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Dreambox Tutorials

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    Experienced Board Member
    • Sep 2010
    • 1198

    Re: Dreambox Tutorials

    How To use Nabilo Mount Wizard

    Step by step How To use Nabilo Mount Wizard

    First a little explanation about CIFS and NFS

    CIFS (used by Windows)
    Client systems use the CIFS (Common Internet File System) protocol to request file and print services from server systems over a network. It is based on the Server Message Block (SMB) protocol.
    NFS ( used by Linux Machines )
    Network File System (NFS) is a network file system protocol originally developed by Sun Microsystems in 1984, allowing a user on a client computer to access files over a network as easily as if the network devices were attached to its local disks. NFS, like many other protocols, builds on the Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call (ONC RPC) system.

    Now how to setup CIFS and NFS mount point in Nabilo Mount Wizard :

    1. Press Blue button twice--> Nabilo Mount Wizard --> OK


    2. Using Red or Green buttons select Nfs or Cifs


    2.1 Press Red for setup NFS mount point twice


    On Server IP address put Your Linux server ( or other Dreambox IP)
    On Server share directory put directory name (which one You want to share)
    Keep all other fields untouched
    Use numeric keys on Your RC for input Letters and Numbers, left-right/up-down for moving in this menu and < (AV) for delete entry
    Now press SAVE ( red button)
    You will see following


    Press Red button againg and if all is Ok You wil see this popup screen

    Press Ok-RED button-Blue button(exit)

    All is done for NFS now

    2.2 Press Green and then Red buttons for setup CIFS mount point
    On Server IP address put Your Windows Server IP
    On Server share directory put directory name (which one You want to share). Here You need to use name of folder which one You have shared on Your PC!!!!

    Keep all other fields untouched
    Use numeric keys on Your RC for input Letters and Numbers, left-right/up-down for moving in this menu and < (AV) for delete entry
    Now press SAVE ( red button)
    You will see following

    Press Red button againg and if all is Ok You wil see this popup screen


    Press Ok-RED button-Blue button(exit)

    All is done for CIFS now

    P.S. You cannot use same name /media/net for different mount points.
    For mount point with other name You need first to create directory in Your Dreambox f.e. /media/YourPointName
    Every point must be unique, but in this case You will see on MediaPlayer menu in Network Mount only /media/net point.
    If You have point with other name You can access it from MediaPlayer **** Internal Flash **** media **** YourPointName

    P.P.S. If You already have created NFS mount point and want to create Cifs with same point name (or just remove mount point),
    You need fist to delete previous mount point from Mount Point wizard menu:

    Press Blue button twice--> Nabilo Mount Wizard --> OK --> Mount Editor (yellow button) --> select mount point --> Delete ( yellow button)

    You can go to Mediaplayer now and enjoy Your mount point

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      Experienced Board Member
      • Sep 2010
      • 1198

      Re: Dreambox Tutorials

      DM800 Flashing firmware by Browser

      Flashing a new firmware by Browser

      What you need to flash
      You need the image file you want to flash. Image files have the extension *.nfi. You can't flash other
      images like *.img files. Don't try it - it won't work.
      You need either a DHCP server, a configured bootloader or a serial cable and a terminal program
      like HyperTerm.
      You need a browser, and a network cable. If you connect the Dreambox directly to the PC,
      you need a cross cable, if you connect trough a switch/hub/router you need a normal
      (non-cross) cable.
      To flash a new image, you can use the second stage loader. It must be present and not broken.
      The following steps assume you have a DHCP server.
      If you don't have one, you have to setup an IP address in the bootloader's serial setup.

      - Power down the Dreambox, either using "shutdown" and by removing the power connector.
      Standby is not enough!


