Enigma 2. hacksatv9 key-down dm800/8000
dm800 de ntv spora bakmak hacksat key ile mümkün dosyayi indirin winrar ile
cikartin ve usr/script icine atin chomod 755 yapin bukadar cikin ve
kumandadan blue panele girip file manager den usr script kısmından hacksat
key **********i seçin yeşil dügmeyle kurun ve iyi izlemeler
Download the file with winrar
unplug and / usr /script
you so read the script into the 755 Exit and Discard chomod
Enter the file manager part of the script etc from the panel controller blue Hacksat
Please select the green button and a good monitoring key **********
dm800 de ntv spora bakmak hacksat key ile mümkün dosyayi indirin winrar ile
cikartin ve usr/script icine atin chomod 755 yapin bukadar cikin ve
kumandadan blue panele girip file manager den usr script kısmından hacksat
key **********i seçin yeşil dügmeyle kurun ve iyi izlemeler
Download the file with winrar
unplug and / usr /script
you so read the script into the 755 Exit and Discard chomod
Enter the file manager part of the script etc from the panel controller blue Hacksat
Please select the green button and a good monitoring key **********