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DM 500S Clone

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  • moud
    • Dec 2010
    • 8

    Re: DM 500S Clone

    Exclusive New Nemesis 4.4 Skin Black L2_CCcam2.2.1 and Web-X-TV

    I present today Isaddarsourp Nemesis 4.4.8 edition, and a great picture Ausis 4.4 This version includes speed and stability, and added a number of functions, and many Alpluzhnat course, without prejudice to the var area and change the original Black knife Black knife die L2 KGD photos with Spanish Nemesiss the addition of the clock converter Analogique Nabilosat to Nemesiss Skiyn is very cool also corrected online using VLC Zapstream browser and Web-X-TV set the proper functioning of the Web interface, remote control

    And down when the number of requests made by members of the community and set up three pictures of each of them mixed CCcam2.2.1 CCcam2.1.4 ii MGcamd1.35 's speed and a rocket in Aharinj more changes for us, God willing

    Amendments and additions to the most recent image :

    Correction seen through the browser

    1 - Zapstream VLC and Web-X-TV Fixed

    2 - Remote control Web interface Fixed

    3 - Copy of a great boot and you can change them through Blegn easylogo

    4 - Add the French language in addition to Arabic and English with the ability to download any language from the server's

    5 - Merge new file to download extra plugins

    6 - another key to the integration of all packages of the most important

    Code PHP:
    TV Globo International (13.0 ° E) 11.585VS / R twenty-seven thousand five hundred FEC 3 / 4
    Canal + NL (19.2 * E) ID 006A [MOSC SECA]
    AustriaSat / ORF (19.2E Cryptoworks)
    FTC FR Astra 19.2 ° E ident 0085 key 0D [SECA MOSC] January 2011 Key 0D
    Bulsat (Helas Sat, 39 ° E) Irdeto 2, ID 0604 MGcamd1.35a peatch

    7 - Ecminfo information has been incorporated into the knife and run automatically

    8 - CCcam 2.2.1 and merge CCcaminfo V1.1 in the raw image away from the area Var

    9 - Merge plugin Mgcamd info to know the status of a connection server in the raw image away from the Var area exclusively

    10 - Merge plugin Crypt info in the raw image away from the area Var

    11 - Merge plugin Signal Quality in the raw image away from the area Var

    12 - CCcam 2.1.4 and merge CCcaminfo V1.1 in the second picture crude away from the area Var

    13 - merge in the third picture MGcamd1.35 crude away from the area Var

    14 - change the original Black matrix knife knife Black L2 KGD image of the Spanish Nemesiss with the addition of the converter clock analogique Nabilosat to Nemesiss Skiyn is very cool

    15 - Merge plugin Nagrab in raw image space away from the Var

    16 - Merge plugin Teletex and correct the work in the raw image away from the Var area exclusively

    17 - Merge plugin Hacker Sat Keys in the raw image away from the area Var

    18 - Merge plugin Ecminfo in raw image space away from the Var

    19 - Merge plugin NEW Found Cleaner in the raw image away from the area Var

    20 - start a new file satellites.xml updated with the correct names also SATELLITES

    21 - file is modified by time zones Timezone by simply the most important countries to gain more space

    22 - add a property of the PVR-line registration

    23 - change the look of the menus through the HELP button

    24 - this is where he became Karnel Fast Earning

    The remaining space Var 83%

    Note :

    This image can be passed by Flashwisard or DreamUP

    Now it's the image :



    • mehdi1981
      • Aug 2010
      • 742

      Re: DM 500S Clone

      Gemini 4.70 DM500 Maxvar CCcam 2.1.4 via 2.6 vali II Turkish



      • mehdi1981
        • Aug 2010
        • 742

        Re: DM 500S Clone

        image (Pli @ Jade-OPENPLI) wonderful additions-BISTV-TNT-DM500
        have demanded changes to a serious image Play PLI_JAD dependent
        On OPENPLI
        The most stability and the most rapid and most widely used.
        Without prolonging go directly to the most important amendments
        - Change Logos are great for owners of a 16:9 screen
        - Change the knife: a 01 - knife Black Aero
        Image 02 - knife Xline
        With some modifications and final touches on the knife has become even more beautiful
        *- Merge the new emo 2.2.1 cccam fast out of the var
        *- Merge mgcamd 1.35a emo out of the var
        *- Merge Albloginat following in the heart of the image cccam info - hacksat key
        ecminfo. Are built far from the var
        *- Modified on-line to become nice and clear
        *- Add Arabic language to become the three languages built
        (English, French, Arabic)
        *- File is a consolidation of new satellites, the last frequency has a satellite mission.
        *- Have been keys to a new file merge its latest blades so as not to tire yourself
        Search for codes new.
        Open channels without the involvement of

