hey everybody
today we'll talk about using a dreambox and pc network card sharing internet connexion
you'll need a cross cable
after go to my computer >> favorite network >> Show networks connexions
select your active connexion >> properties >> Advenced
then you select allow others users to be connected via internet connexion and allow others network users to controle or desactivate shared internet connexion
then press OK
after that you go to your local ethernet connexion >> properties >> doble clik on internet protocole
then select 2nd option : use following ip address:
ip address :
network mask:
default bridge:
favorite DNS server: and press OK
now go to your box Menu >> Setup >> Expert Setup >> Communication Setup
then un-check DHCP:
Ip address : don't touch it
netmask :
and check enable network
port 80 and you save
while connecting the cross cable on your ethernet newtwork card slot you'll see the dreambox connexion icon near to the windows clock
finally choose you ccam emu active it and enjoy!
Re-shared /personal writ
today we'll talk about using a dreambox and pc network card sharing internet connexion
you'll need a cross cable
after go to my computer >> favorite network >> Show networks connexions
select your active connexion >> properties >> Advenced
then you select allow others users to be connected via internet connexion and allow others network users to controle or desactivate shared internet connexion
then press OK
after that you go to your local ethernet connexion >> properties >> doble clik on internet protocole
then select 2nd option : use following ip address:
ip address :
network mask:
default bridge:
favorite DNS server: and press OK
now go to your box Menu >> Setup >> Expert Setup >> Communication Setup
then un-check DHCP:
Ip address : don't touch it
netmask :
and check enable network
port 80 and you save
while connecting the cross cable on your ethernet newtwork card slot you'll see the dreambox connexion icon near to the windows clock
finally choose you ccam emu active it and enjoy!
Re-shared /personal writ