      - (1.) Press and hold the power button. Replug the power connector into the Dreambox.
      - (3.) A text "*** STOP ***" should appear. Now you can release the button.
      The bootloader entered the "waiting" mode.
      - (4.) Above the "*** STOP ***" text, there should appear an IP-address
      (four decimal values with a dot in between). If there appears the string "dhcp" instead,
      the box still searches for a DHCP server. Wait a bit. If it doesn't change, something doesn't
      work with the DHCP server. Check wether network cable is plugged in etc. If it just doesn't
      work, set an IP using the serial terminal


      - Now, open a browser on your PC.
      (1.) enter in the address line "http://ip/" (where ip must be replaced with the value in the LCD).
      - (2.) on the bottom of the page, there's a link called "firmware upgrade". Click it.

      - On the next page, you can select the flash image you want to flash. be sure that it has the ".nfi" extension.
      You can't flash other images (like .img)!
      - Click on "FLASH!" and wait. It might take some time to upload and flash the image.
      - Switch the box off again, and on again. The new image should be flashed and working.
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        Experienced Board Member
        • Sep 2010
        • 1198

        Re: Dreambox Tutorials

        DIVX/AVI Playback ON DM800 Tutorial

        1. First you need to install VLC on your PC, use the latest version here

        2. Start the install of VLC but make sure you install it under the Full install option.


        3. After the VLC install has complete we need to add some extra info for this to work.

        4. Right click the VLC icon on your PC desktop and select properties. Now in the target field add this --intf wxwin --extraintf=http to the end of the line you already have. It should look like this

        "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC\vlc.exe" --intf wxwin --extraintf=http


        Apply this!

        5. Now on your PC start the VLC Player, i do this via the PC start menu. Just minimise VLC to the task bar.

        6. We now need to setup the VLC front end on you 800. To do this go to the plugins menu of your 800 and start the VLC Video Player.Then press add server. Setup as follows.

        Server Name: Server 1

        Enter VLC-Server as FQDN or IP-Address: IP-ADDRESS

        Server Address: put in your PC's IP address 192.168.1.***

        HTTP Port: 08080 Leave as is

        Movie Directory: C:/ (use any directory you like on your PC)

        DVD Device: Leave as is

        Transcode MPEG/DVD Video: YES

        Video Codec: MPEG2

        Video Bitrate: 2000

        Video Resolution: Leave as default for testing or setup to suit you tv.


        7. Press the green button to save the details you have entered.

        8. Now for testing i advise you lower and firewalls you have on your PC.

        9. Now make sure you have a divx or avi movie on your directory.

        10. Select the VLC Player plugin highlight the server you just created and press the ok button to start it. You should now see your PC's directory on the left scroll to the Movie and play.

        Settings the you can play with to achieve optimal performance are.

        Video Bitrate:

        Video Resolution:

        Overscan Correction:

        Audio Codec.
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        • EUROASTRA
          Experienced Board Member
          • Sep 2010
          • 1198

          Re: Dreambox Tutorials

          How To Download SKY UK EPG with Nabilosat Black Hole images

          Nabilosat Black Hole images for DM7025, DM800 and DM8000 include an exclusive feature: download the weekly SKY UK EPG via satellite, and have it integrated to Enigma2. This guide will briefly show how to complete the procedure.

          The EPG is downloaded from the satellite signal available from the radio channel Hip Hop, frequency 11778, symbol rate 27500. There are 2 options to zap to this channel.

          1) Edit your settings

          Open your settings with your favorite editor, and add the radio channel to any TV bouquet. This procedure will give you the option to quickly zap to Hip Hop

          2) Enable Alternative Radio mode

          Press MENU, and browse to SETUP>SYSTEM>CUSTOMIZE and set Alternative Radio mode to YES. This procedure will give you the option to zap through radio channels in radio mode, and have the full MENU active like in TV mode

          Then, press the Blue button to access to Nabilosat Blue Panel


          And press it again to open the Nabilosat E2 settings. Move the cursor to Nabilo E2 EPG, and press OK


          The Nabilo E2 EPG Settings panel will open

          Press the red button to modify settings. Here you can enable/disable the loader, select the path where to save the EPG, and select the Hip Hop radio channel. Press the red button again to save your settings. Enigma2 will be restarted.