        Knife of the image 01 Black Aero

        Knife: Photo 02 Xline

        openpli1511_CCcam221_mgcamd135a_by__yassine_black_ aero

        Alaimohan: emu (blue button + confing emu green button to activate

        You can choose a language other music channels for Almtaddt languages


        • mehdi1981
          • Aug 2010
          • 742

          Re: DM 500S Clone

          GEMİNİ 4.70 NoTimeBomp DM500 CCcam 2.2.1 BARON* özel backup 11/02/2011

          KESİNLİKLE TimeBomb YOKTUR

          Backup test edilerek foruma verildi

          Forumumuz sorumluluk kabul etmez

          Yüklemeden önce yedeğinizi almanızı tavsiye ederim

          Kurulumdan sonra Cccam.cfg yedeğinizi var/etc içine atmanız yeterlidir





          BARON* ÖZEL MENÜ

          CCCAM İNFO v1.1


          HAVA DURUMU


          DT ve DS YAYIN AKIŞI




          ŞİFRE YOKTUR


          Download link1

          Download link2

          Download link3


          • moud
            • Dec 2010
            • 8

            Re: DM 500S Clone

            BOOTTLOGO FOR DM 500

            Attached Files


            • foriyu
              • Oct 2010
              • 2335

              Re: DM 500S Clone

              Spanish - KGD CCCAM 2.2.1

              The brothers knew that the Spanish team TEAM KGD-issued picture Dream Box 500s

              Version KGDTeam500_02_10 After personal experience

              The benefits of this miraculous image

              *- High velocity in open channels encoded in different

              Alaimohat MGcamd-CCcam-newc and others.

              *- image stability without cutting

              *- The operation is an excellent pilot

              *- enjoy a wide range of the image to start another Albloginat

              And the files you need. In addition to browsing the forum (with the exception of Arabic, because

              Image does not support Arabic

              Now with a new and major amendments

              01 - Inclusion of new emo CCcam 2.2.1 for the first time and before any other forum

              After much effort, so image becomes Saruch open an encrypted

              02 - minor changes to the original knife bm_kgd1

              Therefore, it is a glory.

              03 - were joined Albloginat after the Forum:

              CCcam info


              signal quality

              (All this was outside the mouse var)

              04 - change of the satellite with the new updated file to its last frequency, so the process

              Searching is very fast when Tkchwunha experiments.

              05 - combines the latest key files, and new codes for this image

              Tnt bouquet after activation emo

              In addition to other channels entv-skates and other channels

              06 - Increase the font size to be clear and wonderful

              I leave you with images to discover the miraculous image.

              logo has been lost original painting is very beautiful without fanfare

              Note: Image may be transmitted by Flashwizard or dreamup

              KGD_CCCAM_2.2.1_ .. rar


              • mehdi1981
                • Aug 2010
                • 742

                Re: DM 500S Clone

                The most beautiful picture of a more expensive forum KGD-MGCAMD1.35A .. BULSAT-DM 500

                After Dear esteemed members and dear Zoarmentdana Nahdikm today

                Wonderful picture in terms of consistency and speed of opening encrypted as well to explain

                And some important private image attachments

                * It's wonderful Spanish KGDTeam500_02_10.

                The most important changes:

                01 - hold the knife, the original image (SkinPagando) changes the color and font size.

                02 - Start a new satellite files by most modern satellite frequency. Satellite.xml

                03 - Combines mgcamd1.35a var Emo outside space

                04 - combines the following keys Albloginat Satan to update codes

                The quality of the satellite signal and to adjust it all over var

                05 - combines the key files from other codes.

                More importantly, in all this is the operation of the package

                Bulsat • 39.0 ° E
                Internet without station


                In addition to other channels

                06 - The Emo attachments cccam2.2.1 self-installation is Kesb

                07 - a very important note: the owners can cccam server applications

                Run in this picture just move the lines to

                cccamd.list object in the center of the image on the track

                var / keys, and the server works very quickly to this emo

                Now we find out a few photos for yourself the beauty of it is

                Just as the value of this work.

                KGD-SkinPagando-mgcamd1.35a.by yassine.img

                Emo cccam2.2.1 for the installation of your self-image var
                Attached Files


                • foriyu
                  • Oct 2010
                  • 2335

                  Re: DM 500S Clone

                  Lightness, stability, and high performance with a picture Pli Jad 3 VV2 b CCcam 2.2.1
                  Lightness, stability, and high performance with a picture Pli Jad 3 VV2 b CCcam 2.2.1

                  Peace, mercy and blessings of God

                  I present to you a picture today Pli Jad 3 Vip Validator 2 Brother iMehdi

                  A wonderful picture and very light and a knife is unparalleled!!

