1. set the DM8000 in standby
2. copy the the files (buildimage, build-nfi-image.sh, mkfs.jffs2) to /usr/bin
3. Change fileattributet to 755 on this files
To make a .nfi Image off your DM8000 to hdd
Start a telnet session against your DM8000 and write:
build-nfi-image.sh /media/hdd
Exempel Telnet window
root@dm8000pvr ~ # build-nfi-image.sh /media/hdd
dm8000pvr found
download secondstage-dm8000pvr-76.bin
create boot.jffs2
create root.jffs2
create secondstage
create dm600pvr nfi-image
nfi-image create on /media/hdd/backup_image_dm8000pvr20071007.nfi
root@dm8000pvr ~ #
Backup is finished (it takes about 10-15 minutes)
2. copy the the files (buildimage, build-nfi-image.sh, mkfs.jffs2) to /usr/bin
3. Change fileattributet to 755 on this files
To make a .nfi Image off your DM8000 to hdd
Start a telnet session against your DM8000 and write:
build-nfi-image.sh /media/hdd
Exempel Telnet window
root@dm8000pvr ~ # build-nfi-image.sh /media/hdd
dm8000pvr found
download secondstage-dm8000pvr-76.bin
create boot.jffs2
create root.jffs2
create secondstage
create dm600pvr nfi-image
nfi-image create on /media/hdd/backup_image_dm8000pvr20071007.nfi
root@dm8000pvr ~ #
Backup is finished (it takes about 10-15 minutes)