          Once Enigma2 has restarted, go back to Nabilo E2 EPG settings, and press the yellow button. The channel list will popup. With the keys left/right set each channel to YES if you wish to download its EPG, or to NO if you wish to exclude it. Scroll up/down with the keys up/down. The Update channel feature, available through the green button, is useful when the provider completes a channels retuning. The list will be automatically updated, upon pressing the green button, and will include new channels and new frequencies.Once Enigma2 has restarted, go back to Nabilo E2 EPG settings, and press the yellow button. The channel list will popup. With the keys left/right set each channel to YES if you wish to download its EPG, or to NO if you wish to exclude it. Scroll up/down with the keys up/down. The Update channel feature, available through the green button, is useful when the provider completes a channels retuning. The list will be automatically updated, upon pressing the green button, and will include new channels and new frequencies.


          The previous steps complete the setup, and are necessary only to modify settings such the destination path or channel list.
          To download the EPG, simply zap to Hip Hop, wait for the popup window

          Wait for the countdown to be over.

          You will have updated your Sky UK Weekly EPG, and you will be able to browse through it with GraphMultiEPG, MultiEPG and the other Enigma2 EPG features.
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          • EUROASTRA
            Experienced Board Member
            • Sep 2010
            • 1198

            Re: Dreambox Tutorials

            DreamUP.2.14 Tutorial


            1. Turn off your STB from power network, and then start DreamUP.exe file.
            2. Now you have to choose COM port on which you connect your Dreambox on PC trough null modem cable.
            3. When you have setup correctly DreamUP press gumb Connect, and then connect receiver to power, you will se Progress bar, also message ok, uploading.
            4. Then you need to wait until progress bar come to the end, and until it show to you message OK, connection established, which means that you have succesiful established connection between your PC and STB.
            5. After Sucess. Connection you need to put new software in Flash memory. You can do that by pressing gumb Flash. After that you will see new window, and in it you can choose image, new software which you want to upload in your Dream.
            6. After you have choose it, and press Open, you will see new progress bar and message that new software is uploading in your Receiver.
            7. Your reciever in that time will erase old software.
            8. After that on schedule is writting of new software ( image ), and you will see message flashing.
            9. If all was succes. you will see message Flash Update Finished, result 0, then click on the gumb Ok, and exit from loader with click on Exit.
            10. Restart your receiver, and imidiatelly press Upper button on your STB, and keep finger on that button until you see Flesh Erasing.
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            • EUROASTRA
              Experienced Board Member
              • Sep 2010
              • 1198

              Re: Dreambox Tutorials

              How to config CCcam.cfg

              Okay iโ€™ll try to explain how the config works with CCcam.

              To add a user you have to put a F line in the config :

              F: user password 3 1 0 { 0:0:5 }

              user gets all our cards at max distance(hops) of 3

              He has the right to use our emu keys 1, no rights to emu keys change into 0

              He has NO AU rights 0, right for AU change into 1

              Furthermore he has the right to reshare all our cards 4 more times { 0:0:5 }
              When number is here { 0:0:1 } he can only watch himself and he has no reshare rights.

              NEVER GO ABOVE NUMBER 5!! because the distance is to far then. ( like GBOX { 5 5 })

              You can set portnumber by changing this rule :

              # SERVER LISTEN PORT: 12000
              SERVER LISTEN PORT: number you want.

              To connect to a CCcam server you have to add a C line:

              C: ip/dyndns_server port user password yes

              The yes on the end says you want to use your rights for emu keys

              To connect to a newcamd server you have to add A N line:

              N: ip/dyndns port user password deskey hops_away

              To connect to a radegast server you need to add a R line:

              R: IP/dyndns port CAID(4digits) providerID(6digits) hops_away

              To connect to a Camd3 server you have to add a L line:

              L: IP/dyndns port CAID(4digits) providerID(6digits) hops_away

              These are the basics of the config for CCcam.