                  And has had minor modifications did not affect the essence of which:

                  - Merge CCcam 2.2.1 away from the space var instead of the old version

                  - file update frequency satellites and a new file Satellite.xml

                  - Change the boot image with a copy of the design emulate the Boot logo for Windows 7

                  And other things left as they are no harm in it to remind you
                  Bilgin Cccam info (away from the space var)
                  - Arabic, English and French built the image with the possibility of adding any language of the server load
                  - Bilgin inadyn configuration (away from the space var)
                  - Bilgin Cryptinfo (away from the space var)
                  - Bilgin Minicat key updater to download the latest keys from the net without trouble (away from the space var)
                  - Cccam activated immediately after terracing the image on the device, just enough to add your cccam.cfg to server in the path var / etc and would operate channels
                  - Quick Find
                  - Cancel property of the MHW EPG not Althnic
                  - Turn off the automatic search feature
                  - Change the original to the knife ViP Validator 2 is to modify the knife iMEHDI
                  - Change the view of channels by pressing the button help
                  - Registration help and then clicking on the radio
                  - Delete unnecessary files and update the overall image
                  - Var-free space 84%



                  • mehdi1981
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 742

                    Re: DM 500S Clone

                    SİFTEAM 1.9.4.C-500MV NoTimeBomp DM500 CCcam 2.2.1 BARON* özel backup 14/02/2011

                    KESİNLİKLE TimeBomb YOKTUR

                    Backup test edilerek foruma verildi.

                    Forumumuz sorumluluk kabul etmez.

                    Yüklemeden önce yedeğinizi almanızı tavsiye ederim...

                    Kurulumdan sonra Cccam.cfg yedeğinizi var/etc içine atmanız yeterlidir..

                    backupda türkçe dil mevcuttur



                    BACKUP'TAN GÖRÜNTÜLER

                    SARI TUŞ EKLENTİLERİ

                    BARON* ÖZEL MENÜ
                    CCCAM İNFO v1.1,
                    DT ve DS YAYIN AKIŞI
                    GAZETE VE FORUM HABERLERİ,
                    HACKSAT KEY İNDİRİCİ
                    TOTAL FUTBOLL

                    KULLANICI ADI = root
                    ŞİFRE = sifteam

                    Download Link1

                    download Link2


                    • mehdi1981
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 742

                      Re: DM 500S Clone

                      EDG Nemesis v4.4 CCcam2.21 Max23a Wep-x-tv_By meteor

                      ** Orginal skin yerine max 23a skin kullanilmistir...

                      Special Thanks maxsimuss

                      ** Turkce ve Ingilizce diller mevcuttur...
                      ( Diger diller addons dan indirilebilir )

                      ** Yeni 2 Adet bootlogo kullanilmistir.

                      ** CCcam 2.2.1 entegredir.

                      ** CCcaminfo 1.1 entegredir.

                      ** Ecminfo entegredir.

                      ** Extra Addons entegredir.

                      ** Teletex mevcuttur.

                      ** Web-x-tv ayarlari yapilmistir.

                      ** 4 uydulu satellite xml kullanilmistir (Turksat-Hotbird-Eutelsat W3A-Astra 19.2)

                      ** Kanal listesindeyken help tusu ile kanal listesi yan yana yapilabilir.

                      ** Doluluk orani %18 dir...

                      ** Dream Up ve Flashwizard ile yuklenebilir.

                      --- Image test edilerek foruma verilmistir.
                      --- Yinede sorumluluk yukleyene aittir.

                      ** Kurulumdan once mutlaka yedeginizi alınız...

                      ** Kurulumdan sonra Cccam.cfg yedeginizi var/etc icine atmaniz,
                      LNB ayarlarinizi yapmaniz ve kanal listenizi yuklemeniz yeterlidir.



                      • mehdi1981
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 742

                        Re: DM 500S Clone

                        Evolutaion 2.7 DM500 CCcam221 Glassline/max23b
                        ** Original skin was used instead of skin GLASSLINE
                        SPECIAL THANKS MOD Raed
                        ** Original skin was used instead of skin max23b
                        SPECIAL THANKS MOD maximuss
                        ** available in English and Turkish languages ...
                        (Other languages can be downloaded addonsdan)
                        ** Image and with a computer interface, integrated Web-X-TV
                        i installed vlc dreambox with the latest computer, you can watch classic
                        ** New bootlogo used.
                        ** Radio, mp3 and scan pictures renovated.
                        ** 221 is integrated with CCcam.
                        ** CCcam info 1.1 integrated.
                        ** Ecminfo integrated.
                        Teletext ** is available.
                        ** Channel list, help button can be done side by side with the channel list.
                        ** 4 satellite used in current satellite xml (Turksat-Hotbird-Astra Eutelsat W3A-19)
                        ** Occupancy rate is 17%

                        Download Link

