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Dreambox keys by Serjoga

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  • 0811974

    Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

    ADD: CanalSat (Astra19°E) Viaccess

    works MTV Rock 11739 V 27500 please tested other channel's
    Private Spice 13.0°E CCW's

    Telespazio Hungaria 4W July
    Rai 13E July
    Canal Digitaal NL 19.2E Irdeto DOWN

    works: Inter and Inter+ 4W

    Rai 13E June
    Telespazio Hungaria 4W June
    CNN Turk 42E BISS
    Turner 13E BISS
    1+1 International (4.8°E) 2nd Frequency 11766 H 27500
    AJA Contribution 36E Biss
    Pershiy Avtomobilniy 5E BISS (encrypted only F-1 )
    Intercom 3Radio and Intercom Radio42E BISS
    (Opap TV,Betorium TV) 13E BISS
    Star TV Turkey Biss (encrypted only Champions League)
    ORF and AustriaSat 19.2E CryptoWorks
    TNT Sat France (19°E) Viaccess 3.0
    Tv Globo 01 Key
    Attached Files


    • dinoel
      • Dec 2010
      • 769

      Re: Dreambox SoftCam by Serjoga

      Udate all keys today

      CanalSat (Astra19°E) Viaccess

      works MTV Rock 11739 V 27500 please tested other channel'sPrivate Spice 13.0°E CCW's

      Telespazio Hungaria 4W July
      Rai 13E July
      Canal Digitaal NL 19.2E Irdeto DOWN

      works: Inter and Inter+ 4W

      Rai 13E June
      Telespazio Hungaria 4W June
      CNN Turk 42E BISS
      Turner 13E BISS
      1+1 International (4.8°E) 2nd Frequency 11766 H 27500
      AJA Contribution 36E Biss
      Pershiy Avtomobilniy 5E BISS (encrypted only F-1 )
      Intercom 3Radio and Intercom Radio42E BISS
      (Opap TV,Betorium TV) 13E BISS
      Star TV Turkey Biss (encrypted only Champions League)
      ORF and AustriaSat 19.2E CryptoWorks
      TNT Sat France (19°E) Viaccess 3.0
      Tv Globo 01 Key

      and fix other keys
      Attached Files


      • 0811974

        Re: Dreambox Keys

        Update: Telespazio Hungaria 4W August

        CanalSat (Astra19°E) Viaccess

        works MTV Rock 11739 V 27500 please tested other channel's

        Canal Digitaal NL 19.2E Irdeto DOWN

        works: Inter and Inter+ 4W

        Telespazio Hungaria 4W July
        Rai 13E July
        CNN Turk 42E BISS
        Turner 13E BISS
        1+1 International (4.8°E) 2nd Frequency 11766 H 27500
        AJA Contribution 36E Biss
        Pershiy Avtomobilniy 5E BISS (encrypted only F-1 )
        Intercom 3Radio and Intercom Radio42E BISS
        (Opap TV,Betorium TV) 13E BISS
        Star TV Turkey Biss (encrypted only Champions League)
        ORF and AustriaSat 19.2E CryptoWorks
        TNT Sat France (19°E) Viaccess 3.0
        Tv Globo 01 Key
        Attached Files


        • starcomday
          • Jun 2011
          • 594

          Latest Softcam Keys for Dreambox _06.08.2011

          pdate: Rai 13E September
          New PID for STS+7 and Home+7 BISS 90E

          ADD: RTVI 13E CCW's
          UNity Media (German Cable)
          Privat Spice CCW,S 13E

          CanalSat (Astra19°E) Viaccess


          works MTV Rock 11739 V 27500 please tested other channel's

          Again DOWN: Canal Digitaal NL 19.2E Irdeto
          works: Inter and Inter+ 4W

          Rai 13E August
          Telespazio Hungaria 4W August
          CNN Turk 42E BISS
          Turner 13E BISS
          1+1 International (4.8°E) 2nd Frequency 11766 H 27500
          AJA Contribution 36E Biss
          Pershiy Avtomobilniy 5E BISS (encrypted only F-1 )
          Intercom 3Radio and Intercom Radio42E BISS
          (Opap TV,Betorium TV) 13E BISS
          Star TV Turkey Biss (encrypted only Champions League)
          ORF and AustriaSat 19.2E CryptoWorks
          TNT Sat France (19°E) Viaccess 3.0 DOWN
          Tv Globo 01 Key