              Expert setup follows

              (03-30-2007 09:39 AM)
              OK here we go, the above settings are the basics now we go further.

              With a Cccam server you are always in controll
              You decide how much your friend is going to see and how far he can reshare it

              F: user password 0 0 0 { 0:0:1 }

              Says that user gets only our local cards:0 and he only can watch it himself he has no reshare rights.
              When changing the zero into 1 user gets our local cards and all vitual cards at a max distance of 1 hop.
              If number is 2 then a max distance of 2 hops etc.
              Donโ€™t exceed number 5 because the distance is then too far away for stable picture

              In case U have 2 local cards and U only want that user get to see 1 u can do this excample:

              Card 1 = provider CDS 0100 00006A
              Card 2 = provider Premiere 1702 000000

              Now you want that user only gets to see your CDS card and not the premiere card do the following

              F: user password 3 1 0 { 0:0:5, 0100 00006A:1, 1702:0:0 }

              This user gets all cards at maximum distance of 3 hops except 1702 because he has no rights to it :0.
              He gets to reshare all our cards(local and virual) 4 times except for provider 0100 0006A because of :1.
              Say you want the user to have the right to reshare 0100 0006A 2 times further then change the :1 into 3

              So you see U decide what your friend(s) are entitled to see and how many rights they get, wants your card is set to reshare level 3 nobody but yourself can change that.

              If you have questions feel free

              In the latest versions of CCcam itโ€™s possible to control your hops you are receiving from your peers.
              Thats realy a good option now you are in control how many shares online you have.

              Heavy testing for me said that 2500 shares online is maximum.

              To control receiving hops just add { 0:0:x } at the end of the C line, where x is the number of hops you want to receive.

              So: C: dyndnds port user passwd no { 0:0:2 } only gives me shares from that peer with max count of 2.

              Important: If you dont use yes/no behind the C lines add them or:

              ( { 0:0:2 } ) make it like this otherwise it wonโ€™t work
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              • EUROASTRA
                Experienced Board Member
                • Sep 2010
                • 1198

                Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                Setting Parental Lock on your Dreambox

                How Do I Hide/Lock Bouquets On An Enigma Image?

                For this example, we will use the ***** bouquet to lock and hide.

                * Select Setup menu then Parental Lock
                * Select Parental Lock button and change pin to what you want and re-enter
                * Select Save
                * Select Service Organising
                * Select Lock/Unlock Services
                * Enter pin code
                * Select ***** bouquet then select NO to lock it

                You should have a padlock icon next to the bouquet now. You will be prompted to enter the pin when selecting this bouquet.

                If you now want to hide the bouquet from the list...

                Setup > Parental Lock > Hide Locked Bouquets > Save

                How Do I Lock A Single Channels On An Enigma Image?

                * Select Setup menu then Parental Lock
                * Select Parental Lock button and change pin to what you want and re-enter
                * Select Save
                * Exit menus
                * Press OK then RED (All Services)
                * Scroll to channel you want to lock
                * Press MENU
                * Select Lock

                Now even if the box is rebooted that channel will always be locked.

                If the box is rebooted on a locked channel, it will ask for the unlock code on bootup.

                How Do I Unlock A Single Channels On An Enigma Image?

