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  • gregorii
    Premium Member
    • Jun 2010
    • 951


    In the 0.9 is now / media / hdd ignored (other devices such as / media / usb or / media / cf but not there, you have to continue the nfi file in the root since there is no place to be searched directories).

    After the people again and again Schauff also take pictures to flash in the mount is not because the hardddisk could happen when you copy the files to nfi / media / hdd (and since it does not fit into the flash file that is then incomplete).

    Therefore, as proposed only / hdd / backup / backup and NFI / MB_Images (which may point to / media / hdd / MB_Images or / media / ba / MB_Images, ..) and nfi location accepted on the hard disk.

    And French is now attending.
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  • dallmojah
    • Jan 2010
    • 78

    Re: enigma2-plugin-extensions-d-flash_0.9


    what I have in the WebIF 0:14 left inside is practically the same as the plugin does on TV - Select Image & flashing :-)
    I told you the version 0.14 is now just up loaded, the code for the problematic cases is still inside, not only commented out. I always prefer, we can sometimes only what works and I have less work :-)
    Only someone with a 7025 which an OE 1.6 on it flashes, it would have to test if the plugin works then (for OE 1.6 is the support 7025 still inside, only to OE 1.5, he got kicked out)
    Lire phonétiquement
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