          and fix other keys
          Attached Files


          • arsamj1981
            • Sep 2010
            • 799

            Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

            ADD: STUD-RYD 8°W BISS
            2+2 5E BISS encrypted only football time
            Update: Telespazio Hungaria 4W September
            Rai 13E September
            New PID for STS+7 and Home+7 BISS 90E
            CanalSat (Astra19°E) Viaccess
            works: Inter and Inter+ 4W
            Ukraina SD Astra 4.8E BISS
            UNity Media (German Cable)
            Rai 13E August
            Tamil Box Office 76.5E & 83E BISS
            Star World Middle 52.5E
            Libya Satellite Channel 8W BISS
            FX Middle 52.5E BISS
            Telespazio Hungaria 4W August
            1+1 International (4.8°E) 2nd Frequency 11766 H 27500
            Pershiy Avtomobilniy 5E BISS (encrypted only F-1 )
            ORF and AustriaSat 19.2E CryptoWorks
            TNT Sat France (19°E) Viaccess 3.0
            Tv Globo 01 Key
            Attached Files


            • badboy20

              Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

              Dreambox Softcam ALL 15.09.2011

              Attached Files


              • aldms
                Senior Member
                • Jun 2011
                • 134

                Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                ADD: Daring!TV 13E

                Novgorod TV 11W
                JMC Test 1 7W
                ITALY Service 9E
                First Ukraina 31.5E
                Attached Files


                • aldms
                  Senior Member
                  • Jun 2011
                  • 134

                  Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                  Update: Zee Tv 13E
                  Canal Digitaal NL 19.2E
                  Bulsat 39E
                  ADD: Novgorod TV 11W
                  JMC Test 1 7W
                  ITALY Service 9E
                  First Ukraina 31.5E
                  Rai 13E November
                  Telespazio Hungaria 4W November
                  CanalSat (Astra19°E)
                  Attached Files


                  • VBATISTA
                    Experienced Board Member
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 1241

                    Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                    Dreambox SoftCam by Serjoga 13-11-2011

                    Latest DiabloKeys Upd@te 13.11.2011 - Harmonic (13°E)[CCW] XDream Frenchlover TV, FreeX Tv - Canal Digitaal NL (19.2°E) - Bulsatcom / Polaris (39°E) next - Rai (13°E)[Seca](Fausto) next - [Biss] updated Fox Life Greece (12.5W) - Telespazio Hungary (4°W)[Seca](Fausto) next - Teleclub (Swiss cable)[N]
                    Attached Files
                    citrate sildenafil naturel yahoo www.viagrasansordonnancefr.com


                    • aberdojde
                      Experienced Board Member
                      • Jun 2011
                      • 886

                      Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                      Dreambox SoftCam by Serjoga 08-12-2011
                      Attached Files
                      For thanks use button sigpic


                      • aldms
                        Senior Member
                        • Jun 2011
                        • 134

                        Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                        Dreambox SoftCam by Serjoga
                        Attached Files


                        • ferna44

                          Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                          ADD: FreeX_TV, French Lover TV/xDream 13E CCW's
                          Disney +7 80°E C band BISS
                          Arq enc 9 7°E BISS

                          Update: Orbit's Package 3°E BISS

                          CNL 19.2°E
                          Bulsat 39°E

                          Rai June 13°E

                          Rai 13°E May
                          Home +7, STS +7, Peretz +7 90°E C band BISS
                          Digea Greece Channels 3.0°E BISS
                          NBA TV 10°E BISS
                          Chelsea TV 10°E BISS
                          Premier League HD 10°E BISS
                          CanalSat 19.2°E Viaccess
                          AustriaSat and ORF 19.2°E CryptoWorks
                          TNT Sat France 19.2°E Viaccess
                          TV GLOBO 13°E

                          and fix other keys


                          • ferna44

                            Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                            ADD: XTSY 13°E CCW's

                            RTVI package 13E CCW's

                            ÑÒÑ, CTC +2, HOME, HOME +2, Peretz, Peretz +2 85E BISS

                            Update: Orbit Package 3E BISS (Al Safwa, Cinema 2, Music Now, Fann)


                            • ferna44

                              Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                              ADD: Al Jazeera Service 4,5,6 3.0°E BISS


                              • ferna44

                                Re: Dreambox keys by Serjoga

                                Update: C NL 19.2°E
                                STS-4, Home-4, Home-7R 85°E BISS
                                Orbit Package 3°E BISS
                                Orbit Line 53°E BISS