                * Press OK then RED (All Services)
                * Scroll to channel you want to unlock
                * Press MENU
                * Select Unlock
                * Enter Unlock Code

                Good Luck!
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                • EUROASTRA
                  Experienced Board Member
                  • Sep 2010
                  • 1198

                  Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                  Dm500_Dm7020 Original & Copy-Clone

                  HTML Code:
                  Illustrated manual which explains in detail how to recognise a DreamBox Origianale by a Copy.
                  Attached Files
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                  • EUROASTRA
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Sep 2010
                    • 1198

                    Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                    Dm500s tuner scheme
                    Attached Files
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                    • EUROASTRA
                      Experienced Board Member
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 1198

                      Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                      Auto reboot dreambox

                      First way:

                      just run the command

                      crontab -e

                      add this line:

                      0 0 * * * root reboot

                      this will reboot your box every day at 24h

                      Short explanation:

                      minute / hour / day / month / dayofweek / command
                      0 / 0 / * / * / * / root reboot

                      Second way:

                      Add as file reboot_timer.sh in map /var/script (chmod 755!!)



                      while true
                      DateSTR=`date +%H%M%S`
                      #echo "$DateSTR"
                      if [ "$DateSTR" -ge "$strHour$strMin"00 ] && [ "$DateSTR" -le "$strHour$strMin"10 ]; then
                      echo "its time to reboot"
                      #shutdown -r now
                      exit 0
                      #echo "do sleeping"
                      sleep 8

                      Add as inadyn_script.sh in map /var/script/

                      /var/script/reboot_timer.sh &

                      test -f $DAEMON || exit 0

                      set -e

                      Reboot the dreambox and it should now auto reboot every night at 04 00
                      Attached Files
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                      • EUROASTRA
                        Experienced Board Member
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 1198

                        Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                        How To: Create Your Own Skin Manually

                        * This is an how to create your skin manually...

                        * Read Info How to create a skin inside file..!!!

                        Attached Files
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                        • EUROASTRA
                          Experienced Board Member
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 1198

                          Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                          Record From DM500 To Nas Drive Or Linksys Router
                          Attached Files
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                          • EUROASTRA
                            Experienced Board Member
                            • Sep 2010
                            • 1198

                            Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                            Sundtek usb DVB-T/C Installation on a Dreambox


                            You need to connect to your dreambox, this can either be done using telnet or DCC 1.20

                            following use cases have been reported to be successful:

                            internal tuner / external usb tuner
                            HD capture int. / SD watching USB
                            SD capture int. / HD watching USB
                            SD capture int. / SD watching USB

                            1. connect to the dreambox

                            2. go to tools - telnet, change to the tmp directory and download following file

                            run following commands in the telnet window:

                            HTML Code:
                            cd /tmp
                            wget http://www.sundtek.de/media/sundtek_installer_development.sh
                            chmod 755 sundtek_installer_development.sh
                            run the installer with following command

                            HTML Code:
                            you'll be asked if you accept this installation (don't worry nothing bad can happen)

                            afterwards you can choose an option which mode should be used, change to the startscripts with following command:

                            HTML Code:
                            cd /usr/script
                            he command ls will show up the available files in the corresponding directory

                            if you want to set up DVB-C to be started automatically:

                            HTML Code:
                            for using the DVB-T mode automatically whenever you reboot the dreambox:
                            HTML Code:
                            after this reboot your dreambox and your dreambox converts to a dualtuner settopbox ...
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                            • EUROASTRA
                              Experienced Board Member
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 1198

                              Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                              How to enable DVR mode in any image and have a true video key

                              Hi all,
                              right first of all you need to ftp the file called rcdm5***.xml
                              from /share/tuxbox/enigma/resources to your pc.

                              Then you need to edit it and delete any line that has the words

                              key="help" flags="m" />

                              at the end of it.

                              Then you also need to edit these 2 lines


                              <action name="toggleDVRFunctions" key="video" flags="m" />
                              <action name="toggleStyle" key="video" flags="m" />


                              <action name="toggleDVRFunctions" key="help" flags="m" />
                              <action name="toggleStyle" key="help" flags="m" />

                              then save the file.

