Warning! This change involves the use of the new file default.cfg
                ° New file format Default.cfg
                ° Correct a bug on AZbox lists version 0A.
                ° Correct management of committed/uncommited parameters in NDF lists.
                ° Brought to 8000 the number of channels can be stored on MVision 300HD.

                Novità nella versione 2.1 RC3 - Italiano
                ° Aggiunto nel Tab "List Preview" un semplice editor con funzioni di
                cancellazione e "Drag & Drop" per lo spontamento di canali o gruppi
                di canali.
                ° Aggiunta una funzione per l'autoaggiornamento del file SMconfig.smc
                (File -> Update Application Cfg).
                ° Aggiunta la possibilità di selezionare/deselezionare i transponders
                con modulazione DVB-S2.
                Attenzione! Questa modifica comporta l'utilizzo del nuovo file Default.cfg
                ° Nuovo formato del file Default.cfg.
                ° Corretto un bug nelle liste versione 0A per AZbox.
                ° Corretta la gestione dei parametri committed/uncommitted nelle liste NDF.
                ° Portato a 8000 il numero dei canali memorizzabili su MVision 300HD.
                Attached Files


                • vampirz
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 107

                  Re: Settings Maker by TechSat TEAM

                  SettingsMaker Version 2.1 - TechSat TEAM

                  What's new in version 2.1
                  ° Added in Tab "List Preview" a simple editor with delete and
                  "Drag & Drop" functions to move channels or groups of channels.
                  ° Added a function for autoupdate of SMconfig.smc file
                  (File -> Update Application Cfg).
                  ° Added the ability to select/deselect the transponders in
                  DVB-S2 modulation.
                  Warning! This change involves the use of the new file Default.cfg
                  ° New file format Default.cfg
                  ° Correct a bug on AZbox lists version 0A.
                  ° Correct management of committed/uncommited parameters in NDF lists.
                  ° Correct management of DiSEqC switch on MVision 200HD and 300HD.
                  ° Brought to 8000 the number of channels can be stored on MVision 300HD.

                  Novità nella versione 2.1
                  ° Aggiunto nel Tab "List Preview" un semplice editor con funzioni di
                  cancellazione e "Drag & Drop" per lo spontamento di canali o gruppi
                  di canali.
                  ° Aggiunta una funzione per l'autoaggiornamento del file SMconfig.smc
                  (File -> Update Application Cfg).
                  ° Aggiunta la possibilità di selezionare/deselezionare i transponders
                  con modulazione DVB-S2.
                  Attenzione! Questa modifica comporta l'utilizzo del nuovo file Default.cfg
                  ° Nuovo formato del file Default.cfg.
                  ° Corretto un bug nelle liste versione 0A per AZbox.
                  ° Corretta la gestione dei parametri committed/uncommitted nelle liste NDF.
                  ° Corretta la gestione degli switch DiSEqC su MVision 200HD e 300HD.
                  ° Portato a 8000 il numero dei canali memorizzabili su MVision 300HD.
                  Attached Files

