On 19/08/2011: Gemini4.70 New Skin BlackRedline Mod Marwen

New Today a new amendment on the image Gemini4.70 BlackRedline your knife, as amended by the brother Marwan God willing, you like the knife after the experience of the image. Has been prepared by the two mixed CCcam2.0.11 first and second mixed by Mgcamd1.36. The rest of the additions and greetings from your brother Marwan

-Zapstream VLC and Web-X-tv Fixed
- Change the image of quitting
- Add Arabic language along with English and French
- The rest of the languages ??you demotion of the server's
-screenshot Fixed
- CCcam 2.0.11 merge and CCcaminfo V1.1 in the first picture of crude away from the area of ??VAR
- Integration in the second picture Mgcamd1.31 crude away from the area of ??VAR
- Change the original knife knife BlackRedline Mod Marwen
- Merge Blegn Ecminfo away from the Var area
- Merge Blegn Mgcamdinfo away from the Var area
- Merge Blegn Minicat Key updater to update the blades away from the Var area
Teletext ok
- Merge Blegn Nagrab away from the Var area
- Add Property DVR for online registration
- You can change the look of the menus of channels, such as a Humax clicking on the OK button and then help
Note: You can scroll the image by Dreamup or Flashwizard
I leave you with pictures and downloads:
Gemeni4.70 New Skin BlackRedline and CCcam2.0.11 by Marwen
Gemeni4.70 New Skin BlackRedline and Mgcamd1.36 by Marwen

Exclusive image adjustment Gemini4.70 knife Alphapro on 17/8/2011

Peace you ÇÎćÇäí esteemed promise to you amending new this time on image Gemini 4.70 to become summit magnificence and missile in Alcherinj

Taalo Exhibiting amendments you made on image
* been deleted virus from image to become valid appliance counterfeit
* Change bots Lugo in very of wonder Beauty * delete knife original and the integration of a knife a new Alpha Pro * Add Arabic alongside
English and the possibility of downloading the French server is * enlarge the fonts and add a line copies beautiful to become consistent with the knife * possibility of changing the list of channels by pressing the button ok then help * activate the recording function PVR by clicking on the button help * Add file frequencies modern Hesbasat30 west to Turcsat42 east * Add Imo 2.2.1 in the heart of the image away from the Var area was activated to run automatically after loading the image * Merge Blogin CCcamInfo to follow up the case of server * Merge Blogin EcmInfo to follow up the case of server and Hops * Merge Blogin Nagrab for the registration of the Dreambox to the computer * Merge Blogin SignalQuality to see signal strength
* Merge Blajan New Faund Cleaner to remove the exclamation mark in front of the new channels
Note: Image carries a program DreamUp program Flashwezard
Var area large you can benefit from

Taalo we review some of the saccharin-shot of the image

Gemini 4.70-CCcam 2.2.1-Supervison Skin By Abdonda3if
offer you today this amendment on the image Gemini 4.70 ...
Without lengthening with images ...

Gemini 4.70-CCcam 2.2.1-Supervison Skin By Abdonda3if.rar (4.88 MB)
Gemini 470 DM500s No Time Bomb Vu+Bluenight2_By meteor
DM 500s Gemini de ilk defa Vu+ Duo skin
** Herhangibir emulator kullanilmamistir.
Kendiniz 13 adet addons un herhangi birinden
** Yeni 2 adet bootlogo kullanilmistir.
** Sadece 2. bootlogo EasyLogo ile degistirilebilir..
** Radyo ve scan logolari degistirilmistir.
** Bu image da kullanilan skin:
** BlueNight2_VU_BH1_HD
** LANGUAGES : Turkish , English
( Diger diller addons dan indirilebilir )
** No Time Bomb...
** WEB-X-TV fixed.
** Ecminfo entegredir.
** CCcam info
** Teletext
Dream up veya Flashwizard 6.3

New Today a new amendment on the image Gemini4.70 BlackRedline your knife, as amended by the brother Marwan God willing, you like the knife after the experience of the image. Has been prepared by the two mixed CCcam2.0.11 first and second mixed by Mgcamd1.36. The rest of the additions and greetings from your brother Marwan

-Zapstream VLC and Web-X-tv Fixed
- Change the image of quitting
- Add Arabic language along with English and French
- The rest of the languages ??you demotion of the server's
-screenshot Fixed
- CCcam 2.0.11 merge and CCcaminfo V1.1 in the first picture of crude away from the area of ??VAR
- Integration in the second picture Mgcamd1.31 crude away from the area of ??VAR
- Change the original knife knife BlackRedline Mod Marwen
- Merge Blegn Ecminfo away from the Var area
- Merge Blegn Mgcamdinfo away from the Var area
- Merge Blegn Minicat Key updater to update the blades away from the Var area
Teletext ok
- Merge Blegn Nagrab away from the Var area
- Add Property DVR for online registration
- You can change the look of the menus of channels, such as a Humax clicking on the OK button and then help
Note: You can scroll the image by Dreamup or Flashwizard
I leave you with pictures and downloads:
Gemeni4.70 New Skin BlackRedline and CCcam2.0.11 by Marwen
Gemeni4.70 New Skin BlackRedline and Mgcamd1.36 by Marwen

Exclusive image adjustment Gemini4.70 knife Alphapro on 17/8/2011

Peace you ÇÎćÇäí esteemed promise to you amending new this time on image Gemini 4.70 to become summit magnificence and missile in Alcherinj

Taalo Exhibiting amendments you made on image
* been deleted virus from image to become valid appliance counterfeit
* Change bots Lugo in very of wonder Beauty * delete knife original and the integration of a knife a new Alpha Pro * Add Arabic alongside
English and the possibility of downloading the French server is * enlarge the fonts and add a line copies beautiful to become consistent with the knife * possibility of changing the list of channels by pressing the button ok then help * activate the recording function PVR by clicking on the button help * Add file frequencies modern Hesbasat30 west to Turcsat42 east * Add Imo 2.2.1 in the heart of the image away from the Var area was activated to run automatically after loading the image * Merge Blogin CCcamInfo to follow up the case of server * Merge Blogin EcmInfo to follow up the case of server and Hops * Merge Blogin Nagrab for the registration of the Dreambox to the computer * Merge Blogin SignalQuality to see signal strength
* Merge Blajan New Faund Cleaner to remove the exclamation mark in front of the new channels
Note: Image carries a program DreamUp program Flashwezard
Var area large you can benefit from

Taalo we review some of the saccharin-shot of the image

offer you today this amendment on the image Gemini 4.70 ...
Without lengthening with images ...

Gemini 4.70-CCcam 2.2.1-Supervison Skin By Abdonda3if.rar (4.88 MB)
DM 500s Gemini de ilk defa Vu+ Duo skin
** Herhangibir emulator kullanilmamistir.
Kendiniz 13 adet addons un herhangi birinden
** Yeni 2 adet bootlogo kullanilmistir.
** Sadece 2. bootlogo EasyLogo ile degistirilebilir..
** Radyo ve scan logolari degistirilmistir.
** Bu image da kullanilan skin:
** BlueNight2_VU_BH1_HD
** LANGUAGES : Turkish , English
( Diger diller addons dan indirilebilir )
** No Time Bomb...
** WEB-X-TV fixed.
** Ecminfo entegredir.
** CCcam info
** Teletext
Dream up veya Flashwizard 6.3