                              FTP the file to /var/tuxbox/config/enigma/resources folder
                              set attributes to 755

                              Reboot the dreambox and you now have a fully functioning video key (the help key) able to bring
                              up the dvr panel whilst watching a channel and to
                              change the list view whilst in a bouquet/provider/satellite list.
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                              • EUROASTRA
                                Experienced Board Member
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 1198

                                Re: Dreambox Tutorials

                                How To Setup 2 Dreambox For Cardsharing In Lan Or Wan

                                This guide its to help newbies to setup 2 boxes for Card Sharing in
                                Lan or Wan.

                                You need :

                                2 dreamboxes ( of course)network conected
                                1 Network cable

                                a) If you connect the 2 boxes direct you need a cross network cable
                                if you connect the to boxes in a hub with other network devices then you need straigth network cable
                                (both of them easy to find in computer stores)
                                ************************************************** ********
                                Network setup:
                                Go in dreambox setup-expert setup-network settings and put ip address (something like this)
                                dreambox1 : ip
                                gateway (ip address of the router)
                                DNS (ip address of the router)
                                If you dont have Internet connection leave Gateway and DNS blanc

                                dreambox2 : ip
                                gateway (ip address of the router)
                                DNS (ip address of the router)
                                If you dont have Internet connection leave Gateway and DNS blanc

                                Check the enable Networking chekbox

                                If you have a PC thats connect to internet (dialup or adsl) then you can put the pc's ip
                                as Gateway and DNS server in both boxes to give them internet access

                                If you have a router for the internet the ip of the 2 boxes MUST be in same
                                network as your router.
                                If the router's Ip address is then your boxes ips MUST be and
                                If your router's IP address is then your boxes MUST be and

                                Now your boxes are connected... and with internet access (if its present)
                                ************************************************** ********
                                EMU and CardSharing How to:

                                Install in your boxes one of new images.
                                I prefer PLi Diamod as gives you the choise to have separate server and client EMU.
                                In this example we will use as cardserver EMU the NewCS and as client EMU Newcamd
                                So download and install in the boxes the 2 EMUS (NewCS and Newcamd). If only 1 dreambox
                                it will act as a server then in the second one you dont need to install NewCS, only NEwcamd

                                Now we have to to configure the files for the sharing
                                ************************************************** ********
                                Server configuration of the file Newcs.xml (/var/tuxbox/config)
                                (in the supplied zip there is a Newcs.xml file for this example)

                                Open the file with a plain text editor (i use UltraEdit)

                                Find the section <debug>
                                and then <udp_host></udp_host>
                                Here you put your server box ip

                                Then find <udp_port>10000</udp_port>
                                Here you put servers port

                                Find the section <newcamdserver>
                                and then the <name>testserver</name>
                                Here you put the name of your server (testserver)
                                Then find <deskey>01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14</deskey>
                                Here you put a login key for your users in this format
                                Then find
                                and put user name and password for your users
                                ************************************************** ******************************

                                Server and client configuration of file Newcamd.conf (/var/tuxbox/config/newcamd)

                                (in the supplied zip there is a Newcamd.conf file for this example)
                                Open the file with a plain text editor

                                Find the line:

                                CWS = 10000 username1 userpas1 01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 lan testserver

                                Line parts in plain English
                                1) --- ip address of the server (dreambox acting as server)
                                (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
                                2)10000 --- port of the server (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
                                3)username1 userpas1 --- username and pass of the client (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
                                4)01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 --- access code (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
                                5)lan -- leave this as lan
                                6)cardserv - name of the cardsharing server (the same as the one defined on newcs.xlm)
                                ************************************************** ******************************

                                Entrys in newcs.xml must be the same in the newcamd.conf
                                (ip addresses-servername-username-password-deskey)
                                All this is case sensitive (username it is not the same with UserName)

                                After saving transer the 2 files in your Dreambox and restart your boxes...
                                In lan setups this is ready to work
                                In wan setups you need a router or a dreambox plugin with DynamicDNS capabilities
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                                Problems and questions in PM! I'll not answer!

